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1/15/2008 2:07:36 PM |
Mensa or Intellectuals |
Oldsmar, FL
age: 52
Come on Dustin......the people have spoken.......
1/15/2008 7:01:57 PM |
Mensa or Intellectuals |

Sherman, TX
age: 43
I checked into Mensa awhile back and decided against it for financial reasons....I couldn't get to the testing site, I didn't have the testing fee, and I knew I wouldn't have the dues most of the time.  I wanted to give a good attempt....but was once again stopped by a money issue.
1/15/2008 7:05:58 PM |
Mensa or Intellectuals |

Sherman, TX
age: 43
chule.....read Carl Sagen's Cosmos. A very interesting book.
I did my senior research paper in high school about nuclear fusion....the process that fuels the stars. When a star explodes, it seldom blows away all af its mass. It actually blows away only a small fraction of its mass....even when it goes nova or super nova. What remains is the heavier elements that are produced by the process of fusion. These heavier elements sink to the center of the star and sometimes are too heavy to sustain the fusion process and slowly cool until the process stops, and the elements then diffuse out into the vaccuum of space. Other times the heavier elements are so heavy that the heart of the star collapses in on itself, increasing its density and, over time its gravity which then draws in more and more matter.....increasing its mass....which increases its gravity......see the pattern? It leads to the formation, after enough time, of a black hole......an object of such strong gravity that even light cannot escape. There are schools of thought that say that all matter in the universe will eventually end up in a black hole and that, furthermore, all black holes in the universe will eventually become one and the same. Hope this explains a little or at least leads you toward an answer to your questions....
[Edited 1/15/2008 7:29:27 PM]
1/15/2008 7:21:43 PM |
Mensa or Intellectuals |

Sherman, TX
age: 43
Here's a topic for you....
By teaching sign language to gorillas, chimpanzees, and orangutans...we have taught the great apes to communicate with each other. This sound eerily like the first step toward the planet of the apes.....
Anyone want to touch this one?
[Edited 1/15/2008 8:40:52 PM]
1/16/2008 9:45:04 AM |
Mensa or Intellectuals |
Page, AZ
age: 60
Part of which was shot right here on beautiful Lake Powell.
1/16/2008 3:12:33 PM |
Mensa or Intellectuals |
Oldsmar, FL
age: 52
That is correct, Qazy.....
1/16/2008 3:51:04 PM |
Mensa or Intellectuals |
Mountain View, MO
age: 56
i have wondered often about if one goes straight up into space,,do you return back to where you started ?? [360 degrees] if not,do you keep going into eternity and then does that have a ending ?? where O where does it start,,and end, my friends,  
1/16/2008 4:06:40 PM |
Mensa or Intellectuals |
Page, AZ
age: 60
There is no up and down in outer space, those directions depend on gravity.
My father was the design specialist on the "Voyager" spacecraft and it went OUT past all the planets and then changed direction so it can send back pictures of our universe.
It's still sending information back today and it was launched about 30 years ago.

1/16/2008 4:14:02 PM |
Mensa or Intellectuals |
Mountain View, MO
age: 56
is there and end to space ?? 
1/16/2008 4:19:42 PM |
Mensa or Intellectuals |
Oldsmar, FL
age: 52
Space is infinite........
1/16/2008 4:26:56 PM |
Mensa or Intellectuals |
Hudson, NY
age: 65
It could only be measurable/unmeasurable from the point at which you started.
1/16/2008 4:30:32 PM |
Mensa or Intellectuals |
Hudson, NY
age: 65
It was my understanding that teaching signing to prmates has only been sucessful when based on their need to learn it. As an evolved society, they already have several forms of communication, thus signing is only actually to fulfill needs from the controller. Even if the controller is another primate.
1/16/2008 4:36:51 PM |
Mensa or Intellectuals |
Mountain View, MO
age: 56
law, thank you so much for letting me ask these questions here 
i do hope that you keep up the great work here, and i hope that i might have your permission to participate here too
not trying to be silly here,,
just trying to understand why things are things 
1/16/2008 4:44:04 PM |
Mensa or Intellectuals |
Page, AZ
age: 60
It's my understanding that primates that are tought signing also teach it to there young.
Does sound like a step towards planet of the apes.
Learning is a life long process.
Never stop!

[Edited 1/16/2008 4:49:24 PM]
1/16/2008 4:49:33 PM |
Mensa or Intellectuals |
Oldsmar, FL
age: 52
Packmother, since space is infinite it doesn't matter at what point you start.....
[Edited 1/16/2008 6:07:14 PM]
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