12/28/2007 5:54:28 AM |
What's your take on illegal aliens? |

Columbia, SC
age: 59
How do you feel about illegal aliens becoming citizens, getting drivers licenses, collecting our social security, etc.?
12/28/2007 6:36:42 AM |
What's your take on illegal aliens? |

Mountain View, MO
age: 56
i don~t believe in UFO`s    
12/28/2007 7:08:26 AM |
What's your take on illegal aliens? |

Hebron, IN
age: 54
It burns my , I have been trying to get health care for quit awhile now, and can't get any help from the government. Where I work they come in there all the time, don't speak english, and we have to try to figure out what they are saying! They refuse to learn our language! Then to top it off they even tell you they are illegal! They come to the counter and have WIC, food stamps, yes I work in a grocery store. I did not have to work when I was married, my husband didn't want me to. Then he walks out and this was all I could find where they except someone my age, most places here only want to hire the young, or illegals ( they get paid less ). The thing is we are Americans are getting to be the minority here anymore, without the benefits!   
12/28/2007 7:25:41 AM |
What's your take on illegal aliens? |

Rolla, MO
age: 61
They are fine as long as they enter our country the right way. get a visa and spend the required amount time and become U S citizens through the proper channels....
The ones that don't do it that way    
[Edited 12/28/2007 7:26:21 AM]
12/28/2007 8:00:07 AM |
What's your take on illegal aliens? |

Columbia, SC
age: 59
Love it Explorer! 
12/28/2007 8:02:32 AM |
What's your take on illegal aliens? |

Poquoson, VA
age: 63
Explorer11 pretty much echoed my feelings. All I will add is I am fed up with our own citizens hitting bureaucratic walls, getting the run-around from all levels of government, etc. while the illegals are getting away with murder. What makes things worse is all of this is happening right under our noses. For example, my local news media reports gathering spots for illegals where less than ethical employers pick them up for day work, etc. yet law enforcement fails to react. This was no different than one morning while driving to work in Northern Virginia the cops had a three motorcycle, two squad car speed trap set up and less than a mile away there was an open air illicit drug market in progress in front of a high school. I think the best way to attack the problem is to first go after the unethical types that are hiring illegals and also those who harbor them.
As for language it is very simple. English is spoken here. (Back in the 90s Slick Willy actually proposed that Spanish be adopted as the second official language of the U.S. and be a mandatory subject in our schools.) Our country is based on Christian-Judaic principles while at the same time is a melting pot for many cultures and religions. I totally support this concept provided we do not abandon the principles that are the foundation of our republic. Our country is not perfect nor are we squeaky clean. However, having visited many countries and lived in a few more I can honestly say no other country can do any better. Unlike so many other countries, we are not afraid to air our dirty laundry and that more than anything else I can think of makes us the great nation that we are. I am in favor of welcoming all who arrive legally as long as they respect our laws, or principles, and gracefully blend their culture into our own.
12/28/2007 8:03:12 AM |
What's your take on illegal aliens? |

Port Byron, IL
age: 53
Don't like it but at the point I am in in working I would probably hire one right about now I am snowed under in both ways its snowing 7 in right now.
12/28/2007 8:06:40 AM |
What's your take on illegal aliens? |

Argyle, TX
age: 55
Being in the ag business, I have a very conflicted opinion. The ag lobbists are always at me to publish an opinion, but I gotta tell you - THERE HAS GOTTA BE SOMEONE SMARTER THAN ME OUT THERE TO MAKE THAT DECISION! It's a double edge sword. One I don't want to fall on. It's a hot spot for me, can you tell?   
12/28/2007 10:17:50 AM |
What's your take on illegal aliens? |

Venice, FL
age: 56
It is real simple for me...Illegal Aliens are eroding the way of life that we and our forefathers wanted for Americans. At the present time, I am working with 7...yes that is right 7 that are very hard workers...but are willing to work for less then minimum wage..which is just fine, because when they go home to the house they have rented...they share it with 8 or 9 others...not family members, often just acqaintences so the bills can be paid. I mean when I was part of the hippie movement, communal living looked great...but..that is not the American way and it is not the way 99% of us want to live.. The family concept is gone...after all..the family is back in another country...where what ever money is left after their share of the bills are paid...is sent to the family...who has not seen them in years. I have been told I need to learn spanish in order to communicate with some of my co-workers...can you believe that??? It will be a cold day in hell, that I learn a foreign language in order to get by here on American soil. This is only the tip of the Iceburg...I would like to just get through one day, here in Florida and not be confronted with the problem. Something has to be done...and although I have compassion for Illegals....I believe it is time to totally clean house... get them back to the country that produced them...and tell them to stand in line and do it the right way...or stay where they are.   
12/28/2007 10:28:12 AM |
What's your take on illegal aliens? |

Mohawk, NY
age: 65
my biggest objection to illegals is when they are because of theri status trated on the same levels that slaves once were...I am not saying everyone does it, but in my mind one is too many....as a country it has been long gone, and I would like to se it stay that way....
12/28/2007 10:35:07 AM |
What's your take on illegal aliens? |

Greenville, MI
age: 57
I believe we should catch them at the border and immediately offer them a deal......a U.S. Military uniform and a Two Year stint in the armed forces. Train them and send them to Iraq, and bring our troops home. On a one for one basis. When they have fulfilled their Military committment, bring them back to the U.S and legalize them, including s Social security card for paying taxes. 
We'd probably solve two problems with one move....liklihood is the Illegals would drastically slow down and our Combat Troops would look just like the Iraqs that they're fighting....
[Edited 12/28/2007 10:38:07 AM]
12/28/2007 12:12:44 PM |
What's your take on illegal aliens? |

Poquoson, VA
age: 63
One of the major reasons the Roman Empire fell was its citizens refused to serve in the military. This led the Roman government to use foreigners in their military and it failed. We have used foreigners for many years to perform certain tasks but wised up in the 70s and stopped it. For example, we recruited directly from the Philippines in the Navy provided Filipino sailors would serve as stewards in their first enlistment. I was once told that many years ago the Army did the same thing with Cubans using them as stable boys, etc. As long as I am airing dirty laundry let us not forget we once did the same thing with African Americans. It was a demeaning job and was not necessary.
Being retired military and having come up during the period there was a draft I feel very qualified in saying that the young men and women in today's military are of very good quality. It took a long time but the all volunteer force is working - at least for now. God forbid if we ever get into another global conflict where we must mobilize and draft. Should this happen it will be the citizen soldier, sailor, airman, coast guard member, and marine who makes the difference and wins the victory. This entire country was built on that concept and this is what are young people must be taught to understand. Forcing aliens into uniform, legal or otherwise demeans the very purpose we maintain a professional fighting force. However, like any other new arrival that comes legally should they want to join any branch of the service and are qualified, welcome and thank you for serving our great country.
12/28/2007 12:22:22 PM |
What's your take on illegal aliens? |

Seymour, IN
age: 62
This subject has been going on in the politics forums for months. I for one am sick to death of it. No one can do anything except the politicians. So think about it when you vote for your congressmen this time.
12/28/2007 12:39:40 PM |
What's your take on illegal aliens? |

Boise, ID
age: 68
Count me in on what tthe rest of you said. I believe that they bneed to do like every other person who want's to immagrate. I've even said so from the pulpit
12/28/2007 12:59:13 PM |
What's your take on illegal aliens? |

Utica, NY
age: 60
Unfortunately, the recent CNN viewers poll, revealed Americans don't think any of our presidential candidates can handle this issue effectively.
I agree with cmed on this one. The elite employers (who have strong lobbyists, in Washington ) should be taken to task for this. The American people have to lobby for this change. It's a case of good ole capitalism, supply and demand!
The VICTIMS are both, the American middle class and the illegal immigrants! We pride ourselves in being a country of laws... but only (us) few have to abide by them.
We look the other way, as big business such as agriculture, gives away our inheritance.
Looking at it as a Christian I see it as the sin of omission. "Forgive me for what I have done and what I have left undone"
