1/20/2008 9:01:49 PM |
How many of us even play games? |

age: 34
I can understand the Op when he says he plays just one. Socom, I know of others in Ireland who actually just stick to socom and socom alone. That is a passion in its own right. Me, on the other hand, never stops gaming. Ps2, ps3 wii, xbox, x360 I love them all so much, i could eat them!!!
[Edited 1/20/2008 9:03:31 PM]
1/27/2008 4:13:28 AM |
How many of us even play games? |

Payne, OH
age: 41
The only game I had a hard time playing was Hitman. I'd get to giggling so much as I was creeping up to take out a target I'd end up having to set the controller down and waiting until I was done. Then I'd start giggling again. Yep, I play.
2/4/2008 10:51:15 PM |
How many of us even play games? |

age: 30
Me? been playing since the days of the Atari, but my favourite all times games would have to be the Metal Gear Solid series, the C&C's, S.T.A.L.K.E.R, Bioshock........and basically any and all RPG's I can get my hands on, and just to show my age.....River Raid 
2/5/2008 2:30:59 PM |
How many of us even play games? |

White Hall, AR
age: 18
I play Xbox 360, PS2, and computer games. I've gotten carpltunnle from all the years i've played... I play Call of Duty 2&4, RockBand on the 360, Guitar hero 2&3 on PS2 along with final fantasy 12, Metal Gear Solid (The whole series), Splinter Cell (all)... I'm a game wh*re.. You set a game in front of me, i'll play day in and day out. On the computer I play Final Fantasy XI (also 360). This is all I do.. I get up go to work, come home play games, I have nothing better to do.  
2/5/2008 6:41:23 PM |
How many of us even play games? |

Mobile, AL
age: 31
I play alot of games on mt 360 mainly right now Assassins Creed and Mass Effect. On computer im a HUGE MMO fan, play daoc <2 accts> EQ2, Guild Wars, played WoW a bit but lost interest. Want to check out Vanguard but havent gotten around to it yet
2/7/2008 11:27:48 AM |
How many of us even play games? |

Brantford, ON
age: 42
Half Life Episode 2 or any of the Splinter Cell games for the Xbox360. I've gotta have a good story as well as good action. Anyone remember Max Payne for the PC?
2/12/2008 12:17:46 AM |
How many of us even play games? |

Calgary, AB
age: 42
Had a ps2 for a while, am totally in love with gran tourismo 4 the nurbergring, and I also love Fatal Frame Crimson Butterfly ..
But Im a PC gamer from DOOM days gone by.. Unreal, Rainbow 6, rogue spear, opperation flashpoint.. Sub games, more recently, silent service 4 is pretty hot on my laptop-
also just got Hidden and Dangerous to boot up - furking Vista realllllllly sucks for gaming.
funy tho, Need 4 speed high stakes runs great on this thing, never worked very well on the 500 mhz.. but no real wet-look.. I have the goddamned Intel 945 chipset in this thing. Open GL seems to be cool, but is weird what will and wont work...
So like the old 500 mhz still stands in the corner, becuz flashpoint will not run on this ..
2/15/2008 11:56:14 AM |
How many of us even play games? |

Stoughton, MA
age: 40
Feel honored lol, this is my first post here!! I play SOCOM and a couple of others such as COD4. I've been involved with socom hardcore for almost 5 years. Was a member of the greatest clan in the game known as Liquid Zero. My in game name was Hell for the longest time. Now I'm known as -Bruticus- in socom and x-Bruticus-x in COD4. Hit me up sometime online if ya want. LiQ as we were known were led by my friend from Chicago called Hexum. We even defeated a team from Zipper/Sony who made the damn game lol. Sadly we all kind of went different ways after socom 2, but still play on occasion COD4 on the Xbox 360. I chose the PS3 and don't see anyone any more, but we may get back together for Confrontation. I have won digital cameras, ps2, and some money in the past playing socom in tournaments. My brother Raptor has ran the longest running clan in socom called epidemic. I also play NBA and madden from time to time and love the GTA series because of the open environment. I guess in the gaming aspect I have never grown up lol, I'm like 39 and still play a few times a week online lol. 
5/6/2008 8:57:19 PM |
How many of us even play games? |

Ridgewood, NJ
age: 33
Everything goes full circle. The retro comics of the 80's that we loved so much r box office hits that r rescueing Holly Wood. Now the film industry is once again feeding off of r pulp culture & makeing video game movies. & u know video game movies are all crap. My point is the gameing industry has been leading the film industry for the last few years. That means that now gameing is huge.
5/7/2008 7:18:53 PM |
How many of us even play games? |

Grandview, WA
age: 34
i don't play games, i play video games.
gta4, cod4 is THE SHIT! any game i can shoot my way out of.
6/13/2008 5:18:38 AM |
How many of us even play games? |

Charlotte, NC
age: 32
well im set with the RPGs,but COD series,BF2MC FOR THE PS2,BACICLY any shooter if i can carry an assult rifle it 4 me.....better not miss if you shoot at me cause i dont    
6/13/2008 10:43:25 AM |
How many of us even play games? |

New York, NY
age: 25
I mostly play RPG's,(started with Legend of Zelda) but I also throw in some RTS fun on the old PC whenever a particularly good one comes out. And I play lots of HALO 3 and other FPS's online as a means of keeping up with friends that are now scattered across the country. (reach out and shoot someone )
6/22/2008 9:35:39 PM |
How many of us even play games? |

Sheboygan, WI
age: 26
I LOVE playing video games~ right now i am playing condemned 2: BloodShot. It is one crazy game. 
6/24/2008 12:56:24 AM |
How many of us even play games? |

Selah, WA
age: 44
Been a gamer since the gamer was invented.I have always kept up with the newest techno whether console or comp.Tough to remember all the games I pwned or just played.It's been a long ride if ya know what I mean at my age.I have been waiting my entire life for the games and tech to start giving us the gameplay and graghics that is today's gamers reality.It is what I was imagining over 30 years ago.And Yeah!It's finally hear now.WooT!
I prefer fps shooters.Owned and played most for the comp regularly and online gaming is the best with a good broadband connection.
These day's since I waited and bought the 60GB PS3 I have completely dropped my high end comp gaming machine and seem to be exclusively online with the PS3.I will typically run through the single player mode to experience the story line first but I buy the game only if I know the online gameplay will be the reason for the purchase such as COD4,MGS4,ect,ect...
Games are an excellent release from reality which is great for stress relief.But if you want a life,don't make them your life.I enjoy gaming to no end...pretty much daily.But I know what is most important and thats a great woman by your side keeping you company and living life outside the game.
I game in my spare time.Alway's got spare time it seems...yeah!But you have to be there for your woman 1st!Lets see...would you rather play the game or rather play with her stuff.
I prefer to play with her because it's a much bigger rush.And more satisfying.
I'm a gamer 2nd...lover 1st!