Chattanooga, TN
age: 47
Hi all, I tried the Chantix, and had every side effect possible. The worst was the nausea, the dreams for the most part I enjoyed.. I had to stop it due to the nausea and vomiting. It did help with the craving for nicotine. I really wish I could have con't with the med. It costs around 130/month, most insurances won't cover it. But you have to consider what your paying for cigarettes a month. It does work if you can get past the side effects. I took it for 1 1/2 months and just couldn't handle the nausea anymore. I have been using the nicotine gum which seems to work pretty good. Just keep your fingers crossed for me...

Sun City Center, FL
age: 61
I've tied it ,darn it gave me gas........  

Milford, CT
age: 54
Ive spoken to my doctor about quitting again. Last time I used Chantix and it worked great, I didnt. I continued to smoke a few cigarettes a day. It was a good improvement over the pack and a half a day I was smoking but the idea was to quit.
Im going to give it another try once I figure out what to do with the time I usually smoke. They say habbits are hard to break. They aint kidding

Centreville, VA
age: 38
Hi! I'm on Chantix now and I also have all the side effects. The nausea for me has finally slowed down a bit, but I've also slowed down how many cigarettes I smoke a day. Guess that means it's working. Go figure. 
The dreams are what I hate the most. Most of the time they are talking cats and dancing cigarettes but every so often they turn into nightmares. Don't like them at all but I have to remember that it is just a dream and no, there is no one in the house coming to kill me.
Oh..one more thing...I thought all that gas was just something I ate. Okay, I know...it's not very ladylike but what are you going to do. 