11/5/2007 5:05:50 AM |
Does one ever reach an age of solitude by choice? |

West Harrison, NY
age: 48 online now!
I thought that after my divorce "That's it, never again...I'll die alone" then I get a new perspective in life and think I can fall in love again. I am a loner not by choice but cause of who I am. Artist's like solitude but also like sharing it with another if that makes sense.
11/5/2007 5:06:41 AM |
Does one ever reach an age of solitude by choice? |

Redwood City, CA
age: 26
It is not natural to be alone. We were created to be one part of a pair, but fear and being calloused from past experiences causes us to retreat into thinking that we should be alone. In every religion it is said that there is a destiny for us all, and that in our own destiny we are meant to be with someone else. But we continually go with free will and push destiny away to 'protect' ourselves from imagined and real hurt.
11/5/2007 5:38:26 AM |
Does one ever reach an age of solitude by choice? |

Scranton, PA
age: 41
In my last relationship, I was starving for solitude, my ex bf wanted to be by my side 24/7 and I tried in so many ways to tell him that I needed "Me Time",
Artist's like solitude.... true statement.
11/5/2007 6:35:04 AM |
Does one ever reach an age of solitude by choice? |

South Easton, MA
age: 33 online now!
I've been alone, by choice and not by choice. But after awhile the lonlieness gets to be too much. No matter how my friends I have how busy I stay there's always a void that not much can fill. I'd honestly rather have someone than be alone.
11/5/2007 7:56:02 AM |
Does one ever reach an age of solitude by choice? |

Chesapeake Beach, MD
age: 49
Cutencuddls: Solitude only equates dying if you stay in your home, draw the shades and never ever leave it again. What I was trying to say, is go out and live. Involve yourself in life. Make a list of things that you want to do before you die and go out and accomplish them. If you are having a hard time making your life a better one, then stop trying for a while and go out and make someone elses life a little better. By this I mean involve yourself with a group or organization that helps people. You will meet some very fantastic people, who have lived great lives and have many wonderful stories to tell. But, mostly you will find how humbling an experience it is to be almost brought to tears by the genuine thank yous of people that needed help in their lives. You will find this to be incredibly rewarding.
11/5/2007 8:31:42 AM |
Does one ever reach an age of solitude by choice? |

Sandy, UT
age: 49
This is a great topic! Personally, I like being alone but sometimes (like everyone else)would rather be with someone. My experience is from a long career in broadcasting and many of the women that wanted to spend time with me were interested in the attention, perks, and limelight that surrounded me in social situations. It was obvious. That's the main reason that I (like many) use a different name on the air in order to maintain a bit of anonymity when possible. Many people whom I spent time with never got far enough to learn my real name. I could tell what they were interested in. In those situations, I often looked forward to being alone. When I find someone whom I enjoy, I prefer to be with them and I try not to let my professional life into that relationship. Maybe I'm cursed by the career I'm in. There is a big difference between being alone and being lonely. I'm never without company if I choose but I find myself more often than not choosing to be alone. I'm easily entertained and entertain myself easily!
11/5/2007 10:05:14 AM |
Does one ever reach an age of solitude by choice? |

Hopewell, VA
age: 38
OK 9th... I didn't think of Solitude as being equivalent to dying. It just sounded as if in your first post you were making the connection yourself. Trust me on this, I make a difference in lives of people in need almost every day just with the profession that I have chosen. I don't sit at home all day and all night... just all night (because of kids... hehe).
As I have stated, I am quite comfortable with myself, yet long to share my life with an equal.
If anything, I would like to believe that the acquaintance of my mother's is truly marrying for love and partnership as well as companionship. I know my mother and she is quite the cynic. As for my grandmother... her and my grandfather were together for over 60 years.... kinda hard to be wanting to jump in the dating game, don't you think? And, with her health failing her, she probably won't be ready.
Thank you all for your responses. I don't believe we were put on this earth to live out our lives alone, but I do believe we need to get comfortable with ourself before we can share our lives with someone else.
11/5/2007 10:38:38 AM |
Does one ever reach an age of solitude by choice? |

Abilene, TX
age: 39 online now!
For me after a bitter seperation.....I decided to give that crap up....the first 2 years sucked but after that it was blissfull solitude and I came to be at peace......My family and friends constantly told me that they envied my freedom and lifestyle. It lasted about 8 years. Fate and a lil hotty snapped me out of it....didn't work out but, now I have found a happy medium....I am still alone....just not so isolated.