1/14/2008 7:17:46 AM |
Louis666 aka: Minsk is back and that's great |

Wayne, NJ
age: 55
wow on the line of duty my brother was shot right through one cheek of his face out the other cheek through his passanger side of his car window...his reaction was to leave his car in the twilight silently saying "help me" no other gave 2 schitts--he then fell from losing much blood and awoke from 17 hrs of emergency sugery and couldn't speak for months because part of his tongue was missing--i asked the doctor why he left his vehicle because he didn't want to die he said...and every day i know my brother was blessed--so thank god someone was there for you--take that lesson and learn from that ...
[Edited 1/14/2008 7:25:28 AM]
1/14/2008 7:18:42 AM |
Louis666 aka: Minsk is back and that's great |

Wayne, NJ
age: 55
why name calling---i didn't name you--members of the 1st siders club have spoken
i see the light--esp here by your responses--what a bunch of 1st siders--try to be nice--but i'm not a member it seems of this club--
[Edited 1/14/2008 7:22:40 AM]
1/14/2008 7:24:45 AM |
Louis666 aka: Minsk is back and that's great |

Checotah, OK
age: 58
Could have a demon and not an angel that was calling for help.
It's clearly obvious that the digs in between the lines are more important than the words.
You can't praise someone when you are chastising others.
[Edited 1/14/2008 7:29:10 AM]
1/14/2008 7:25:16 AM |
Louis666 aka: Minsk is back and that's great |

Greenville, MI
age: 57
I'm sorry, but I just don't get you !! It seems I'm regularly confused by your threads and hypocrisy !
YOUR words : This is suppose to be a positive thread
[Edited 1/14/2008 7:25:45 AM]
1/14/2008 7:26:40 AM |
Louis666 aka: Minsk is back and that's great |

Wayne, NJ
age: 55
perhaps you seem like a bandwagoner in my opinion to your posting --you know what that is correct--so why LMAO off at the man
[Edited 1/14/2008 7:29:29 AM]
1/14/2008 7:30:30 AM |
Louis666 aka: Minsk is back and that's great |

Charlottesville, VA
age: 70
I wanted to use just my name Louis as my handle, to try in keeping with the thoughts of us using our names as opposed to unique handles. Try, as I may, Louis plus increasing with numbers was already taken. So, after a fashion, because I like to read Daniel and Revelations in the Bible, and study it, I just used 666, and it was avaiable. Don't worry, I don't have the desire or the pinache to be the AntiChrist. 
1/14/2008 7:33:45 AM |
Louis666 aka: Minsk is back and that's great |

Wayne, NJ
age: 55
thanks for explaining that --but please for the sake of your friends when you post here please do that with caution to threads you post too...there are angels not in the outfield but many more here on this site...
1/14/2008 7:42:08 AM |
Louis666 aka: Minsk is back and that's great |

Tarentum, PA
age: 57
Welcome back Louis. May God bless you and keep you healthy for a very long time!
1/14/2008 7:53:09 AM |
Louis666 aka: Minsk is back and that's great |

Checotah, OK
age: 58
This entire site is mentally sick. Not one of you have posted anything related to finding your mate, which is what this site is supposed to be about.
You all take your bitterness out on whoever participates in the threads. If they don't kiss your ass, then they are chopped liver.
The ones who are sincere about trying to find a mate are caught up in the divulging of the soul and its contents. The others who use this emptying of the soul in posting to the threads for minipulating the sincerity of the innocent searching for their mate.
The ones who demand control over everyone under this domain have a hidden agenda that becomes obvious as they post to their purpose.
Then there are the ones who actually believe they are being accepted into their inner circle who are being used as yard dogs and lap dogs.
Ridicule, criticize and condemn what isn't part of your little group and the rest of you crack lickers will follow suit.
Next time you post to thread or better yet, start your own thread and ask if there is anyone on this site interested in hooking up with you.
You all have posted ridiculous requirements of what you expect in someone to fill your mates requirements. Do you really think someone of all those aspects of character exists? And if they do exist, what makes you think they would have anything to do with someone who continously ridicules, criticizes and condemns others just because they have a difference of opinion.
In short, folks. You all deserve each other.
Now, lets here the barrage of ridiculing, criticizing and condemning that I am about to receive for making this post.
Happy Trails
1/14/2008 8:44:45 AM |
Louis666 aka: Minsk is back and that's great |

Hudson, NY
age: 64
I asked the other day if all, what I saw as "problems" were usual on here. I was told that it was a just a few having "a bad day". So I am asking the same question again, is this the usual way this site is? I thought it would be something differnt, nor really sure exactly what I expected, which is my problem, but never thought it would be a venue for such a lack of understanding each other (or attacks, which I would rather think it is not) Perhaps spmeone can take the time to fully explain this to me, at this pint I am seeing this site as a waste of time for interraction of adults.
1/14/2008 8:53:18 AM |
Louis666 aka: Minsk is back and that's great |

Wayne, NJ
age: 55
seems it is a free site to everyone here of course--distance kills any romantic opportunities the site offers except the FREE site is a remedy for boredom and lonliness--seems everyone in addition may be here to stake claims being bandwagon posters to some threads which have made many posters post: "I'm leaving here" as people leave this site at freewill knowing they can't compete with the 1st siders club, who are bandwagon posters of stupidy to keep threads alive while others won't view a thread simply because they don't have the stamina to read a whole thread out even if the punch line was in the last sentence of a joke which could make someone's day a better one or hate the author of the thread as most bandwagoners would... this group who seem to think their schitt tastes and smells good (meaning it's about a select group)....show many here they support boredom and lonliness together but will critize negatively more collectively (collectively is a bandwagon) to outcast members not so cool like them...1st siders are the bandwagon people that negatively add their opinions too again collectively just because that's their nature--they were born FOLLOWERS, "never" LEADERS, got too old fast, leveled out like old dogs who will never become open to change and once again were NEVER natural born LEADERS meanwhile, the smart people that move on, seems like they are the latter (LEADERS)...prove me, i'm wrong---i'm sick of the former (FOLLOWERS)--and not the latter (LEADERS)...
this thread again sets up sides--what a pity--
[Edited 1/14/2008 10:08:39 AM]
1/14/2008 9:02:50 AM |
Louis666 aka: Minsk is back and that's great |

Hudson, NY
age: 64
Mr.sop (abv)
I appericate what I am thinking is a reply to my question.However, I am having a difficult time completely understanding what you are saying, I am sorry. If you choose to explain your thoughts in a simpler form that would be helpful, but at the same time, if you do not that too will be fine. One comment I do have is that to a new comer, people's experiences, those that have been here awhile, do not always make sense. Thank you either way.
Is it correct form to address someone by name?
1/14/2008 9:34:11 AM |
Louis666 aka: Minsk is back and that's great |

Elsberry, MO
age: 56
Packmother, WELCOME...
Like life, there be the people who play well with others, very caring and theres a great support group here too, FRIENDS. Then there be the ones who don't. That doesn't make them good or bad, just different, LEADERS some would say.
Granny always said...
"One sure way to be a Leader, is to walk alone."
We be a Group of Individuals !!!!!!!!!JMO which has no value...
The best thing to do , Would be to watch or jump in and make up your own mind.
Later, Blu: Be Happy, Safe and many Blessings.
[Edited 1/14/2008 9:35:43 AM]
1/14/2008 9:39:47 AM |
Louis666 aka: Minsk is back and that's great |

Greenville, MI
age: 57
When ya leaving Sorp ?? We'll throw you a going away Party at Joe's !!!!!!!!
1/14/2008 9:41:47 AM |
Louis666 aka: Minsk is back and that's great |

Wayne, NJ
age: 55
not leaving but preventing others who may--learn to read Mr bandwagoner--or a 1st sider--you lonely dog..why dont you earn your fee at that Joes party...great place you'll hold it as the author of that thread at Joes never is there to serve the coffee
[Edited 1/14/2008 10:09:50 AM]