12/28/2007 8:56:12 PM |
What's your take on illegal aliens? |

Hebron, IN
age: 54
Thank you Paula, you are so right? I have been trying to get help, just for medical, on disability, it's impossible for me, even my doctor has tried. Sometimes I wonder what country I really live in? 
12/28/2007 9:01:25 PM |
What's your take on illegal aliens? |

Willoughby, OH
age: 58
Illegal means ILLEGAL !!!
Why can't our politicians understand that. Washington has been giving our country away for the past 20 years.....When I was in the military I pledged to to defend our country ...to protect our boarders, to protect the American way of life. I served for patriotic reasons. I am totally sick of our politicians GIVING OUR COUNTRY AWAY!!! I want my seven years back !!! These same politicians are going to retire and get lifetime medical benifits and life time retirement. They should all be brought up on treason charges and forfit all benifits.
For fourty years or more we all WORRY that we may make a mistake on our tax forms and be tried as a criminal. Lose our houses or even worse. But Washington chooses what laws they will enforce. If we have immegration laws ....ENFORCE THEM !!!!
I don't know why people say they want Washington to change BUT they keep electing the same bunch of crooks!!!
Think of this.....
If 12 to 24 million illegals can not be delt with..........what would Washington do with 150 million people that refuse to send in their taxes......they can't deport us.
I have no problem with immigrants working the agricultural industry.........BUT they should be legal!!! There has to be a way to do this. If you need 100 workers in your fields and .....bring in 100 tempoary workers.....get them round trip tickets. or let them legally stay for one year doing the labor then pay their way home.
I would gladly pay 10 cents a pound extra for apples .....or 10 cents for a bunch of carrots. If it meant the workers would be legal. and we had control of our boarders.
[Edited 12/28/2007 9:16:04 PM]
12/28/2007 9:06:28 PM |
What's your take on illegal aliens? |

Red Bay, AL
age: 53
We ahve so many problems in our country, we need to use some of them to solve others: immigration, droughts in the southeast and starving alligators. We let these three solve themselves. First we dig a moat across the southern border of the US and not a fence. We take the starving alligators an put them in the moat and out of the shrinking everglades. Make the illegals swim home. Oh, we can used some of the unemployed and the ones on welfare to build the moat.
Have any contributions?
12/28/2007 10:06:19 PM |
What's your take on illegal aliens? |

Hazel Green, AL
age: 58
Hi all;
I’m Hassablad I’m new here. I just wanted to drop in my nickel.
Here in Alabama the Morons who run things decided to advertise for workers in Mexico. They want to fill their sweat shop Chicken Business jobs down here with cheap labor.
Although the quality of the Mexican Food has vastly improved and the rental trailers are now rented and occupied by 10 to 12 people. It has resulted in a mass invasion.
My 20 yr old son got hit by one and of course they had no license or insurance.
W has let us down on this one and I send regular e-mails to the wonderful folks we have in DC. I mad as hell and I’m not going to take it anymore. Build that fence lots of dogs gater's
Maybe if we had sent some work to them instead of China?
12/29/2007 12:11:50 AM |
What's your take on illegal aliens? |

Gurley, AL
age: 54
Just wish they would go back to their on planets, like that E.T. dude did
12/29/2007 4:07:42 AM |
What's your take on illegal aliens? |

Lake City, TN
age: 60
Hahaha I'm with you Justed. You be first to not pay taxes and we'll follow you.
12/29/2007 1:27:34 PM |
What's your take on illegal aliens? |

Columbia, SC
age: 59
Welcome Hassablad, happy to have you with us and thanks for your contribution.
12/29/2007 4:09:26 PM |
What's your take on illegal aliens? |

Rolla, MO
age: 61
Hey Hass.. nickel well spent...   
1/1/2008 2:52:10 PM |
What's your take on illegal aliens? |

Pittsburgh, PA
age: 51
Hello. I just found this thread after scrolling around. I say deport all those who are here illegally, regardless of whether they are hard workers. Many choose to be here that way, which is not right. If they are not here legally, they do not deserve to be here. This is a free country, but not that free.
1/1/2008 3:20:53 PM |
What's your take on illegal aliens? |

Little Suamico, WI
age: 55
I voted for W because he was the lesser of 2 evils. He has really pissed me off on this issue (and a few others) and I'm really not that excited by any one else who is running. I'm gettin' damn tired of voting for the "lesser of two evils". I am not a pesimist by nature, but I wonder if this country can endure much more of these idiots in Washington, OF BOTH PARTIES!
1/1/2008 4:07:36 PM |
What's your take on illegal aliens? |

Rochester, NH
age: 56
I think they should be shipped back to where they come from. And then given a chance to come here legally and get a job, because like it or not we need them. Ever try to hire a teenager to dig post holes it would be easier to get Florida people to move back North. Sunny
1/1/2008 4:24:51 PM |
What's your take on illegal aliens? |

Pittsburgh, PA
age: 51
That's a nice thought, Sunny. But the ones that irritate me are those who absulutely refuse to become legal.
1/10/2008 5:56:40 PM |
What's your take on illegal aliens? |

Hazel Green, AL
age: 58

1/10/2008 8:19:27 PM |
What's your take on illegal aliens? |

Wayne, NJ
age: 56
honestly try to open this website up below--you'll Laugh i promise--just couldn't get to load this video to open easily--it's called mexico tourism...cut and paste it to your flash player
[Edited 1/10/2008 8:23:26 PM]
1/10/2008 8:21:07 PM |
What's your take on illegal aliens? |

Corning, CA
age: 51
I prefer not to take anything illegal