12/10/2007 8:01:07 AM |
Is it true that divorced men in their forty's just want to play??? |

Brockton, MA
age: 47
Thank you
12/10/2007 8:01:48 AM |
Is it true that divorced men in their forty's just want to play??? |

Brockton, MA
age: 47
You make a good point. You have a good head on your shoulders and wish you the best
12/10/2007 8:15:27 AM |
Is it true that divorced men in their forty's just want to play??? |

Brockton, MA
age: 47
I think that may be true. The part about what starts fast ends fast. I'm still taking a time out though. It's just hard around the holidays, alway's being the one that show's up alone or sits at home alone. I did meet someone last year who said that he wanted to meet someone for a longterm relationship. He lied. We are still friends. This did teach me how to keep control of my feelings, which went on a rollercoaster for a year. But when I stopped caring and wanting to see him more. When I realized we were just going to be friends....he turns around and starts calling more often and wanting to talk and hang out more. Now that's not fair.
12/10/2007 12:55:42 PM |
Is it true that divorced men in their forty's just want to play??? |

Brookings, SD
age: 41
iam looking for relationship,just trying to find the right one if it takes many dates then thats what iam up for till i find the one who clicks with me,the one i want to spend the remainder of my life with,
12/10/2007 1:02:45 PM |
Is it true that divorced men in their forty's just want to play??? |

Henagar, AL
age: 40
Aries, we have a lot in common. I too have been the victim of abusive relationships. Several.... one of them so severe I thought I would never escape him alive. I can't seem to find the right balance. I've always been attracted to "bad boys" but its not so attractive when they start treating you BADLY. Tried dating a sensitive guy recently and he was too sensitive for me. I'm pretty outspoken and sarcastic. I mean no harm but someone who takes people literally and gets their feelings hurt super easy would never survive around me for very long. LOL
I enjoy a guy I can trade smart ass remarks with and we both know it is just playful banter.
[Edited 12/10/2007 1:03:16 PM]
12/10/2007 1:35:30 PM |
Is it true that divorced men in their forty's just want to play??? |

Salt Lake City, UT
age: 48
First of all, I want to thank Aries for bringing up this topic. ;O)
It is nice, to stray away from the chat part of this forum, and synk one's teeth into a substantive, serious topic such as this.
Being that I am on the market for a man in his 40s or early 50s, I know precisely what you are referring to. My personal experience in post divorce dating has caused me to wonder too, whether or not, men in their 40s with serious relationship intentions existed in sufficient #s to meet demand. (LOL)
Based on my own experience, I decided they are there all right, but often, they are too hurt to dare chance that kind of unhappiness again. So, they are content to live for their job, their kids and their hobbies. Translation: they are not even in the market for a date, let alone a mate.
Ironically, those who are in the market, are often out on rebound, or looking for anything other than a full blown relationship.
I think men in this culture, are very sensitive and when they get hurt it takes a long time for them to heal. Sure, there are plenty of players, self absorbed morons and exploiters/abusers out there too. In all fairness, that is true about both sexes.
I tend to believe that the average American male is just a puppy who would do anything for a lady if only she looked up to him, showed him loyalty and worshiped his body religiously. (LOL)
[Edited 12/10/2007 1:40:15 PM]
12/10/2007 2:12:58 PM |
Is it true that divorced men in their forty's just want to play??? |

Seattle, WA
age: 42
What do you mean, I've been playing my whole life, it's just a matter of finding that right person to play in the same sand box with you. Reality for me is now is I'm tired of being 'free' and I'm looking for the right woman to share my life with and live life on it's terms, not mine only, and be more people's people which I'm totally capable of doing as well as you.
12/10/2007 2:15:16 PM |
Is it true that divorced men in their forty's just want to play??? |

Brockton, MA
age: 47
You should try a Leo, they seem to be full of them. LOL
I know that there are men out there that are good, loyal, trusting and possibly cute. I just keep going to the place where they DON'T hang out LOL
Good luck to you. Just don't give your feelings to someone until you think you really know them
12/10/2007 2:18:16 PM |
Is it true that divorced men in their forty's just want to play??? |

Brockton, MA
age: 47
Yeah, I think I'm being too closed minded on this subject. I am learning from people here to be more patient and not to lose faith in people. Yeah, I've had some pretty hard times, but they are over, and life feels good.
12/10/2007 6:07:19 PM |
Is it true that divorced men in their forty's just want to play??? |

Greenbrier, AR
age: 44
Every man I have met thus far are ALL players!! pfffffft!! lol
They all act like they are good guys at first.
Then you get the line about gotta try "it" out first so you
know if you like it. That sounds like a used car saleman to me.
But yah know what, life is to short to mess with people who are
nothing like what their profiles are like. I'd like someone to
actually BE whom they portray they are. Good or bad...just say and
be the way you say you are. We all can work on ourselves.
Then you have the ones that use the Jesus M.O. and act like they
are all into church and they're the ones that don't care a rip at
all about you or anyone else they've ever been with and want you
to believe they're hollier than though...at first. Yet, they don't
care one moment that the pleasure of unprotected sex with LOTS of
women is greater than the possibility of contracting HIV/Aids and
spreading it around...grrrrrrrrrrrrrs me!!!!! Anyone have any
comments or knowledge on that one? I guess I'm ticked at the moment
since this gorgeous, hunk of a guy I just met...nice, friendly, and
always saying he loves Jesus...turned out just like above written....
sighhhhhhhhhhhh!!! Where's my prince...one that cares about you,
wants to get to know you at first and then nurtures, cares, protects,
and loves you and visa versa.  
12/10/2007 6:56:56 PM |
Is it true that divorced men in their forty's just want to play??? |

Salt Lake City, UT
age: 48
Hey Mindy, I have 2 huge garbage cans at your disposal, should you need to kick them. LOL The only problem is they are burried under a pile of new Utah snow. LOL
I get tired of the lies and missrepresentation too ,, I try to make my on line profile so clear, regards who I am and what I am looking for.
I had not been on this site for 5 minutes when a man who lives in Utah approached me announcing that he had read every bit of my profile, (and several of my posts here).
He added that, he noticed that I were very specific about what type of man that I am looking for. But after careful consideration (and reading) he realized that he could NOT think of a reason ... or anything which might disqualify him from contention.
Well, turned out that the "self employed" really meant "unemployed" and the "no baggage" meant he does not mention his EX's every 5 minutes but every 10.
Go figure? LOL
Where is my snow shovel? aahahahhaha
[Edited 12/10/2007 7:00:55 PM]
12/10/2007 7:10:28 PM |
Is it true that divorced men in their forty's just want to play??? |

Greenbrier, AR
age: 44
Well it rarely snows here so I'm sure I can get you a snow shovel at Wal-Mart!
I'm thinking we need lots of them !!! hahahaha
Thanks for your comments!!
12/18/2007 3:10:19 PM |
Is it true that divorced men in their forty's just want to play??? |

Chagrin Falls, OH
age: 47
Its not that most of us want to play, a few of us had little choice in the decission to be divorced, that mid-life thing works strange ways in some woman, some of us are trying to find what we had or lost and will not settle for less, so we move on hoping, yes hoping to find that person that made us happy to wake in the morning and glad when we came back home, if I could find that I would love to stop playing because it wears on both party's in the end! but patience it will happen, there is someone for everybody.
12/18/2007 5:37:38 PM |
Is it true that divorced men in their forty's just want to play??? |

Cincinnati, OH
age: 48
Well if it weren't for bad luck I'd have none. The men I've dated have turned out to be nice but....not nice. They seem to be on the same page, everything is going well and poof, just don't have the time etc etc etc. I guess that means playtime is over. I'm not some dang doll that can be pulled off the shelf when they want to play and thrown away when they want a new doll. So yeah the ones I've met just want to play and I want to play for keeps. Doesn't mean everyone I go out with is THE one...means I'm looking for him. I might care for a man but doesn't mean I want to marry him...when I do, the right one will know. I'd like to know one day what it's like to trust, love and be loved....never had it. I'd like to know that feeling before the grim reeper comes my way.
12/18/2007 8:50:10 PM |
Is it true that divorced men in their forty's just want to play??? |

Golden Meadow, LA
age: 47
After being married and only having sex with the same person for 26 years,don't i deserve some new experiences?