St. Johns, NL
35, joined Aug. 2009
Hello everyone who's reading this Well I have a Brain Injury, to me there are pro's and con's to this like everything else, The pro's are moving out of my hometown yep pretty sad hey but there's nothing there for me now since my injury. I started a new and better life in St. John's, NL, I have a Job that I enjoy, meeting new people and making new friends. My Con's are having seizers, being disabled, by saying that is the this that I can't do other this that I enjoyed before my injury, loss of memory, well which is good at times lol. Having a hard time learning new thing.
At time my brain injury bothers me but I have to look on the good side of thing like I'M STILL ALIVE. I don't know what else to say on this but feel free to post any thing you like. Good luck everyone. Hope you find the person who makes you happy.
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Roosevelt, UT
37, joined Feb. 2010
hi it's nice to meet you. a guy i know that used to be my best friend (long back story) on the used to part also has a TBI and he goes around the whole united states through people first talking about how it's possible to do what you've always dreamed of even if you have a disability. he thinks of his disability as a blessing.
New Bethlehem, PA
58, joined Feb. 2010
I would like to know if there are any other people on this site with brain injuries. It would be so refreshing to talk to someone who gets it. Hope to hear from someone soon.
I know There has to be some of the elite people on here besides me.I can't be the only chose one here.


Phoenix, AZ
64, joined Mar. 2008
I've had my TBI since 1995...I was in a bad car accident...the drunk driver was going 85mph, passed four cars, on a double yellow on a curve at night and T-boned the car and sent us 80 feet sideways. I was getting something off the floor on my husbands' side of the car, and saw a bright light and put my left arm to brace me...I had rapid side to side whiplash, shearing the left frontal lobe..(also have six herniated disks)...my husband (at that time, we were married 14 years and this was on our "honeymoon" two years after we were married)..he was lucky in that he hit his head and is 13 years younger then I was...I was 42. I began having symptoms and am not able to work a job anymore...I have short term memory loss, low cognition and can't learn knew things...I can't add or subtract very well anymore (and I used to be a legal secretary for a patent attorney!). I spent the next three years in cognitive and physical therapy...I went to a psychiatrist who helped me deal with the TBI and with the public...I hear five things people say to me when they find out I have a TBI. They are "You look fine, you'll get better, I forget too, don't listen to the doctors,and this is a good one...if you pray hard enough...it'll go away..." Guess I haven't prayed hard enough....geez...I've accepted it...I think people are afraid it's "catchy"...Like when I was diagnosed with Celiac Sprue Disease and then five months later Breast Cancer...then my husband just simply couldn't handle me being not what he married and then we divorced...The great news is that I met my honey on DH nearly two years ago and we plan on living together...no marriage for us both...we don't want that.. He's 64 with stage four prostate cancer...I'm just stage one...."just"...
I accept my TBI and call it "brain fartitis"...whenever my brother or Mom tell me that I should remind them of something...they look at me and we all smile and break out laughing! yeah, right...me remind them! LOL I call my Celiac Disease my "silly a** disease"...haven't come up with a snappy thing to call the girls yet...I should...this happened in 2007!
Anyway...I even have a smile on my face right now as I write this...boy!!!! Am I ever windy!!! LOL
Keep your chins up, all of you...and remember to be grateful for what you have and not for what you don't have....loss can be gain...we have a more peacefilled life, eh? I know I do not having to work for lawyers anymore!!!! LOL LOL LOL LOL
Take good care of yourselves!
[Edited 5/11/2010 6:36:46 PM ]