1/11/2008 6:32:50 PM |
Welcome to the DH Friday night singles dance! |

Columbia, SC
age: 59
Hey guys and gals, newbie in the bar. Let's all give her a biiiig DH welcome. Welcome Moom, your first drink's on me!
1/11/2008 6:33:08 PM |
Welcome to the DH Friday night singles dance! |

Thunder Bay, ON
age: 50
What do us ladies have to do to get the guys to jump in?
1/11/2008 6:33:09 PM |
Welcome to the DH Friday night singles dance! |

Hebron, IN
age: 54
Jumper, just join in. Boy that was a mouth full.   I'm getting the next round.
1/11/2008 6:33:22 PM |
Welcome to the DH Friday night singles dance! |

Columbia, SC
age: 53
Colleen, you want to meet up this weekend for a cup of coffee??? 
1/11/2008 6:34:26 PM |
Welcome to the DH Friday night singles dance! |

North Augusta, SC
age: 62
Have my Pepsi and ready to dance the night away.
1/11/2008 6:34:45 PM |
Welcome to the DH Friday night singles dance! |

Rochester, NH
age: 56
Sorry if I step on any toes, don't know cotton eyed joe
1/11/2008 6:35:45 PM |
Welcome to the DH Friday night singles dance! |

Columbia, SC
age: 59
Shez, sounds like a plan. Just email me and tell me when and where and I'll be there.
1/11/2008 6:36:40 PM |
Welcome to the DH Friday night singles dance! |

Middleburg, FL
age: 56
Thank You Sunny, you're keeping all us ladies dancing. Never saw so many feet flying
1/11/2008 6:36:54 PM |
Welcome to the DH Friday night singles dance! |

Overland Park, KS
age: 53
How about a little disco, BeeGees were the best
1/11/2008 6:37:46 PM |
Welcome to the DH Friday night singles dance! |

Thunder Bay, ON
age: 50
Thanks ladies for making me feel welcome. Few more drinks and we"ll be here all night.
1/11/2008 6:38:42 PM |
Welcome to the DH Friday night singles dance! |

Middleburg, FL
age: 56
YAY Richard, love the Beegees, just be careful when you lift me over your head and we twirl 
1/11/2008 6:39:58 PM |
Welcome to the DH Friday night singles dance! |

Rochester, NH
age: 56
I doing my best but having a hard time getting past the bar man.  
1/11/2008 6:40:58 PM |
Welcome to the DH Friday night singles dance! |

Madison, SD
age: 53
Hi gals too bad we're not all together and go out on the town and do a lot of dancingIn fact I'm just going to get cleaned up go up town and do a little dancing right now
1/11/2008 6:41:42 PM |
Welcome to the DH Friday night singles dance! |

Urbana, OH
age: 67
I used to go to alot of Single's Dances. Everyone got to dance. Men and Ladies line up on each side. Whoever is first in the men's line dances with the first lady in that line, and so on. Then a Lady's Choice, then a Man's Choice. Or change partners when the whistle blew. All kinds of crazy things. I'm ready to boogie!!!
1/11/2008 6:42:59 PM |
Welcome to the DH Friday night singles dance! |

Overland Park, KS
age: 53
Moomjumper, if we get this party going late enough, are you going to lift the gray veil.
Fastracker, I'll do the lift, but I don't twirl. Can't shake as well any more either
[Edited 1/11/2008 6:45:26 PM]