1/22/2008 7:28:16 PM |
Why do most woman prefer the"bad boy" over than the gentleman? |

Webster, MA
age: 32
grneyed38 thats very interesting question and a good 1
1/23/2008 9:27:28 AM |
Why do most woman prefer the"bad boy" over than the gentleman? |

Barryton, MI
age: 33
define bad boy..If it's a man that abusive, controlling. agressive..then for get it...
1/23/2008 12:39:42 PM |
Why do most woman prefer the"bad boy" over than the gentleman? |

Paragould, AR
age: 31
 sounds to me like u are looking in the wrong places or trying to attract th wrong type of women for what u need right now.... i don't know but if i can have a woman that will treat me like gold or one that would shit on me every chance they get.... hmmmmm let me think which one?????? uuh duh this is a no brainer lol.... anyone that would pick a jerk over a genuinly nice guy is a idiot.... not to mention i agree with the earlier post if a man is sincerly a gentleman women are totally defenseless.... use your charm sweep them off their feet.. and steal their heart...... its not that hard.... remember be secure enough with your emotional side to let them see your heart for all of its grace.... be open and don't try to attract ladies that are young mentally... most mature women have been with an asshole and can really appreciate a nice guy......... and remember if u give a lady all that and she shits on u just smile cause for one its her loss and for two she wasn't worth investing the time into a relationship anyway... so don't beat yourself up... keep your confidence up and keep trying to meet mrs. right... cause there is someone out there for everybody... 
1/23/2008 1:19:57 PM |
Why do most woman prefer the"bad boy" over than the gentleman? |

Washington, DC
age: 35
I feel you on that. The last three girls that I was with, seemed to prefer it that way. I was a perfect "friendly" man around all of her friends. Then when it was just the two of us...We'll let's just say, the bedroom was a whole new game.
1/23/2008 11:36:19 PM |
Why do most woman prefer the"bad boy" over than the gentleman? |

Lizella, GA
age: 38
BAD BOY????? Who doesnt want one???? but where do they get you ~ hurt usually! I want a man who can be all things to me at any given time.......gentlemen are a dying breed & that's because women allow the bad boys to walk all over them & treat them accordingly.
I'd prefer a man who is comfortable with themselves; one that I can be myself with. The bad boy will come out in him sooner or later if I can help it. 
1/24/2008 10:55:08 AM |
Why do most woman prefer the"bad boy" over than the gentleman? |

Loves Park, IL
age: 33
Let me tell you, continue to be a gentleman. Personally, I want nothing to do with the "bad boys" at all. Not every woman perfers that!
1/24/2008 11:59:10 AM |
Why do most woman prefer the"bad boy" over than the gentleman? |

Syracuse, NY
age: 37
I've never met a nice guy. What are they like.
1/24/2008 9:29:12 PM |
Why do most woman prefer the"bad boy" over than the gentleman? |

Brandon, FL
age: 36
i dunno guy? some women think i'm a bad boy others swear i'm a nice guy i say it all depends upon the day. go with what you know about yourself. if you do have a bad day be a little more aggresive and voice your oppinion more rather than being quiet. see what happens. life is an experiment gone wrong.
1/27/2008 4:23:01 PM |
Why do most woman prefer the"bad boy" over than the gentleman? |

Brooklyn, NY
age: 35
because someone like me will punch someone in the face if they disrespect me or my woman, and some "gentleman" might be like , " lets just walk away its not worth it", but id say that it is worth it so that the offender knows that he cant get away with some stuff with some people, lol ladies...... bad boy here, lmao
1/27/2008 4:24:21 PM |
Why do most woman prefer the"bad boy" over than the gentleman? |

Brooklyn, NY
age: 35
one more thing, there arent classes for this , you have to be born with it 
1/27/2008 7:45:57 PM |
Why do most woman prefer the"bad boy" over than the gentleman? |

Las Cruces, NM
age: 38
I guess what it depends what a bad boy is.
I like t be treated like a lady.
But in the bed room oohhh baby be as bad as you want to be!!!!!!!
1/28/2008 5:11:20 PM |
Why do most woman prefer the"bad boy" over than the gentleman? |

Binghamton, NY
age: 37
Well, i have a suggestion. Accumulate all the beer you can from the nice guys, and then kindly say excuse me, i need to powder my nose, and head out the door with the bad ones you like. Girls Rule!!!!
1/28/2008 9:10:25 PM |
Why do most woman prefer the"bad boy" over than the gentleman? |

Roscommon, MI
age: 36
Yeah, there is something to the bad boy, usually sex. When that's over or worn out or what ever, then what? Most of us like the sexy bad boy look, not the A**hole attitude that goes with it. That's where a man can keep a woman, with the good man attitude and caring.
1/29/2008 7:26:01 PM |
Why do most woman prefer the"bad boy" over than the gentleman? |

Columbus, OH
age: 31
You're an idiot
1/29/2008 10:12:01 PM |
Why do most woman prefer the"bad boy" over than the gentleman? |

Missouri City, TX
age: 30
funny i like the gentleman type.. guess im old fashioned. In todays world they are a dyiing breed and the only real MEN left in this world.. i like being treated with respect and thought of as a lady.
like i said guess im old fashioned