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12/29/2007 11:17:24 PM How do I handle a man I can't get rid of...????........  

Cincinnati, OH
age: 30

I've been married for about 1 1/2 years and dated the guy "Pat" for 2 years before we married. I found out right before Thanksgiving that he had been lying to me then entire time we were together. Not only did he lie to me but he stole over $8000 from my accounts. Since we seperated he's been great. I don't want to get back with him but I need him to sign the seperation papers this week- in order to keep my house and get the money back that be stole, etc. He calls me every day and now wants to take me out on a date "so I can get to know the real him".
How can I get rid of him and still keep him happy so he'll sign the papers and I can get on with my life??????????????????

12/29/2007 11:22:39 PM How do I handle a man I can't get rid of...????........  

Carbondale, IL
age: 23

Go on a lunch "date" and take the seperation papers with you.

12/29/2007 11:23:12 PM How do I handle a man I can't get rid of...????........  

Woodlyn, PA
age: 49

If you realy want to get away from him, don't give in. Tell him straight out. Be honest. Also when sending him the seperation papers, send them certified, and get a reciept. Most states only require 3 sirvings, if not signed, they proclaim the intent with hostility. You might want to bring a lawyer into this. Realy a hard choice between getting him to sign the forms and still being friends. Check with your local courthouse about this. They will provide you with the answers.

12/29/2007 11:26:25 PM How do I handle a man I can't get rid of...????........  

Omaha, NE
age: 54

Send the Sheriff or a Process Server to his place of business. Do not hand him the paperwork yourself. Not smart, and could be dangerous. Call your local courthouse for
more information on this.

12/30/2007 12:05:09 AM How do I handle a man I can't get rid of...????........  

Columbia, MO
age: 46

Your not going to keep him happy/to sign seperation papers.It's not your job to keep him happy,sounds like he used that up.But agreeing with the others you definatley need to take legal steps.You can also hire legally someone to serve him.But definatley keep an attorney involved.Any deciet on your part would just be stooping to his level,which in reality thats who he is

12/30/2007 8:15:47 AM How do I handle a man I can't get rid of...????........  

Selah, WA
age: 47

Well I found out the hard way. But you can forge someone's name on papers as long as you are not asking for anything. The law, at least here, doesn't care that someone forged a signature if no damage is being done. Yes, my now 2nd X did that and since he wasn't asking for anything but the divorce, forgery couldn't be charged. How I found out was his wife/mistress needed the signature to be notorized and she couldn't do that and so the court sent it me to have it notorized. The court received back two petitioners signatures - his 3rd wife (me) and his 4th wife (mistress).

12/30/2007 8:23:37 AM How do I handle a man I can't get rid of...????........  

Abilene, TX
age: 39

Hurt his feelings......lets face it.....he did you wrong and you are apparently giving him hope by letting him keep his foot in the door by maintaining contact....just dealt with a very similar situation last year.....the woman kept stringing along her ex as a back up....I asked her about it and she told me straight up that she was using him and that she felt bad about it......but apparently not bad enough to sever the broken abusive relationship.

If you need distance from the guy to try to start over and have a shot at happiness...RESTRAINING ORDER......this ain't rocket science....just sounds like you may be trying to spare the guy's feelings....he will veiw that as an opening.

12/30/2007 8:49:43 AM How do I handle a man I can't get rid of...????........  

Aberdeen, SD
age: 41

Have him served with the papers;don't meet him for drinks,lunch or anything then you are playing his game.That is my opinion & opinions are like a**holes, everyone has one .Best of luck!!

12/30/2007 12:03:51 PM How do I handle a man I can't get rid of...????........  

Saint James, MO
age: 89 online now!

"in order to keep my house and get the money back "

lots of advice here, but not sure any of it takes into consideration the weight of losing a house and money.

get a what you have to do to keep the house and get the money unless you don't care about them..

12/30/2007 12:15:22 PM How do I handle a man I can't get rid of...????........  

Hanover, PA
age: 48

It sounds like you want to be nice to him in order to get something in return.....does it not also sound like he could be doing same?

Let the lawyers handle it, they will get want you want and they do not have to be nice.

12/30/2007 12:28:56 PM How do I handle a man I can't get rid of...????........  

North Fort Myers, FL
age: 60

he sounds like a con man to me, a sweetheart swindler...I agree with the other poster, have him served at work. That will really embarrass him in front of all of his co-workers. If he wanted you to know "the real him" you would know him already, I think that you do, he is a POS.

1/10/2008 1:24:18 PM How do I handle a man I can't get rid of...????........  

Burlington, KY
age: 34

ok you want to get him back give him one more good night then ask him to sign the papers.(do this right after sex he should do it when he is at his happest) when he does dont ever talk to him again. Then tell all of his friends how small he was and that you cheated on him first. TEll him you got a b/f, and had one long before you ever meet him and that your b/f was so much better in bed then he ever was. But you got to be nice to him till you get the papers from him. lol but pay back can be oh so sweet. lol
oh ya ps just be nice till you get the papers then STICK IT TO HIM SISTER lol

1/10/2008 1:28:28 PM How do I handle a man I can't get rid of...????........  

Springfield, VA
age: 22

Be nice to him so he doesn't flip out, but stand your ground! Don't forget what he did to you! Serve him the papers or get someone else to serve him for you. I hope you are suing him for the $8000 he stole from you too.

1/10/2008 4:07:50 PM How do I handle a man I can't get rid of...????........  

Lubbock, TX
age: 37

I think you need to get a lawyer, pronto. Surely you just want to get this dipshit out of your life...who needs a friend like that? You may(or may not) see the $8k, but it's only money and you'll recover. The main thing here is you found out he's a lying bastard before you spent your entire life with him. Be strong and let your lawyer kick the douchebag's ass.


1/10/2008 4:08:07 PM How do I handle a man I can't get rid of...????........  

Honolulu, HI
age: 41

It sounds like you have the house in both your names. Is that correct? As far as the $8000, I can't see anyway you are able to get that back from him if you two were married during the time he stole it from you.

If the house is in both of your names, the best way to get his name off of it is to give him more money to sign it away or maybe you can convence him that you are going to file charges against him and he'll believe you and sign the papers.

All I know is being nice isn't going to get the things that you want. He sounds like a guy with a plans and already knows what he can do and can not do legally.

Now getting nasty might work. Seek out what marital rights you have and dot your "I" and cross your "T". Just in case you have to go to court.

How do you prove your spouse STOLE money??????

That a new one for me...I bet Shack can answer that one.

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