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12/8/2007 12:02:51 AM New Computer Chip ID Card= "Mark Of The Beast 666"  

Alexander, NC
age: 24

Zennow the bibles says clearly that the mark of the beast will be in the forhead or hand and thats what the computer chip is the mark of the beast.(666)Ted Kennedy is the one that came up with this ideal.Listen to the news and you will hear about the chip. If you keep up with the news you would already knew that animals had the chip to keep track of them.

12/8/2007 8:42:54 AM New Computer Chip ID Card= "Mark Of The Beast 666"  

West Bend, WI
age: 44

Hi The scripture says it will be a mark on or in your forehead or wrist right?....Now forehead might be a chip, or memory.....There is no doubt uncle Sam is watching....I do not think they can force us to take it on the card....eventhough in most states there is already a magnetic strip on the back of your drivers license. The only way I think people will go for the chip is if there is major crisis economically...Further, the mark of the beast will be of the computer....Bar codes are already makred with six six six.....On any bar like for a product you buy the first bar is a six the middle bar is a six and the last bar is a six....So the mark is here....But how will they make us take it? If you take the number 6 and add it to the alphabet like this


12/8/2007 1:51:33 PM New Computer Chip ID Card= "Mark Of The Beast 666"  

Saint James, MO
age: 88

12/8/2007 3:18:27 PM New Computer Chip ID Card= "Mark Of The Beast 666"  

Syracuse, NY
age: 51


Thank you for the sign,(co-sin-cidence?)
No mathematical genius here, love those that love the math though. They do some really neat thingies with the numbers.

Sisters and Brothers Brother Skunk
Brother Rich
Brother Last

In Peace and Love All

12/10/2007 10:47:07 PM New Computer Chip ID Card= "Mark Of The Beast 666"  

Fitchburg, MA
age: 45

Signns you may infact have something there. Scripture say's let any man who has wisdom calculate the number of the Beast(system) and His name which is 666. So the beast system is the (computer) chip inplant. And it will also identify the name of the man (beast person) antichrist who will be the one to make this law for everyone on the planet to have this computer chip implanted. If you refuse you will not be able to buy nor sell because all you money will be in this chip and they will have total control over your and your money and credit and they can deduct what ever they want from you or just simply turn your chip off leaving you with nothing and helpless. You are right about an economic collaps. They are already getting ready to make it reality. The federal reserve banking system is in total control of the world's money. The leader's of the this federal reserve system don't want our money they have all the money they need. They are the one's who print it and loan it to us and we pay interest on it when we could just print our own money and not use the federal resurve banking system which is a privet banking system having nothing to do with our federal goverment of the united state's. Many people have no idea about this. Signns your so right about how a financal collaps will give them the oppertunity to put this into effect. At this time they will also set the stage for the new world order. They don't want money they have all the money they want total control over the planet and everyone in it. This is where we will see Revelation and Daniel spring to life. One other thing which might happen and would give this beast (system) a chance to carry on there plan's would be an all out war. Yeshua said there will be war's and rumer's of war's and earth quake's in diverse place's. Nuke explosion's could cause fault line's move causing a chain reaction of earthquake's. Here is what Revelation scripture say's. Earth will be hit by two asteroid's one in the sea and one on an evil nation. Either way it's all comming. Im keeping a close eye on every thing.

12/31/2007 6:28:13 AM New Computer Chip ID Card= "Mark Of The Beast 666"  

Austin, TX
age: 51

soaring bird

this is a quote from a post you made..

because i have seen and am a faithful witness that GOD is real.

You are a LIAR!!! No man has seen GOD according to BIBLE...LIAR!!!

12/31/2007 11:43:28 AM New Computer Chip ID Card= "Mark Of The Beast 666"  

Saint James, MO
age: 88

menthol, .. easy guy, soaring didn't say that he had seen god...go back and

reread his threads...and even if he did say that, getting your shorts in a bunch and

calling him a liar is non-productive and reflects badly upon you and your


1/2/2008 11:57:28 PM New Computer Chip ID Card= "Mark Of The Beast 666"  

Austin, TX
age: 51

Yes sir he did to say he saw God!!! My shorts are not ruffled or anything close. I don't wear underware. I am AGNOSTIC but do know what it says in the BIBLE based on man seeing GOD!!! THANK YOU SIR!

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