12/7/2007 7:48:57 PM |
Do all the ladys let themself go after 40 |

Corinth, MS
age: 44
wel I had to come back and post again .. I've seen some 70 year old men who look better then some 40 to 50 year old me ... thin athletic and jsut down right sexy for their ages .. and to top it off ask one of them thier age and you will be floored when they tell you . and By gosh they are proud of it too .. makes ya wonder doesn't it ... OMG this thread is jsut too funny ..
12/7/2007 11:55:15 PM |
Do all the ladys let themself go after 40 |

Georgetown, KY
age: 46
Not all of us women let themselves go. I for one, felt better about myself after being divorced. Loss of weight, new hairstyle. But Trying to find someone on these dating sites is hard, because the person isn't what they say or look like in their photos. I like to see who I'm talking to, or if I am attracted to them. I have seen some men on sites that look 20 years older, or look like they just woke up etc in their pictures. After all, your picture does say a 1,000 words.
12/9/2007 4:57:00 PM |
Do all the ladys let themself go after 40 |

Selah, WA
age: 46
Let's see I lost 240 lb when I got my 1st divorce and 220 lb when I got my 2nd divorce so I am doing great 
PS: X's weight
[Edited 12/9/2007 4:57:31 PM]
12/9/2007 6:06:16 PM |
Do all the ladys let themself go after 40 |

Saint James, MO
age: 46
  go girl..... 
12/9/2007 9:43:43 PM |
Do all the ladys let themself go after 40 |

Henagar, AL
age: 40
Well look at my pics hun. Does it look like *I* let myself go? I turned 40 in August and I look better now than I did in July!! Turning 40 was a wake up call for me. I had let myself gain some weight this year but have lost 26 lbs since August and have made some permanent lifestyle changes to ensure it stays off!!
12/9/2007 11:13:12 PM |
Do all the ladys let themself go after 40 |

Saint James, MO
age: 46
Yeah.....tell it like it is girl....oh and love the name....big hugs to ya...
aka Dragonflys
+ Darlene +
12/10/2007 2:36:08 AM |
Do all the ladys let themself go after 40 |

Bloomington, IL
age: 43
I agree withthe weight loss after divorce. I lost a lot of weight after the stressor was removed from my daily grind. Once life is free and breezy a girl get's to wear the skirts that are too...lol
In general I think men tend to be unmovtivated more than women.
"Men drink beer!"mentality kicks in as soon as they are old enough to pop one open and they think not of the long term effects. Nothing says double standard to a women quicker than a big ol beer belly on a guy, or at least the guys I have known with beer belly's seem to have the idea that it's perfectly acceptible. The desire to be of good health is attractive, Whenever I hear a guy ask for a gin and tonic I look over and sure enough...no beer has done that body good!
12/10/2007 4:35:24 PM |
Do all the ladys let themself go after 40 |

Millersville, PA
age: 44
Hmmm interesting ??? and I guess you haven't let yourself go and as buff as you were in high school and have 6 pack abs and your hairline isn't receding and you are just thee absolute picture of health and perfection.Thank you you are a stellar human being!!
12/10/2007 5:05:58 PM |
Do all the ladys let themself go after 40 |

Saint James, MO
age: 46
@ angels comment.... now that was funny   
12/10/2007 5:35:38 PM |
Do all the ladys let themself go after 40 |

Sumner, WA
age: 45
Nah...for me it was in my early 30's when my ex left me with the responsibility of two small children, the finishing & selling of our family home. He chose to take the road of "no responsibilities", when he took off with his "older" girlfriend (now wife).
I've spent the last several years taking care of, being involved with and preparing my kids for life in the "real" world. In addition to keeping our house and yard up, while holding down a full-time job (and being thoroughly exhausted most of the time).
Now that I'm in my 40's and my children are older and more self-sufficient...it's my turn. Now I'm trying to get myself back and actually have a life.

12/10/2007 7:56:11 PM |
Do all the ladys let themself go after 40 |

Houston, TX
age: 47
That seems to be a rather obtuse question. Does everyone ever do anything? Hmmm . . . here's my answer:
I prefer to see photos where a man is smiling so I can see if he still has his teeth.
I would prefer to see a man in a photo without a baseball cap or hat. Let me look at the hair or wear the baldness boldly.
I would prefer to see a series of photos of a man than just a single photo because men lie and post either old pics or pics of someone totally other than themselves.
I would prefer to see a full body view because many men's shoulder are still full and attractive, but what we don't see in the photo until we meet them for StarBuck's is the very full round belly they are carrying just south of those shoulders.
I would prefer to see a man in a photo with other people so I can see size relationships. I just don't understand the need for someone to lie about their height. Isn't that the first thing even us blondies will figure out? If a man lies to me about his height, I kinda figure he'll lie about everything else as well.
So dear sir the answer is no, not all women let themselves go physically, mentally, or otherwise. Do all the men? Clearly the man who posed this question has if in no other way than mentally and socially. Oh please . . .
12/10/2007 8:30:16 PM |
Do all the ladys let themself go after 40 |

Cherokee, AL
age: 43
Not in my case, after 40 I started taking better care of myself. I became a little me self concious of myself, what I wear( a little more reserved)
12/10/2007 8:42:13 PM |
Do all the ladys let themself go after 40 |

Sumner, WA
age: 45
Well said Texasbelle...well said!! You go Girl!!
12/11/2007 12:56:42 AM |
Do all the ladys let themself go after 40 |

Chesapeake Beach, MD
age: 49
No, they get in the best shapes of their lives, to spite their ex's, then when we start dating them, they get comfortable and let themselves go, that's how it works.... in shape for strangers they might meet, out of shape for people they have relationships with.........don't get mad at me for saying the emperor is naked.......
12/11/2007 8:47:19 PM |
Do all the ladys let themself go after 40 |

Abingdon, MD
age: 48
well wonder - I am beginning to wonder where you get your knowledge from - lol - any woman that does that has no self esteem and is only looking for a man - most women that take care of themselves always have and always will and they do not do it BECAUSE OF A MAN - they do it because they value themelves and they like to be healthy. At least that is how I see it and that is what I do. I do not get in shape for a man because most men in their 40's and 50's are totally out of shape. And Yes I agree with the lady that said that most men only post their headshots because they are not quite what they pretend below their shoulders, in more ways than one. I speak from experience. I have never ever met a man from a dating site that was true to what he said he was and therefore I have no interest in that anymore. I am sure there ARE men out here that look good and take care of themselves but most of them are not on sites like these. They also are secure within themselves and do not have the need to put women down and make stupid remarks about how women let themselves go.
These forums are interesting and they rally put forth the reality of some of the people that post. You can really see how they think and what unrealistic views some people have.
Sad but true..... and again I say.... Ladies keep your heads up.... be proud of yourselves.... and dont let these loosers that post these stupid stuff deter you from being you.... BECAUSE even if you might have a few extra pounds on you.... there is nothing wrong with it...... the main thing is to be healthy and make the best of what you have ...... any real man would see that and not post such stupid stuff.....