1/6/2008 4:50:33 PM |
There is a difference in going to Church & being a Christian |

Williams, IN
age: 48
I was in town & 2 different people at 2 different locations ask me if I was going to church anywhere? When I replied that I was not, both of them responded that I really should be praying & going to church. I told them that I did pray I read my Bible & loved God with all my heart. I asked them if they did the same & one replied that she didn't read but relied on the preacher for God's word. I said whatever works for you, but personally, I like to get my messages direct.
If you just go to church & don't walk the walk after you walk out, what kind of message are you sending to others? What do you have that others would want if you go out to eat after church & gossip about everyone that was there or if you are constantly the bearer of bad news or moaning & groaning all the time?
1/6/2008 6:02:38 PM |
There is a difference in going to Church & being a Christian |

Columbia, SC
age: 53
Pollyannie, unfortunately there are always going to be people like that in any church you go to. The thing to do is to find those people in the church that DO walk the walk.
If I had let the people that gossip and don’t walk the walk keep me from going to church I would have never met some of the most influential people in my Christian walk that have had been such a blessing in my growing relationship with Christ. That would have been a HUGH mistake.
I’ve been through phases where I’m at church every time the door was open and then there are other times I can’t seem to bring myself to go for a long time.
Something else you might not have thought about, since you have the desire to walk the walk you are missing the opportunity to be an instrument of God to others.
When I move and look for a new church I pray about it and it’s really funny sometimes how I’ve ended up in some of the churches that I have. I’ve been to churches and not feel the Holy Spirit move me, then other times I’ve gone to a church and I can tell the place is alive with the Holy Spirit of Christ, that’s my first focus. Second is how the Pastor stands on issues and how he gets the word across. Third, people that I can grow in the spiritual walk with. The study you are doing on your own will be great in helping you find that church home.
I avoid the gossip church mice and any political back stabbing.
Don’t throw the baby out with the bath water.
1/6/2008 6:13:26 PM |
There is a difference in going to Church & being a Christian |

Williams, IN
age: 48
Thanks for the advice. I know there are good & bad people everywhere. I guess I havent found the right church & should try harder.
1/6/2008 6:28:05 PM |
There is a difference in going to Church & being a Christian |

Columbia, SC
age: 53
It's funny; I prayed about it one time and dreamed of a church name but I couldn’t recall the complete name of the church. Got up the next morning and looked the name up in the phone book.... I thought my dream it started with LU... so I was looking for St. Luke when I came across a different denomination from the one I was looking for and recalled someone telling me (from a previous church) that this denomination was very similar to the one I came from so I went ..... it was a Lutheran church and one of the best places in my Christian journey I could have gone to. So I really did feel lead to be there.
I pray you find what you will be lead where you need to be, may your heart be open to receive his guidance.
1/6/2008 6:48:04 PM |
There is a difference in going to Church & being a Christian |

Martinsburg, WV
age: 52
It's good that you seek God through bible reading and prayer, but I'd urge you to find a church home. Jesus said in John 14:34 "A new commandment I give to you, that you love one another; even as I have loved you, that you also love one another."
I thank God for my church family. They hold me up; hold me accountable and love me. I wish that everyone had such a support structure.
We are all sinners and it hurts when someone from my church (sometimes even me) becomes a hypocrit. But the journey that we are on is a long one and we are bound to fail sometime. A good church family will pick you up and help you back on the the straight and narrow.
Finally, a church will always have people at various levels of faith. Sometimes you will learn from them and sometimes it's your turn to teach; either way your faith can grow if you take part. Avoid the hypocrits and seek the meek.
1/7/2008 4:59:39 PM |
There is a difference in going to Church & being a Christian |

Lillington, NC
age: 51
Fellowship is a big part of spiritual growth
1/7/2008 5:56:10 PM |
There is a difference in going to Church & being a Christian |

Williams, IN
age: 48
You can have fellowship any where after all your body is the temple of the Lord if yo are a Christian. Fellowship & witnessing outside the church is important.
1/8/2008 3:22:24 AM |
There is a difference in going to Church & being a Christian |

Lillington, NC
age: 51
You are correct Polly, as we are fellowshipping here. Where ever two ore more are gathered in His name, He is there. Church is a family, a family of supposed like minds, gathered in His name. Finding the family can sometimes be frustrating. I changed to a smaller Church, and found the family love and fellowship. There are still the “Pharisees and the Hypocrites”, so to speak. They will be wherever you go.
Go with God, Go in peace.
His love
1/8/2008 8:45:11 PM |
There is a difference in going to Church & being a Christian |

Rattan, OK
age: 60
Going to church is not just for what you can get out of it. Church is also for you to help others who might not just walk out and continue with same-o-same-o. If you were there you could make a difference with your strength of faith and wise words. Mostly though, people need to reassure each other in their faith. There are so many who want Christians to fail. Those people will say and do anything to attack Christians beliefs.
1/9/2008 8:12:38 AM |
There is a difference in going to Church & being a Christian |

Williams, IN
age: 48
I started this thread hoping people would see that just going to church, doesn't make you a Christian. If you are stepping out of the church, gossipping & judging then you need to realize what you are doing..Jesus didn't do that, why do you? Be someone that people look at & want that happiness you have..that kindness towards others you give.
People who depend on anyone else to give them the meaning of God's word are missing a blessing. You can read a scripture & I can read the same scripture & get 2 different meanings....You get what you need & I get what I need.
Somehow, the meaning of this thread got lost in the "You need to go to church" mind set. Please just look at yourself....Do you have that glow about you that makes people want what you have inside?....outside the church? Yes, people will say and do anything to attack Christians beliefs, do you have the knowledge that you need to defend your beliefs?
I believe you can go to heaven & never step foot in a church. Know what you believe in. I do.
1/11/2008 7:00:34 AM |
There is a difference in going to Church & being a Christian |

Paoli, IN
age: 49
I agree that there is a big difference in calling your self a christian and being a christian. I my self find peace with god when I'm alone. I do think that church is improtant. But I really think going to church is not the answer sometimes.I think it's the quality of time you choose to spend with god. It's not the going to church that makes you a christian. I think It's the walk you take with god. The knowing bad or good truth or lie.every man woman or child has that choice. God already knows you better than you know yourself. Just let god in your life and god well show you the way.
1/11/2008 4:54:26 PM |
There is a difference in going to Church & being a Christian |

Lillington, NC
age: 51
I agree with you Polly, For instance if I miss a Sunday Gathering of “Worship” and fellowship, I don’t lose sleep over it. I get the point of what you are saying. Remember however, Keep His Day Holy. Church is not the building, believe it or not; we are having church as we speak here. Our speaking and praising our Lord Jesus; our praying and all the rest, is a form of worshiping Him by our faith in Him. Our gathering in His name is church. Church on the internet of Christ Jesus. 
Shall we sing...
As we gather by the keyboard...
1/11/2008 6:29:17 PM |
There is a difference in going to Church & being a Christian |

Denison, IA
age: 29
I also prefer to get my message from HIM directly. I also know in the bible it states to build HIM a temple.. Why must that mean a church? Why can't I build HIM a temple in my heart! I refuse to go to a church where the ppl are hateful and judgemental. They hide behind the bible and use it for permission to treat others the way they do, as if it is there GOD-giving right. Well it also states in their bible that HE is the only one to cast judgment.
The sad thing to me, is that some ppl that go to church, and call themselves christians, are not really. Yes, they may believe in God, but they do not really get what God is and HIS message.They use church to make themselves look good, and wait, isn't vainity a sin? oh well,,, to each their own.. I am the only one that has to look God in the eyes on my judgement day. I am accountable for myself, and personally, I don't think God will judge me as harshly as others PROCLAIM he will. I think God will through the book at some of those ppl because they judged in his place. The truth is that none of us really know what God is or what or how he will judge us. We are just going off what the bible tells us, yet we won't know the real God until we met him. Until then, I will try really hard not to live my life in fear of my Father and Creator. I will love him because he is my God, and I know he loves all of us more then we can comprehend.
1/11/2008 6:31:54 PM |
There is a difference in going to Church & being a Christian |

Denison, IA
age: 29
I agree with you Rich. I don't think that going to church is limited to visiting the building either..
Takes for sharing.. 
1/12/2008 5:00:22 AM |
There is a difference in going to Church & being a Christian |

Lillington, NC
age: 51
I forgot to say that Going to church is building strength from others, with others, to form a more perfect union.