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1/31/2008 12:43:50 PM |
There is a difference in going to Church & being a Christian |

New Braunfels, TX
age: 51
The Church I love the most is an hour and 45 min away. If I had my way I would be there for 3 services a week. I try to read some (sometimes not much) daily. Can't answer if reading or going is better, not my call. Scripture tells us not to forsake gathering. Jesus told us that when two or more are gathered in my name I will be in the midst.I do think that in "some" churches the Holy Spirit is "very" active which sets us up for receiving special gifts we might not be a partaker of if not with others. I know for myself I have a more complete feeling of God when I combine worship and praise with hearing His word. For me reading is not enough, but that is me. Go to church on Sunday, wait a week for God again... not a good example. I kind of feel like God wants it all from me. Full time adherance to His principles. Don't get me wrong, I have areas I need to work on, no one is perfect besides Jesus. You are correct about getting your messages direct but I have found for me sometimes God talks to me through the lips of my preacher.
2/5/2008 3:34:43 PM |
There is a difference in going to Church & being a Christian |

Surprise, AZ
age: 48
I have read so much judgeing about others and christian people (or claim) to be..The only one that knows if our heart belongs to God is God. The church is his house and we are to go there and honor GOD not people. I use to feel I didn't need church because people were juding me or who needs church all they want is your money, well find another church if you feel that way. When I found a church I felt comfortable in, there is a peacefull feeling that you get from other believers. It helps when you feel down or need prayer. Never say you don't need GODs house because you do. Just remember imperfect people attend church, just as we all are imperfect. 
2/5/2008 5:09:27 PM |
There is a difference in going to Church & being a Christian |

Lillington, NC
age: 51
Down on one knee
Bjdmb will you, go to church with me?
I have to ask God y he put you way out in AZ

2/6/2008 6:12:35 AM |
There is a difference in going to Church & being a Christian |

New Braunfels, TX
age: 51
There is a special outpouring of the Holy Spirit when we gather to honor, thank, and praise god in a united group of followers. As we stand in awe of Him and worship Him expect the unexpected. "When two or more are gathered in my name I will be in the midst."
2/8/2008 5:36:41 AM |
There is a difference in going to Church & being a Christian |

Bloomington, IN
age: 50
I wanted to make another post on this forum. I am still looking for a church that I feel comfortable in. I know that being with other people who REALLY believe in God and want to worship him together is an uplifting experience and helps you to be a better Christian also.. But, that IS IF those people are true Christians and NOT hypocrites. I don't want to become like some of the people that I have seen in churches any more than I want to become a non-believer... Like the lady who was also abused, members of churches can be ruthless and damaging to those who find themselves in predicaments like we were in... and to her I want to say I'm so sorry that you have also had to suffer. If you haven't been abused, it is hard to believe that someone who pretends to be a great person in public can be the abuser they are behind closed doors... People want to criticize the victim and make them out to be the problem. And, to a sad extent, I find this happens the most with the church-going so-called Christian people. They just can't fathom the depth of brutality that someone can possess...as they have been taught that all people are good and morale. Men like my abusive husband go to churches...women who have affairs behind their husband's backs go to churches...slanderers and hypocrites go to churches...BUT, also good Christian people, like my parents, go to churches.... It is finding the church that has a good minister and a good congregation with whom you can fellowship and worship that makes you a better Christian. I miss the fellowship and the singing and the hugs and smiles I USED to get.. But, having also been on the other side, where people in your church will believe lies out of the mouth of someone who has abused you secretly just to cover up their deeds, and who have turned their backs on you when you needed them the most, makes sometimes going to church have a very detrimental affect.. That is all I am trying to say... I still believe there is a God and that I am a born-again Christian. Simply going to church DOES NOT MAKE YOU A CHRISTIAN!!!!!!!!!!
2/8/2008 5:59:04 AM |
There is a difference in going to Church & being a Christian |

New Braunfels, TX
age: 51
so very well put. I would like to add that just believing in Jesus does not make you a Christian either. Before everyone falls of your chair, think about this, Satan believes Jesus is the Son of God, but won't surrender to His ways.