5/13/2006 4:59:48 PM |
How Long Until You Know They Are "The One" |

So you're dating someone, how long until you know they are the one? Do you know right away? Is it a purely emotional process for you, or do you look at it from more of a 'business' perspective (i.e. being logical, weighing pros and cons)?
I suppose this is a mostly theoretical discussion as everyone here is either single, divorced, or married and shouldn't be here. Oh well 
For me, I am hoping and expecting that when I meet her I will just know. But then again when is life ever that easy?
5/13/2006 5:21:31 PM |
How Long Until You Know They Are "The One" |

I don't believe there is an answer to that one. Each relationship is different.
One of my longest lasting relationships was with a girl that was suppose to be a one night stand.
I was married to a girl that we waited a year and a half to be sure. It lasted six months.
There is no rhyme or reason just as there are no certainty in life.
Personally I think your best shot is how much effort both of you put into a relationship.
"Love is not about finding the right person but creating the right relationship, its not about on how much love you have at the beginning but how much love you can build til the end."
A old saying I completely believe in.
5/13/2006 5:59:50 PM |
How Long Until You Know They Are "The One" |

Dustin, you have an open day on the schedule, eh?
Emotional decisions of this magnitude, smack right up against logic. Which one wins out, is determined by your mind, or your heart.
It is desireable to say, "I will just know." But if you apply logic, you must weigh all, and then, doubt will ultimately creep in. Either one alone is a recipe for failure, I believe.
So we make a bad choice. Follow your heart? Or follow your logic?
The heart leads to your desires and your "find." The mind and thought process tempers your heart with logic. A conundrum in itself.
Achieve this unique balance and you may have found the answer here.
Apparent very few have.
My parents have beem married for 60+ years. One time each. I envy them, emmensly!
[Edited 5/15/2006 7:57:12 AM]
5/13/2006 6:43:47 PM |
How Long Until You Know They Are "The One" |

I run screamimg from all of them..........I am not "the one", I am "the gone." Lol
Basically it comes down to who you decide to invest in, for whatever reason. The way they smell, the way they feel, the way they think or make you laugh...the way they are not as cute as a former bf or gf but there is just SOMETHING that pulls you to that person. They challenge you and support you. They way they make you angry or annoyed.
[Edited 5/13/2006 6:44:00 PM]
5/14/2006 5:34:55 AM |
How Long Until You Know They Are "The One" |

I am with my girl Kat on this one all....
5/14/2006 8:58:20 AM |
How Long Until You Know They Are "The One" |

Lust.........thanks for the back up girl...........lol Love ya dearly, not queerly! Kat
5/15/2006 8:01:41 AM |
How Long Until You Know They Are "The One" |

You don't need to run girls!
Just roll the wagons into a circle....
Chief Krazz will light piece pipe!
Maidens smoke piece of pipe.
Maidens get nakid.
Men drink firewater and wake up next morning saying,
"Who the f*ck are you? Get out of my wigwam"
Chief Krazz-Hangover (from the book of Mating Rituals Gone Bad)
5/15/2006 9:44:37 AM |
How Long Until You Know They Are "The One" |

I think if there is a physical connection dont stop there..there has to be both physical and emotional connection and communication is a biggie...If you cant be open in your communication it will fail..Just my thoughts..
5/18/2006 3:16:39 PM |
How Long Until You Know They Are "The One" |

Sometimes you know right away. Sometimes love has to grow. Sometimes they don't really need to be "the one" in order to have a really great relationship with them. 
5/18/2006 5:03:52 PM |
How Long Until You Know They Are "The One" |

I know who the one is.....(smiles)
5/18/2006 5:27:09 PM |
How Long Until You Know They Are "The One" |

Nancy you devil you....tell us, tell us...LOL
5/18/2006 5:41:29 PM |
How Long Until You Know They Are "The One" |

Duct tapes her mouth....heheheh
[Edited 5/18/2006 5:41:42 PM]
5/18/2006 5:48:49 PM |
How Long Until You Know They Are "The One" |

Now I know what happened to my duct tape...LOL
Nancy you told on yourself...LOL
5/18/2006 5:51:34 PM |
How Long Until You Know They Are "The One" |

Darn it now everyone knows why you went to bed so early last night and ended up with a tee pee LOL
5/18/2006 5:59:01 PM |
How Long Until You Know They Are "The One" |

The sad part is I went to bed and was still able to make a tee pee all night...
I am so lonely...sigh..sigh
5/18/2006 6:13:43 PM |
How Long Until You Know They Are "The One" |

I hear ya there Chucky..frowns...
5/18/2006 6:59:32 PM |
How Long Until You Know They Are "The One" |

Give me back MY teepee!
5/25/2006 3:34:48 PM |
How Long Until You Know They Are "The One" |

chucky and nancy you are so funny with words. the way to tell the one is investigate the person personality the way he represent hm self. there has to be communication and to be friends first. sometimes u meet the person and u say oh no way but then when u get to know them and u like way he takes care of u and say oh cool!
5/25/2006 4:53:44 PM |
How Long Until You Know They Are "The One" |

I have the perfect method for me to find "the one"....suddenly flip on the spotlight and the one that doesn't scatter fast enough with the rest is the one I put in my sights and BANG! he is mine....I still have the last "one" hangin' upside down from the rafters in the garage - waitin' to be gutted........I love dating! lol Kat
[Edited 5/25/2006 6:17:26 PM]
5/27/2006 2:54:13 PM |
How Long Until You Know They Are "The One" |

So what you are saying is, you like the ones that can't run fast, trip over their own feet, or are endearingly looking like a "deer in the headlights?"
I can do the "deer thing", pretty well.
ROFL, Krazz
[Edited 5/27/2006 2:55:16 PM]
5/27/2006 2:57:57 PM |
How Long Until You Know They Are "The One" |

OMG Kat your too funny...They all seem to scatter for me...
Oh wait are we talking about men or deer...I get the deer but the men run LOL
5/27/2006 4:45:42 PM |
How Long Until You Know They Are "The One" |

<-<-<-Very Good at Running from Lights.