11/11/2007 1:03:14 PM |
lets show them some love......MY bad.................... |

Des Moines, IA
age: 57
Beach, unless you got dibs on that first post, that's my style fo sure...Channa
11/11/2007 1:18:00 PM |
lets show them some love......MY bad.................... |

Des Moines, IA
age: 57
Beach, I want some more. I don't know how to post and my stuff is too XXX for this poster post anyway but put some out here if ya have em! We don't need to fill the whole WW full just one post spot, we need eye candy too, more eye candy, less fakin' If I could just borrow tatoo man for a while, promise to bring it back without a finger print or crease on it...
[Edited 11/11/2007 1:20:45 PM]
11/11/2007 1:47:16 PM |
lets show them some love......MY bad.................... |

Sedalia, MO
age: 49
Beach your so BAD I guess thats what i like about you!!! these pictures are great ty sis for the love you showed me. some bad ass pictures thanks for sharing these. 
11/11/2007 1:56:05 PM |
lets show them some love......MY bad.................... |

Des Moines, IA
age: 57
Now I have to go find that stuff Brit put out here...emmemmmemmemmem....I hope she put some rugged stuff up, none of those hairfree oiled up ones for me. JMO Channa
11/11/2007 3:17:57 PM |
lets show them some love......MY bad.................... |

Seymour, IN
age: 62
We have threads on here for sex why is it that you sick broads always think you got to bring things everywhere to the lowest possible standards? I try to behave in a decent manner and I am always the one that is wrong.
I am sick of you beach. Haven't you run enough decent people off of here with your dirty actions? Every since you have come on here you have complained when anyone has asked you to take you dirty mind to the sex threads and you just keep trying to infect every other thread with your low life behavior.
So be sick all you want, You are the one that has been trying to make this site your way every since you have come to the forums. And you can take your others one subject mind friends to the sex threads with you.
I know of at least 25 people, who I am still in contact with, that left here because of you and your friends trying to make this just another dirty web site.
If I wanted sex I imagine I could get a hell of a lot more than you, I choose to not because I do not want any diseases and, I think a little more of my self than to give it to any Tom, D*ck or Harry that comes down the walk.
[Edited 11/11/2007 3:21:19 PM]
11/11/2007 3:48:32 PM |
lets show them some love......MY bad.................... |

Des Moines, IA
age: 57
Is this a private dance you want to do Queen or are you putting it out there for an opinion pole, because we all do have our opinions and we all do have a right to them. There is no filth in this stuff, just fun. Womyn trying to network with Womyn in what ever ways work. Some that work for you won't work for me and vice versa but there's nothing wrong with one thread of modestly racy hunks. I go where I feel comfortable and if I don't feel comfortable in your favorite spot I don't go there. I was just getting the feeling of some of you gals who don't come to the sex threads and feeling real warm about new blood to relate with but this didn't feel good at all what was coming from you publicly smashing Beach right in the face. No one wants anything like that here either, that's for damn sure! You're out of line Womyn. And that's my opinion. Channa
11/11/2007 4:40:01 PM |
lets show them some love......MY bad.................... |

Oldsmar, FL
age: 54
Queen, it is called freedom of speech, or in this case freedom of posts...
You may not agree with what these gals have to say, but our first amendment allows them to express it.......Thank God!
11/11/2007 5:42:58 PM |
lets show them some love......MY bad.................... |

Columbia, SC
age: 44
Look I did this because of the mens thread..... Its ok for them to post pics of women , and not for us.....I was just havening fun........I have never did anything to you ......never, Ive put up with all your crap, and said nothing .......You are a hypocrite Queen, you don't remember emailing me those pics of mens penises and asking me if , and what to do......
I have nothing to do with why you say the things you do tome......I don't no you or do I wish to know you........ And answer me this why do you needed to attack me, when I am doing nothing to you........ I have not said nothing to you attacked you in anyway shape or form.... Until now......I put this post here so we woman could give the men a taste of their own meds....... I do not care what or if who saids what they want to....And you say alot of people left do to me, well if you really knew who Did because of you its sad...... But I don't come on here making you sound bad.....NOw do I ......No. I haven't YOu attack everyone that doesn't believe your ways.....Im soory your alone, and have know one......I have taken care of people with mental illnesses before..... So I do know where your coming from......You in titled to you opinion thats is true, but I am not the only one out of thousands that say sexual things........Or is it that you are singling me out.....For what reason I do not know........ So say what you will.......thats your right........
I really do not care.......And thanks ladies.....It is freedom of speak..... 
11/11/2007 5:45:14 PM |
lets show them some love......MY bad.................... |

Redwood City, CA
age: 26
This wasn't a sexual thread. It was a thread for women to share their opinions and preferences. If I had a thread titled "favorite position" then you could respectfully say that you think that it should be posted in the sex and dating forum. But you came on here to bash someone you don't like. This group is for women to discus things with other women. It isn't only for womanly issues to be discussed!! Get off your high horse and look reality in the face.
Beach, I promise I'll share if I can have one of them!! LOL OK that is a COMPLETE lie, I won't share. He is mine, all mine!
11/11/2007 5:48:31 PM |
lets show them some love......MY bad.................... |

Columbia, SC
age: 44
Ok which one..... Ok i'll share........ hugs Lady
11/11/2007 6:12:05 PM |
lets show them some love......MY bad.................... |

Redwood City, CA
age: 26
I want the cowboy with the saddle! I will gladly save a horse with him!!!!
11/11/2007 6:12:34 PM |
lets show them some love......MY bad.................... |

Redwood City, CA
age: 26
Though Vin Deisel is damned hot too!!!
11/11/2007 7:58:30 PM |
lets show them some love......MY bad.................... |

North Augusta, SC
age: 50
I like #2 in the last pic .....
Is Mr. Hairy Chest spoken for yet?? 
11/11/2007 11:25:27 PM |
lets show them some love......MY bad.................... |

Columbia, SC
age: 44
Hope im sure he would help in any way he can.......LOL
11/11/2007 11:29:40 PM |
lets show them some love......MY bad.................... |

Seymour, IN
age: 62
You have attacked several times today so do not play like you are the innocent bystander. If you must post these kinds of things the least you could do is warn someone so they could at least have a choice of what they want to look at.