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11/19/2007 10:35:41 PM New Computer Chip ID Card= "Mark Of The Beast 666"  

Fitchburg, MA
age: 45

Starting next year every person in the U.S.A will be required to register for a New Computer Chipped ID Card. We will not be able to buy, sell, or travel anywhere with out it. This is what the Lord told Jonh recorded in the Book Of Revelation on this matter. " Let him that has wisdom calculate the the number of the beast (our Goverment, the Composit Beast) or the number of the man's name (Meaning Your Name Who Carries This Number) and His Number ( Meaning Your Personal ID Card Number) is Six Hundred and Six Twice. This will be the First Three Number's on Your Personal ID Card #666---------. So while your all looking for some Antichrist leader to arise out of some area of the middleast or a U.S. President or Pope, We will in fact be part of that Composite Antichrist Beast System. We will be tracked by satelite GPS system's already in place as well as on the ground by camera monitor's mounted every where and recorded on a Goverment Computer that is in fact ready to be used at this time. Next time your at a stop light look on the pole near the light's. You will infact see camera's mounted there. Also just about everwhere you look, like shopping mall's, gas station's, resteraunt's ect. Don't think for one minute there put there for Home Land Security or to see who is running stop sign's. These Computer Chipped Tracking Device's will carry all your personal information from birth till now. Including Criminal, Medical, Employment, Social Security, Income, Finger Print's and Retna Scan of your Eye's, and of course your personal DNA. YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED !!!!!!!!!!!! DON'T TAKE THE MARK!!!!!

11/20/2007 8:57:09 AM New Computer Chip ID Card= "Mark Of The Beast 666"  

Seymour, IN
age: 62

The bible did not say to not take the mark it just explained that there would be a mark. People been comming up with what they thought the mark was for hundreds of years maybe even 2 thousand years.

11/20/2007 9:08:28 AM New Computer Chip ID Card= "Mark Of The Beast 666"  

Belchertown, MA
age: 58

This is only the tip of the iceberg...under the guise of terrorism, and homeland
security...we will slowly lose are rights as free citizens...once the government
takes a little, it will be more and more....Americans need to wake up we are
to complacent...always thinking let the other guy deal with it...well where are
the other guys...WAKE UP AMERICA....I'm tired!!!

11/20/2007 9:23:50 AM New Computer Chip ID Card= "Mark Of The Beast 666"  

Fitchburg, MA
age: 45

Queen i care to differ from you on what the Bible has to say as far as taking the mark of the beast. I would like people to read and study these matters as i have. The Lord want's the same thing from people to study His Living Word not just skim read. Threre is more to this mark of the beast than i have told. i just want people to understand what is happing right now on some of these matters and not to believe what i say but look what the scripture say as to be truth. if im wrong i want people to tell me so if it is in fact true im wrong on a subject i will study for the truth until i find the true answer im seeking. My faith in the Lord tell me truth. To say other wise for me is not to have the faith i have. The Lord never let me stay yet and He never will. AMEN

11/20/2007 1:41:30 PM New Computer Chip ID Card= "Mark Of The Beast 666"  

Syracuse, NY
age: 51 online now!

In His Peace and Love I post:

Often there are these warnings from modern time interpreters of what the Revelations are inferring. Quotes of this passage and of that passage..etc... Any true Christian welcomes the coming of these events Revelations informs us to. Awareness is a good thing.

Queen has a good point and we should not fear accepting the method of transactions. Would you commit suicide from starvation? Do you honestly think this is the intention of our Creator? Did not Jesus say: "Give unto Caesar what is Caesar's"? You fear the implanting of this technology as you think it is the human body that is a defamation of God's temple?
The body is not the temple, the soul is the temple and the indwelling spirit within the soul that is holy. For the body is meant to return to the earth due to the disobedience of the 2nd commandment to mankind:"From dust thou came to dust thou shall return". So, does it not make sense to you that the life force within mankind came from the breath of God return to God?

The teachings of fear are not a good thing King. There is only one type of good fear and that is to fear your Creator who grants life or death eternal. All other things He has taught us to not fear......

I am with you in Peace and Love my Brother.........

11/20/2007 2:29:49 PM New Computer Chip ID Card= "Mark Of The Beast 666"  

Monteagle, TN
age: 53


[Edited 11/20/2007 2:30:26 PM]

11/20/2007 2:30:09 PM New Computer Chip ID Card= "Mark Of The Beast 666"  

Monteagle, TN
age: 53

:"From dust thou came to dust thou shall return"

Does that actually sound like God talking to you?

11/20/2007 2:36:44 PM New Computer Chip ID Card= "Mark Of The Beast 666"  

Syracuse, NY
age: 51 online now!

Hi Brother Jewlz,

Good to meet you and better to meet/greet in the Peace and Love of our Creator.
I do believe that the intended message I typed was received by you and also understood by you. For that I am glad. Have an excellent evening in our Lord.

11/20/2007 2:58:11 PM New Computer Chip ID Card= "Mark Of The Beast 666"  

Fitchburg, MA
age: 45

Does not the scripture warn us not to take the mark of the beast neither in the right hand nor in forhead? Notice how the scripture say,s IN not ON. This will seperate men from choosing man's law's verse's God's law's. hense the sheep from the goat's.

11/21/2007 11:18:52 PM New Computer Chip ID Card= "Mark Of The Beast 666"  

Syracuse, NY
age: 51 online now!

In The Name of Peace, Love and Understanding my Brother King;

This so called mark of the beast just may refer to the actions of man's carnalism. Like the taking up of arms to wage war against the non-violent peace spreaders; and the induced brainwashings to those to wage this war against them. The foreign forces of the One World Order are building and they are not true Peace-Spreaders.
And I do not mention this act of governmental conspiracy to raise more debate yet it is not a secret either that there is a brewing of movement evolving. National Security?

I smell the gravy brewing right now, yum,yum!

11/22/2007 4:58:29 AM New Computer Chip ID Card= "Mark Of The Beast 666"  

Fitchburg, MA
age: 45

Let He that has wisdom calcutate the number of the Beast or his name. For it is the number of a man and his number is 666. We have to use the scripture's to explain how to calculate this number so we can in fact identify the Truth concerning this part of the Word of God. The Two Witness's will deliver There Message from the Lord with Holy Spirt Power to every person living before we are to make a conscience decision of fully knowing God's Command's at that time verse's satan's command's. God never does anything without warning us fully in advance. He gave the people in Noah's day 120 year advanced warning through His Phrofet Noah. The Lord said concerning the last day's it will be as in the time of Noah, when man will eat, drink, and marry up to the time the flood came and washed them all away. We don,t have to worry, but to be alert and sober for the day of the Lord drawith near. The Lord's instruction's for us will be made very clear to everyone on this earth before we will have to choose one side or the other. There will not be any inbetween the fence decision alowed. The choise will be simple. To submit and obay what the Lord will demand of us at that appointed time with Holy Spirt Power. Or to reject the Holy Spirt fully knowing it's full implication's of doing so and still reject Him. It will be made clear to every person on earth, even the simplest of mind's. It is an event to be looked upon with great joy knowing we will soon be going Home to live and rein with our Savior. Yet it will also be a time we must have endorance and paitance using our Faith until the very end no matter what we will be faced with. I am looking forward to that great puring out of the Holy Spirt upon the world. What a great time to be be alive and see the awsome Power of God with our own eye's as never before and then the grand finally to See Him comming in the cloud's of Glory with all the Angel's in Heaven. The Lord said "Fear not for I AM with you allway's, even till the end of time". Amen

11/25/2007 9:14:15 AM New Computer Chip ID Card= "Mark Of The Beast 666"  

Gardiner, ME
age: 65

My son showed me an article about this in Endtimes magazine a few days ago.

It is great that the Lord will be coming back soon, but the "no buying or selling" is a bit scarey too.

But I guess that if we refuse the card the Lord will provide for our needs without it.

It definitely will be a testing of faith.

The Bible says that in the End Times many will fall away. I guess trying to sustain the status quo might cause this for some.

11/25/2007 10:57:39 AM New Computer Chip ID Card= "Mark Of The Beast 666"  

Saint James, MO
age: 88

I , for one, am looking forward to having the convenience of an ID need to carry money or id card...just scan me and debit my account...will make getting beer at walmart much faster!

11/25/2007 12:28:24 PM New Computer Chip ID Card= "Mark Of The Beast 666"  

Syracuse, NY
age: 51 online now!

Blessings of Peace and Love My Sisters and Brothers;

Brother Skunk, Thank you for the laugh, you just healed the injury I received from that stone that hit me in the other forum. I know who hit me with it but I forgive him. But, after reading your statement of quick withdraw for beer at Walmart I had a thought that made me laugh just as hard if not harder. Here it is:

Can you imagine every participant within the organized churches so to speak having their hand or head scanned for their contribution? LOL
Quick and painless or what? Excuse me my brother but there is an overdraft here!!!

Have fun Sisters and Brothers
In the Peace and Love of our Lord and Savior

11/25/2007 1:48:27 PM New Computer Chip ID Card= "Mark Of The Beast 666"  

Fitchburg, MA
age: 45

This computer chip card is only the pathway to a much more sinister way of having total control over us. The true mark of the beast will be a visiable mark that show's your aligience to Lusifer and his one world goverment and religion when he is reliesed from the abass and take's on the form of a gloryious being and masceraids as god. You can see know how his stage is being set for his arrival. But remember God will allow it to be a fair fight for the people of the earth. On the Lord's side will be the 144,000 phrofet's proclaiming His truth to every person on earth. These phrofet's will have the power to perform mirical's at will that will be more porewful than the antichrist's faulse mirical's. Lusifer will make fire come down from the sky in full view of people as well as many other mirical's whitch God will allow him to do. This show of power's will fool even the elect if possible the scripture tell us. Yashua warn's us not even watch these counterfit sign's and wonder's. Yashua said " If someone say's the Lord is in the desert don't go there. And if they tell you he is in some secrete place believe it not. If you are where these thing's are happing leave right away. If on tv do not watch them. Do not go back for anything you own just leave and get as far away as you can. The Lord said He will supply us with what we need to survive. Just as Manna fell from Heaven for the people of Moses in the wilderness and quail fell to the ground and water gushed up from the rock Moses struck in the same way He will provide His faithful at that time. The 144,000 are the arm's and leg's of the two Witnesse's whitch are The Word of God and The Holy Spirt that will be pured out on the people of the world. There will be 12,000 from each of the orignal twelve tribe's of Israel who are now scattered in every part of the world. This is how the Lord will reach every person no matter where they live or what they believe because the Witness's will be witnessing in there paticular reagion's by there own people. They will witness with Holy Spirt power the True Word's of God and the command's God will require of us at that time. We will be instructed what to do in all matter's of Salvation and what will be required of us for that Salvation. Do not believe the rapture story myth. We will all see these thing's come to pass. It will require patience and endurance and faith of the saint's and then and only then will we be removed to meet the Lord in the air from the final seven pleagues will be pured out upon the wicked. "Have faith till the end and I will give you the crown of life" say's the Lord. Amen

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