Hopewell, VA
age: 38
Bub... my case is being "handled" by the local DCSE (both here in VA and there in KY). Problem is, it seems since it is interstate, no one actually wants to do anything. I have called his office (in KY) and told them he was going to be in court on such and such a date, such and such courtroom, at such and such time. He worked at "this" place between 5PM and 3AM, hired through "this" temp agency. He is currently staying at this address, but still receives all mail at his mother's house (this address). Here is his cell phone number.
Know what they have told my CS office since Feb? They can't find him. They don't have any way to get ahold of him or serve him. So basically, they have ignored all info I have sent to them and then use the fact that they "can't find him" as an excuse to not do a dang thing about it.
So what now? I have already been told by my local courthouse that it is basically out of my hands because DCSE is ordered to handle the case. But, neither office seems to be doing anything about it. I can almost guarantee that if I quit my job and went on welfare, both states would quickly be able to "find" him and enforce the child support order.

Kennedy, NY
age: 65
Dont want to get accused of chatting on this thread, BUT
Is he still in the service?
I unfortunatly had this happen time and time again.
You send info to a resident state and they act like the
dead beat is a member of their family.
Maybe you should find out who supervises the out of state office and
talk to them.
I wish I had better info, As a part time Private Investigator, I have
done many such serches. But we both know that cost money.
If I can think of anything else to help you, I will let you know.
You seem to have covered all bases. GOOD LUCK

Omaha, NE
age: 55
I currenlty work for a child support enforcement government contractor.
Is your court order assigned to the state where you live? Getting an order from one state, then moving to another does make things a nightmare. States have trouble enforcing Orders that are not from their location, but it can be done.
It is true that if your ex cannot be served, things are a little more difficult. However, there is such a thing as "knock and drop" service. Ask about that...and why can't his mother sign for service? Or do you have to get personal service?
Some agencies hire part time process servers for the cases where it is difficult to get someone served. Ask about that.
Sounds like you may want to call the IRS yourself and turn him in. I sure would.