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1/12/2008 10:35:03 AM |
There is a difference in going to Church & being a Christian |

Meeker, OK
age: 50
Yes, there certainly is a difference. I go to church regularly because I know that I need to be with others with the same beliefs to keep myself strong and also to reach out to others. I do have to say that I went to the same church for over 10 years, 3/4 my family and ended up getting hurt really bad. But that did not stop me from attending church. I found me a new church and I love it. I would really be lost on Sundays and Wednesdays if I didn't have a family to gather with, but the whole thing is relationship with Him. I love Him so much and I want to pleas Him. My life is not my own and I want to be lead by Him. His Word says that my sheep know my voice. I studied this one time and the reason I think He referred to us as sheep is that we are dumb animals, easily lead around and we will even eat poisonous weeds! Thank you Jesus for your leading. 
1/14/2008 12:14:09 PM |
There is a difference in going to Church & being a Christian |

Bedford, IN
age: 48
I appreciate your post.
1/24/2008 4:44:51 PM |
There is a difference in going to Church & being a Christian |

Bloomington, IN
age: 50
Hello to all you fellow Christians...whether you are church goers or believers in your heart...I wanted to relate some of my experiences here and give you some of my ideas about religion.I was raised in a Christian Church from the time I was a baby. My father was a very respected elder in the church as well as Superintendent of the Sunday School. I myself was baptized when I was 12 years old. I have not professed to always do the right thing, but I try, and I try to help others and don't make a mockery out of being a Christian. I have had a lot to deal with in my lifetime here on this beautiful planet that God gave us to live upon (and which we are slowly destroying). I have survived breast cancer but most of all I want to tell you this....
I lost my 15 year old daughter to an abusive husband's rage while he was hitting me driving down a county road at about 70 miles per hour...I awoke from being thrown 60 feet upon impacting a utility pole only to be staring at the overturned truck directly in front of my face at about 6 feet. I immediately remembered my daughter who was seated beside me as her terrified face was the last thing I saw. She was lying crushed beneath this overturned truck. I found this out, by being told, not with my own eyes as my back was broken, my head was cut open, my arm was injured, my hip dislocated and my ankle also broken, so I could not even crawl to her..I began praying to God for him to please let her live, over and over..
Then, I realized what she must be feeling if she could still feel, what her life would be like with the injuries I became aware she must have, and whether I was being selfish wanting to keep her with me in such a state.
I then began praying for God to keep her from pain, whatever that meant. In his mercy he took pity on my child and my daughter did not live. He took her out of her suffering. I was devastated, feeling so much responsiblity for what happened because I had brought this abusive man into my life and allowed him to hurt me and my children so. I had gotten him to go to church with me, but it was a battle every Sunday, and I went sometimes hiding my shame and tears he had caused. He never got any punishment by the authorities for anything he did to me, including the day of the wreck.
Anyway,I begged to be allowed to go to her funeral, even if it was on a stretcher, as it was when I went...Once getting out of the hospital, I stayed away from my abusive husband by living in my business for almost a year. During this time, I was going to the church where my sister went as my home church was too far for me to travel to in my state, once I could even travel in a wheelchair. My husband demanded to take me so that I would not talk about how the wreck actually happened. I was repeatedly told by these Christian people that she had died because I was not "living right" and had not been "going to church every Sunday". I'm sure this is what my sister had told them as she knew nothing of the abuse either, because had I told her, she was the type not to believe anyone could be in such a position, because her marriage was so great.
Not one person from my home church came to visit me, excepting the minister. This was the same minister which I had known for years, as he had also been a high school teacher of mine and knew me to be a straight A student and a church going Christian all my life. I had to ask for his help, and when I went to court to bring out the truth of my horrible life with my abusive husband during my divorce, he turned me down to come in as a character witness. He did not "want to get involved". Others I asked in my church also would not appear on my behalf..Some even said I "got what I deserved".
I had never told anyone of my physical abuse or emotional abuse I received from my husband. I was too ashamed. My best friend, a church goer, also said that I should have tried harder to "please" my husband. None of these people, when I told them about the abuse, wanted to believe it could happen or ever gave me encouragement or help, either emotionally, physically, or monetarily. I couldn't work, eventually losing my business I had worked years to establish, and spent night after night crying myself to sleep, after praying to God that he should have taken me, not her, and to give me the strength to endure the nasty comments made to me.
Needless to say, I do not attend this church any longer and have since fell away from even going to a church. I have looked for one I felt comfortable in, but have not found one yet. One stated in their Sunday School Class that you had to "wear your best clothes to church to be a good Christian". I stood up and told them thatI didn't believe God looked at the clothes on your back, but what was truly in your heart, and walked out. Most churches these days want to be the biggest and best, by adding on an elaborate addition to their present building or even building a totally new one, just because the nearby church did. This is not what God meant for us to do. He meant for our actions to show we are true believers in his Word, love one another, and be there to help the needy. It has been 11 years since her death by the way. That does not mean that I don't still believe in God and pray for help to make me a better person.
I believe that I could have been dead as well, but I was left here for a purpose...
Maybe that purpose is this, to put this story here on this internet forum and ask some very simple questions...."If YOU knew that you were dying or going to die, would you want to be living the way you are and be held accountable for it?" "Would you be the type of person that God wants you to be?" "What could you be doing differently to be more like the Christian he wants you to be?" "Do you think you are going to Heaven?" I don't think attending a church, as in going into a place of worship, gets you to Heaven by itself. You have to live right, love God, witness for him, and stand by those in need.
I nearly died..I should have died...not her. But, I needed to witness for God here and type this so you could read it. Wouldn't the world be such a better place if we just did the things written in the Bible, like Jesus taught us to do? The end is nearer than you think..Today could be YOUR last day...Change now if you need to. Heaven promises to be a wonderful place. I know it is..That's where my daughter is at..waiting there with Jesus for me. Have a nice day all of you...
1/24/2008 5:14:34 PM |
There is a difference in going to Church & being a Christian |

Indianapolis, IN
age: 56
Bless you i know god hold a special place for you and i taking great care of you little girl.I will pray for you and i feel the same as you. god bless you
1/25/2008 8:36:34 AM |
There is a difference in going to Church & being a Christian |

Bloomington, IN
age: 50
Thank you for your comment..I wanted to add that my daughter was 15 and a wonderful girl, always helping others, and especially me..attended church regularly as I had brought her up to do so. I also wanted to add that if I hadn't had a strong belief in God, I would not have been able to take the grief and go on, probably be in some mental hospital..even though I still have difficulty dealing with it, especially around the anniversary date of the wreck which is coming up soon.. I wonder how many, now that just because I am no longer going to a church, truly believe I'm NOT going to make it to Heaven? I feel that I am still a Christian. Isn't that what this forum is about? Besides, isn't this ultimately God's decision?
1/25/2008 1:00:44 PM |
There is a difference in going to Church & being a Christian |

Salisbury, MD
age: 51
Our actions don't make or break us in respect to being saved. That's not what Christ died for. That is the secret that is kept from the world. Everyone thinks that it's their actions that will determine whether or not they are excepted into heaven. "I'm a good person. I haven't killed anyone and I help those who ask me", you might hear. But that wouldn't be very "Good News" if we had to get in by our merit. The "Good News" is that we don't do anything to get into heaven. Listen to what I'm saying or you may be accused by the spirit just as the Pharisees and Sadducees were also condemned as a brood of vipers, whose father was the devil. Remember that? To get into heaven we ask God or Jesus, since they are one and the same, to forgive us our sins. All our sins from the beginning of time to the end of time were laid upon the back of Jesus who is God. By accepting the atonement of His blood we become His. At that point a new life begins, that is still not determined by our church attendance. Being saved is a one time thing. You're not saved over and over. The blood that God shed for our sins took all of our sins. We certainly can grieve the Holy Spirit, (Eph. 4:28-32), and we should live at that point in a way that glorifies the Son and not the world, but our soul is sealed by the Holy Spirit. Eph. 4: 30. We get the Holy Spirit by confessing our sins, that we are a sinner, and asking God to forgive us our sins. The Holy Spirit is a seal or guarantee that we belong to God. We can't always act the way we should and we can't and shouldn't even have to try to act like so many churches demand of us. "Take my yoke it is easy", Jesus said, "it is light". The pharisees/churches (in many cases) are still seeking another sign in you and in us that we may prove that we are God's. (Matt. 12:38-40) The way we dress, the way we talk, (which is ridiculous in some of these churches, such as the phrase, "If King James didn't write it I don't read it". Well Jesus didn't speak english either. He spoke Aramaic. "Tetelestai", Jesus said. Which is Aramaic for "it is finished". The job was completed, it is done. When we accept Jesus into our hearts and confess Jesus before men, like you have done as I'm doing now, I suppose, then the Word says that "You shall be saved". In Romans it says, "Have you ever been asked , 'How do I become a Christian?' These verses give you the beautiful answer-salvation is as close as your own mouth and heart. People think it must be a complicated process, but it is not. If we believe in our hearts and say with our mouths that Christ is the risen Lord, we will be saved." (Romans 10:8-12). Our deeds from that time on reflect our salvation, salvation is not obtained by our deeds. People have such a problem with that. So many misquoted and seemingly different scriptures which since those who read them don't understand them they are misused as we needing to find salvation through the "working out of our salvation". They are wrong. Salvation is obtained then we work within it and not FOR it. When a church keeps people away by putting more burdens upon them, as did the Pharisees and Sadducees of the Jewish church during the time of Jesus, they are condemning people to hell, who want salvation and not have to comply to an outward form of Christianity without the inward change. Jesus accused the church of that time as those who made others more a child of the devil then they were. It's a slippery slope that churches need to beware. They do it with good intentions but as the saying goes, "the road to hell is paved with 'good intentions'. So you wanted a comment and you opened the flood gates of heaven, if you will. Something else about me you might not have known. Our salvation that we have obtained, if those who have asked Jesus into their lives, is to be seen as a relationship with God the Father and is worked on daily. We are all guilty of not being a good stewart of our relationships, but that doesn't condemn us to hell either. Jesus is coming soon or we might be going to Him even sooner, so we want a good relationship. After that it's described that we will receive rewards based on our relationship and good deeds, not salvation. If it was based and determined by us, then it would never be done. We are all sinners and as we are born are also condemed to hell if we don't accept the atoning blood of Jesus as the propitiation for our sins. If you have and have received the Holy Spirit as the guarantee then you have nothing to fear. The spirit of the world and the devil will try to convince you otherwise, but that is what the scriptures are for. They are, "the way, the truth and the life". Miracles are coming your way Shawna...just stay out of trouble, because we do "reap what we sow", whether you're saved or not. God Bless to you girl...i'll talk soon.
1/25/2008 4:17:54 PM |
There is a difference in going to Church & being a Christian |

Lillington, NC
age: 51
For me to being a Christian, I enjoy going to Church. I enjoy the camaraderie, and the fellowship. The word Church is to be the people not the building. It is to be of a god family atmosphere, a place of one accord to absorb the Holy Spirit. Large Churches tend to lose that atmosphere, but small groups within can maintain with in it. I grew up in a large Catholic but now go to a small Methodist. For me it is not the denomination, or the church even, it is where I can get the most of The Holy Spirit to carry me until the next meeting. I will see more ways of holding true to fallowing Him the best I am able. Where I can get more involved into doing as He ask me to do. So church to me is a very important part of being a Christian, IT HELPS YOU GROW.
1/25/2008 6:38:04 PM |
There is a difference in going to Church & being a Christian |

Warrensburg, MO
age: 55 online now!
Lady, I certainly understand what you are saying. We have all been at that point in our lives. Here's the deal. Church is where the sinners should be. If we were without sin then there would be no need for churches. I began to realize, when I was judging the sins of others, I was elivating myself to the wisdom of God. That made me stop and think long and hard about who really needed to be in church. When I could let go of worrying about the conduct of others, I got a lot more from time spent in church. When I realized that my sin wan no better or worse than anyone else's it became a much more important time for me.
This is just my oppinion. But, don't worry about who else is in church. Their sin is between them and their God. As I've heard all my life, worry about your own business! It's hard, when you see others behaving badly, but part of Christianity is helping others and those are the people you can help the most. That's just my oppinion.
1/25/2008 6:41:01 PM |
There is a difference in going to Church & being a Christian |

Warrensburg, MO
age: 55 online now!
I agree, Rich.
1/25/2008 9:45:16 PM |
There is a difference in going to Church & being a Christian |

Mountain View, MO
age: 55 online now!
madatheworld,,thank you for sharing,this had to be so hard for you to write about your lifes experiences,i to have known the pain that you`ve spoken of, not that i`ve hurt any more than you,my friend,,
i`m not very good with words,GOd has blessed me in other ways,so i hope you don`t take this the wrong way,,i do not think i`m an better than my sisters or brothers,,
i try to live a very simple and serene life and a very spiritual one too 
sometimes i fail and sometimes i just don`t feel like lifes fair,and can only say a very simple prayer  
i don`t go to church like alot of people,, but thats OK, cause i know that GOD`s everwhere,,and hears every word & pray, he even knows our thoughts,,amen
i feel more at peace outdoors than most churches i`ve ever been in,, 
i can only say that for me if i don`t feel like being in a church brings me any closer to GOD,,then thats OK for me to not go... 
to thy own self be true,,
GOD BLESS you & yours,amen
1/26/2008 5:15:06 AM |
There is a difference in going to Church & being a Christian |

Lillington, NC
age: 51
I can’t feel your pain as you can not feel mine, but I do hear your cry. I copied your testimony to a word sheet, it truly touched my soul. I invite you to view my profile. You will notice that I am trying to start a Christian Counseling Center. I my self know that some churches can be very cold, some have good intentions but lack other wise. My sister, my mission isn’t to sway you to go to church, but to give God’s reassurance in His Agape. My associates in seminary doe’s not make me a preacher, nor my experience in life make me a consoler. But my Love for Jesus doe’s make me a good listener and friend. May I ask that you let me in to be that friend? Please see my profile and e mail me. God loves you and you are blessed.
May His light shine in you
[Edited 1/26/2008 5:17:04 AM]
1/26/2008 12:30:43 PM |
There is a difference in going to Church & being a Christian |

Hermitage, AR
age: 33
Plus if you walk the walk after leaveing just think about those people who feel like you do, think of your witness that you will be doing and not knowing it. Plus just to stray from topic just a little pray for the non believers they are so messed. (plus dont you think GOD would give the preacher the message)
1/26/2008 12:45:55 PM |
There is a difference in going to Church & being a Christian |

Hermitage, AR
age: 33
Just remember where 2 or 3 are gathered in my name there I will be also, to me thats refreshing ,to know that
1/30/2008 9:31:18 PM |
There is a difference in going to Church & being a Christian |

Santa Teresa, NM
age: 51
Just have to say AMEN!!!!!
oh, and my kids all say AMEN TOO. (Charity-27, Bethany-21 and Christopher-18)
1/30/2008 10:07:42 PM |
There is a difference in going to Church & being a Christian |

Santa Teresa, NM
age: 51
dear madattheworld,
I'm so sorry I responded before I read your entry. My heart is w/ you. I can only imagine the pain of losing a child. I have 4 children and was also in an abusive marriage for 14 yrs. I had some of the same responses from church people while in this relationship and one person even told one of my daughters that she had to honor her father when she was only 12 and trying to deal w/ the fact that he had molested her.
It got to where we didn't have any support or fellowship because people just didn't want to believe that this "good ole boy" was abusing his family. Later, after the divorce, both of my sons were diagnosed w/ mental illnesses and have gone thru many times w/ them not wanting to live and hurting themselves. Even now it is hard to get compassion or fellowship because many people don't understand or are afraid of mental illness. Some want to even claim its just "the devil or demons and they need deliverance". I stopped going to church 4 awhile when I was having an especially difficult time w/ one son. But that didn't mean I stopped loving God. It was just too much effort at the time, when no one would listen anyway. I totally understand why you may not wish to go to church and one day you may feel like it again. But regardless of that, Of course you can still be a christian and God loves and hurts w/ you. He always understands even when people don't. You are one of the walking wounded and precious in God's sight. 
May God bless, strengthen and comfort you and give you peace.
When I was young we had a saying: Going to church doesn't make u a christian any more than going to a garage makes u a car.
Love to you. 