1/11/2008 7:43:11 PM |
Welcome to the DH Friday night singles dance! |

Lecanto, FL
age: 64
Come on sweetness let's rock!
1/11/2008 7:43:53 PM |
Welcome to the DH Friday night singles dance! |

Hebron, IN
age: 53
Okay, let's go!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 
1/11/2008 7:44:07 PM |
Welcome to the DH Friday night singles dance! |

Columbia, SC
age: 58
Qirki, Don't stop, you're makin' the party. Media, Ladies are lovin' it. Keep it up.
1/11/2008 7:49:41 PM |
Welcome to the DH Friday night singles dance! |

Columbia, SC
age: 58
What happened, everybody pause for the cause. I'm not ready to stop dancin' yet.
1/11/2008 7:50:42 PM |
Welcome to the DH Friday night singles dance! |

Lecanto, FL
age: 64
Hey guys this might be fantasy but it sure brings back some good memories. If the power goes out just keep on dancin and sweetnes will smile and the whole room will light up..
[Edited 1/11/2008 7:51:00 PM]
1/11/2008 7:52:59 PM |
Welcome to the DH Friday night singles dance! |

San Francisco, CA
age: 62
Is there anyone out there that can help me? I got this problem!

1/11/2008 7:53:24 PM |
Welcome to the DH Friday night singles dance! |

Hebron, IN
age: 53
Thank you media, that was so sweet. Now let'sdance!!!!!!!!!!!   
1/11/2008 7:54:06 PM |
Welcome to the DH Friday night singles dance! |

Venice, FL
age: 55
hmmmm...I was hoping to see a certain gentleman here...but alas..he is no where to be found
I think I will just drop a quarter in the juke box...and think of him, for a few moments.
need to learn more before posting a video...damn it was a hot song too.
[Edited 1/11/2008 7:55:15 PM]
1/11/2008 7:55:46 PM |
Welcome to the DH Friday night singles dance! |

Ladera Ranch, CA
age: 58
Now that I'm holding you tight in my arms, I can pick up that sexy scent that you wear. Maybe my senses are sharper because the lights are so low and everybody's slowed down just a little. Mmmmmmmmm.
With every breath you take, I feel your lucious body next to mine and I know that by the end of the evening. . . well, you know. I'm so glad I came here tonight. When I think of what I might have missed.
1/11/2008 7:57:42 PM |
Welcome to the DH Friday night singles dance! |

San Francisco, CA
age: 62
Anybody need a ride to the party?
Sorry kiddos & kiddees, I see by the old clock on the wall, that this has to be all. It has been fun but I got to run. Will someone else step up to the turn table, whoever is able!
[Edited 1/11/2008 8:01:15 PM]
1/11/2008 7:59:15 PM |
Welcome to the DH Friday night singles dance! |

Hebron, IN
age: 53
Lotus know what you mean, but the guys here are terrific!!!!     Still can't stop these feet. I may keep dancing until June!!!!!!!!   
1/11/2008 7:59:28 PM |
Welcome to the DH Friday night singles dance! |

Lecanto, FL
age: 64
Oooooops sorry I was listenin to qirkis problem and got carried away! She can make you go hmmmmmmm.
1/11/2008 8:03:08 PM |
Welcome to the DH Friday night singles dance! |

Tarentum, PA
age: 57
I just came home from work. Please can I hear some Doo Wop????????????
1/11/2008 8:03:39 PM |
Welcome to the DH Friday night singles dance! |

San Francisco, CA
age: 62
I will leave you with this, the DH theme song. Goodnight all!
1/11/2008 8:06:28 PM |
Welcome to the DH Friday night singles dance! |

Lecanto, FL
age: 64
Okay qirki give me the mic and we'll slow it down some thanks for DJ'n