12/10/2007 12:14:36 AM |
How many of us even play games? |

Rockford, IL
age: 31
PS3 Guitar Hero III everyday online
12/16/2007 2:05:38 PM |
How many of us even play games? |

Vernon, FL
age: 49
I play video games with my son sometimes.
12/16/2007 10:12:18 PM |
How many of us even play games? |

Westville, OK
age: 36
I like video games. My favorite right now are kareoke revolution for the Gamecube and SingStar for the PS2. I have been trying to buy the CMT Country version of Kareoke Revolution but cant find it except on ebay where the price has skyrocketed.
12/17/2007 6:24:10 AM |
How many of us even play games? |

Lake City, TN
age: 60
For all you gamers on those consoles, get off and get into the real errrrrrr fantasy world of MMORPG. So much more fun and truly interactive. Got news for ya.....if you are looking to meet someone you will fall in love with or at least date, that is the place to be. Especially girls should be there....majority of players are men from young to late forties. And majority are single. I've played most all of them. Dark Ages of Camelot was my first. It's really good. Then went to World of Warcraft. The graphics last I looked were a bit better than DAOC. However, I got bored easily with it. Then on to City of Heroes. That's where I have been for three years. Love it and seldom get bored. Graphics are just as good as WOW and about the same type of play as all of them. Tried Star Wars.......sucks......Fear......a man's game.....etc etc. Go to PlayNC and check em out or just type MMORPG in search engine. It's like playing a game and being in a chat room at same time. You'll love it. Need any help or if you decide to do it, send me an email and let me know.............GOOD GAMING
12/17/2007 9:35:26 AM |
How many of us even play games? |

Westville, OK
age: 36
Really, good to know. Do you have to just buy the games then you can play online free?
12/17/2007 2:13:11 PM |
How many of us even play games? |

San Angelo, TX
age: 28
Ive been playin games forever, since I was 5. And now I moved up the ranks. I play Xbox 360 n PS3 alot. My X says I play games too much and dont hang out with her, I told her Im just doin what I love.
12/17/2007 2:15:35 PM |
How many of us even play games? |

San Angelo, TX
age: 28
No you can rent them too.
12/24/2007 2:07:18 PM |
How many of us even play games? |

Rapid City, SD
age: 32
give Guild Wars a try it like the multiplayer version of zelda and it rocks!!
theres 4 different campaigns to it. you'd love it!!!
the one thats most like zelda is Guild Wars Nightfall
its free to play online you only have to buy the game in the store and thats it, unlike world of warcraft!! 
1/4/2008 5:15:13 PM |
How many of us even play games? |

Reading, MI
age: 43
I play ragnarok and srose online there are alot of free servers to chose from.
1/5/2008 8:38:38 AM |
How many of us even play games? |

Ridgewood, NJ
age: 33
I've been playin OBLIVION on the ps3 but I wanted 2 make a point. The media thinks that children r the only ones who play games. They r only half right, the children of the 80's r the ones. We r the ones who purchase these games & play them. Another misconception is that females don't play games, I know a lot of female gamers who r better than males. Knowing these facts I always find it interesting when these idiots try 2 ban a game. 
1/6/2008 2:53:47 PM |
How many of us even play games? |

Baker, LA
age: 21
lol, sadly, and very greatly happily, i would be probably one of the biggest gamers on the face of this planet. out of 20 years of my life, i've been playing video games virtually every day for 16 of them. =^-^= games make the world go round for some.
1/16/2008 1:17:00 PM |
How many of us even play games? |

Sherman, TX
age: 22
  Lets see I play a lot of every thing i have over 5000 video games all the systems but i dont have the PS3 no point init right now all the games are coing out on the 360 well i play games all day when im not in school might be a resson why im looking for a girl online lol but yes games are my life.  
1/16/2008 6:45:53 PM |
How many of us even play games? |

Renton, WA
age: 38
Been playing MMoRPGs for years. Started with Everquest, moved to DAoC, tried WoW, Star Wars Galaxies, EQ2, Lord of the Rings Online, Guild Wars, and am now very happily playing Vanguard.
I wanted a game with a great community, that had the playability of Everquest. People may cut that game down, but it was groundbreaking in it's time, and will always be an amazing game.
Vanguard has a great community, it's an absolutely massive world, with content like none other. The game is very well balanced, the graphics are out of this world, every class is good. Yes it has a monthly subscription charge, but it's so well worth it imo.
WoW and Guild Wars were unable to keep me because of the crappy community in those 2 games. WoW has a bunch of snotty little 12 year olds that love to grief away, not to mention it has some serious replayablity issues. And graphically speaking, it's horrible, looks like a friggin cartoon.
Guild Wars, my main complaint really is the community. It's bad, really bad. I personally think you get what you pay for in most cases. Free online games tend to draw alot of bad attitudes in it.
Vanguard has simply been the best I've found for overall gameplay, while DAoC has had the absolute best PvP concept ever.
1/19/2008 10:48:40 AM |
How many of us even play games? |

Lapeer, MI
age: 20
I play video games on my spare time. Usally I play Tony Hawk, Guitar Hero, racing, shooting, wrestling or whatever I feel like. Ever since I was a kid I have loved videogames and I always will.
Take care,
1/20/2008 7:55:36 PM |
How many of us even play games? |

Northridge, CA
age: 48
I indulge myself in the word of Guild Wars, FFXI, Star Wars Galaxies (when it was decent), and Ultima Online. I was even a level 60 enchantress on good ole EQ. With real life so full of it's struggles, stress and sometimes dissapointments it is great being able to flip that button and become an armor clad warrior killing hordes of skeletons or casting your magic and changing the path of all that follow. Not to mention the thrill of killing Aliens or Preditors (AVP is also one of my favs). Stratigy games keep us alert and challanged where you have to have all bases covered. Can't wait until the new Starcraft is released. I think playing games has helped me to become a sharper individual and better at my job. and it's true it is a great for stress release. Besides, I have met many interesting people from all over the country. And for any of you out there who would like to try something a bit more daring, look into a weekend LARPing.