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6/10/2010 10:33:20 PM |
Door bell rings at 4 in the morning, what do you do? |


Lansdale, PA
70, joined Aug. 2008
I don't know if I could actually shoot someone, but I sure could tell them off for minute or two.
Meet singles at DateHookup.dating, we're 100% free! Join now!

6/11/2010 6:04:14 PM |
Door bell rings at 4 in the morning, what do you do? |


San Diego, CA
97, joined Jan. 2008
I live in a high rise apt building, so I would think someone needed something. Thieves usually don't ring the bell.
6/11/2010 6:06:36 PM |
Door bell rings at 4 in the morning, what do you do? |

Athens, AL
58, joined Feb. 2010
Answer it!
6/12/2010 2:05:18 AM |
Door bell rings at 4 in the morning, what do you do? |


Atmore, AL
56, joined Jan. 2010
1sure its don;t belong to me its free  . 2and as for the gentleman that called us stupid.....hes just looking for a argument. we are 3not so stupid as to not ask who it is. 4must be a liberal???? 5its my house and i WILL PROTECT IT AND THE PEOPLE IN IT !!!!!!!
#1) First you appear to be trying to say that there's nothing in your house worth someone getting hurt over...but then later you insinuate that you actually would hurt someone for coming into your house.
Make up your mind, and quit talking out of both sides of your mouth.
#2) Ummmm...who called anyone "stupid"?
If you're referring to my previous post, then apparently you need to brush up on your reading comprehension skills.
I stated that anyone who claims to be so eager to kill someone has either never done so, or is sick...and I stand by that statement.
A sane, normal person can not stand face to face with another human being and take that person's life without being affected in some way.
Why do you think so many soldiers suffer post traumatic stress, and police officers are required to see a psychiatrist after being involved in a shooting?
I know first hand what it's like to look a person straight in the eye as I pull the trigger and watch his brains splatter.
Do you know that feeling, or how it can haunt you for a long time afterwards?
#3) If you ask who it is, and don't get an answer, then logic tells you 1 of 4 things is true: (A)who-ever was there has left, (B)who-ever is there is injured and incapable of responding to you, (C)there was no-one there to begin with, or (D)who-ever is there is hiding and waiting for you to make the mistake of stepping outside so they can ambush you from behind.
Either way, once you make the decision to step outside of your door with a lethal weapon you have become the aggressor and can no longer claim self-defense.
#4) Sorry,I can't be labeled, even though it's apparent you have a desperate need to be able to do so with people.
I have a mind of my own, and I use it to asses each individual case on it's own merits and then make an intelligent decision based on that assessment...rather than simply spouting someone else's idiotic rhetoric.
(it's sad how so many people in this world don't do the same.)
#5) Go for it slick, continue thinking that "you're the man", and you protect your house and family...but remember this...if you kill someone outside your house you will be arrested, and probably convicted of murder (especially if in the heat of the moment you make the mistake of shooting them in the back).
If you and your family are in upstairs rooms and a burglar is in a downstairs room and you sneak down and shoot him, you can not claim self-defense, because your life was not threatened at the time you decided to sneak downstairs.
By the way---since you feel the need to advertise the fact that you have a gun and think you will use it, you have fore-warned anyone in your area who might happen to see or hear of such advertisement...and instead of producing your desired effect of being a deterrent to them it simply means that they will take precautions to make sure you don't get an opportunity to use that weapon.(smooth move ex-lax)
{side-note: Attitudes and statements such as many of the ones I've seen in this thread are the very ammunition the bleeding-hearts need to try to bring about stricter gun-control laws.
I hope you're proud of yourself for helping them try to take away our right to "keep and bear arms".}
6/12/2010 2:13:16 AM |
Door bell rings at 4 in the morning, what do you do? |


Atmore, AL
56, joined Jan. 2010
I don't know if I could actually shoot someone, but I sure could tell them off for minute or two.
I live in a high rise apt building, so I would think someone needed something. Thieves usually don't ring the bell.
Answer it!
Finally some more words of Intelligent Reasoning. 
6/12/2010 11:21:35 AM |
Door bell rings at 4 in the morning, what do you do? |
Woodville, AL
59, joined Apr. 2010
oh goodness i guess its soap box time.. and just as you have you options so do i.. this site should be here to have a laugh and maybe 2 people that have things in common meet but people like you have nothing better to do then to turn it in to a contest on law and such..and you think your very clever...and you might be, but i don;t see it. i can tell your very learned but you have a lot to learn about common sense and people. so rattle on if you must.. and good luck with finding someone to put up with that crap.....i don;t have the time or patents to even tolerate such ignorance...