12/2/2007 4:32:01 PM |
Do all the ladys let themself go after 40 |

Louisville, KY
age: 47
12/2/2007 5:22:40 PM |
Do all the ladys let themself go after 40 |

Tillsonburg, ON
age: 40
what?? let themselves go..if anything I try harder to keep in shape because I am single now.......
12/2/2007 8:53:35 PM |
Do all the ladys let themself go after 40 |

Prescott, AZ
age: 49
I could say the same for some of the men who post pictures and when you meet them they don't even look like their pic.
12/3/2007 6:16:28 PM |
Do all the ladys let themself go after 40 |

Albuquerque, NM
age: 46
That's true. Guys are worse about letting themselves go than women are. I've lost close to 40 pounds since getting away from a 22 year marriage and guys do notice. Guys if u want to attract slim women, u need to lose weight. it's not just us. 
12/3/2007 9:37:48 PM |
Do all the ladys let themself go after 40 |

Reno, NV
age: 43
I suffered a severe injury to both feet last year. I could not walk or stand. There are *very* few exercises that don't put weight/stress/pressure on the feet, I couldn't even do most yoga. So, naturally, I put on some weight, but I carry it well. I'm trying to get back into exercising but have also injured my back, so it seizes up while walking or dancing, luckily I'm finally able to afford going to a chiropracter.
And, 98% of all ads have some line "must be fit/slim/attractive" etc. With lines like that, I doubt the men would be understanding, or help me find a gentle way to exercise the weight off. So, I'll stay single until I find someone who sees who I am inside. After all, sex is exercise and I'd be more than glad to do it that way ! But the "must be... " is an automatic turn off guys. Even WHEN I do get back to a better fit figure, I'll be giving those guys a wide berth .
12/4/2007 3:25:38 PM |
Do all the ladys let themself go after 40 |

Mebane, NC
age: 47
I dont let myself go... never know who you may meet!!
12/4/2007 7:39:58 PM |
Do all the ladys let themself go after 40 |

South Burlington, VT
age: 47
Wow I've seen a lot of very big bellys. 
12/5/2007 4:08:53 PM |
Do all the ladys let themself go after 40 |

Jonesborough, TN
age: 42
So thats what i did wrong!!!....I let myself go....Thats why he left me 6 mos ago..Hi..I'm Clueless Kareena...I'm new...Just Ignore me..I'll go away...lol
12/6/2007 6:07:45 PM |
Do all the ladys let themself go after 40 |

New Castle, PA
age: 44 online now!
First off talk like that wont impress the ladies, well at least not me. After forty it is alot harder for women to stay inshape. You know that change of life thing can be a real b*tch!
12/6/2007 8:05:13 PM |
Do all the ladys let themself go after 40 |

Corinth, MS
age: 44
First of all ** like anyone looking on any of these dating sites are **EVER ** gonna date a model .. I think most men have set thier standards too high for most **REAL ** women to even think about competeing with ... secondly . most of these 20 yr old girls/kids will put up with some of the crap **MOST** men try to pull on them ... US **REAL** ladies won't .. we've already had it **PULLED** on us and we didn't like it ..IMPRESS well there is a very mischieveous / slighted word... I am not here to impress besides it is the internet... and to know me in person is totally different. getting to know someone well its hard when all the men are interested in getting their rocks off online these days **FANTASY** well if some of them knew how to OPEN up to the one they are supposed to be in love with in the first place we would not be here in the first place ..its a game to the general population... it's no game to me ..
sorry if i offened anyone that is not he intention..
12/7/2007 9:09:36 AM |
Do all the ladys let themself go after 40 |

Bellevue, WA
age: 45
LOL What do you mean after 40 anyway? Have you seen the kids these days? Got a better build than a lot of them LOL
12/7/2007 10:04:15 AM |
Do all the ladys let themself go after 40 |

Ada, OK
age: 44
i think women are more sexier after 40. whoooo hooooo hello beautiful forty women
12/7/2007 12:58:45 PM |
Do all the ladys let themself go after 40 |

Newell, SD
age: 43
Yep.....I'm a beast now. Good thing men do not let themselves go after 30-40! HE HE
I have seen some real doozies lately..............apparently there is not an age or gender requirement in this category. lol
12/7/2007 4:30:49 PM |
Do all the ladys let themself go after 40 |

Abingdon, MD
age: 49
LOL this is a riot. I had to read down this post before writing something here.
The craziness of it is that IT IS THE MEN that let themselves go. If you look around you see a lot more out of shape men than you do women. And thats a fact that you can take to the bank. Most women take care of themselves, especially if they are career women. I have never been out of shape, not even when I was pregnant - Even then I worked out at the gym.
I have seen countless couples in their 40's where the women looked 10 years younger and very groomed and the men looked like fat slobs. Sorry, post writer but you sure dont know what you are talking about.
12/7/2007 5:00:16 PM |
Do all the ladys let themself go after 40 |

Waco, TX
age: 42
no...they dont all