11/8/2007 8:26:56 PM |
need some advice, greatly appreciated. |

Clovis, NM
age: 27
I am married to this woman. We have been married once before and it did not work out. We remarried almost 3 years ago and its the same story all over again. The only reason I tried to work things out and get remarried is because of our son. When we divorced the first time she hardly ever let me see him. I cant lose my relationship with him but I cant stay married to her. Any suggestions? Thanks.
11/8/2007 8:28:32 PM |
need some advice, greatly appreciated. |

Dallas, TX
age: 33
Get a lawyer and a divorce!
11/8/2007 8:29:57 PM |
need some advice, greatly appreciated. |

Clovis, NM
age: 27
this is looking like my only option. Thank you.
11/8/2007 8:34:25 PM |
need some advice, greatly appreciated. |

Selah, WA
age: 46
Seek legal advice on how to have the divorce papers in both of your favor. I can't see being miserable to see your son. Sorry, that this has happened to you.
Why are you on a dating website if you are married???
11/8/2007 8:35:11 PM |
need some advice, greatly appreciated. |

Annapolis, MD
age: 38
I agree with cajan! A good attorney will be able to help you maintain regular time with your son.... but don't back down! 
11/8/2007 8:57:47 PM |
need some advice, greatly appreciated. |

Saint James, MO
age: 59
You will do more damage to your son by staying in a confrontational relationship with his mother than you will by ending the marriage. Children are resiliant and will eventually figure things out. One word of advice, have your attorney insist that the consequences for denial of visitation are identical to those for failure to pay child support and are written into the order of disolution. The real threat of spending time behind bars does wonders for making absolutely certain that you will have your child when the court orders you to have him. Failure to make those provisions can cause havoc in your life if your ex-to-be decides that she wants to play games and to use your child as a pawn. It took me eight years and three judges to straighten out that one over-sight by my divorce attorney. Don't make the same mistake.
11/8/2007 9:24:02 PM |
need some advice, greatly appreciated. |

New Port Richey, FL
age: 38
Yea, you need a lawyer you have to put everything in order here1 Good luck!
11/8/2007 9:28:39 PM |
need some advice, greatly appreciated. |

Duncansville, PA
age: 42 online now!
get custody and divorce
11/9/2007 2:53:54 AM |
need some advice, greatly appreciated. |

North Las Vegas, NV
age: 29 online now!
well circumstances are very diferent for people,but do whatever make you happy....we all deserve to be happy and get the best in are lifetime...
11/9/2007 5:48:28 AM |
need some advice, greatly appreciated. |

Columbia, SC
age: 53 online now!
I was seeing a guy that did the exact same thing. When he told me he was going to remarry his ex for the relationship with his child .. I told him "the best thing you can do for your child is love their Mama" and "To work on the marriage and ask God's help". Not the reply he was expecting but his mind was made up.
But his situation is ending up like yours. He's unhappy and wants out.
Like the others have said, get a good lawyer.
11/9/2007 6:08:41 AM |
need some advice, greatly appreciated. |

Gadsden, AL
age: 56 online now!
Married my x around 4years ago,after 14years. I tried it "SOBER" this time. Lasted 10 months.Kids and I are getting along just fine. I have found that life really isn't like "Father knows best" or "My three sons".
11/9/2007 6:14:55 AM |
need some advice, greatly appreciated. |

Longmont, CO
age: 41
get a divorce, but always be there for your son - no matter what. good luck.