1/17/2008 7:52:39 PM |
Attention ALL thread posters!!!! |

Mountain View, MO
age: 55
poor doggie  
sorry law the made me do that   
1/17/2008 8:09:47 PM |
Attention ALL thread posters!!!! |

Amherst, OH
age: 58
I have seen the troubles and loath them and the people that cause them. I think that we are on the right track to move forward to get back to the "good" days of past. Maybe I am somewhat new at posting but I have read the threads for some 2 monthes and I have found some wonderful, caring people here. God bless ya Elfie.
1/17/2008 8:18:38 PM |
Attention ALL thread posters!!!! |

Diamond Bar, CA
age: 58
I'd really have to think about this before I give a final opinion.
Just a "thought" for right now.......there are "Guidelines" shown above (which are in Reply section) and I would assume consequences for those that are not followed, this is a Public Forum, and there are monitors.
A lot to really think about!
That's all I got to say about it right now.....this is a very serious issue.
p.s. and with that, I'll say Good Nite.
[Edited 1/17/2008 8:24:15 PM]
1/17/2008 9:02:19 PM |
Attention ALL thread posters!!!! |

Venice, FL
age: 53
Thanks law, canufixmy, and Wade...cute!!!!!
Thank you blooz! How ya doing?
Jeannie10....let me re-iterate...I am NOT try to censor
WHAT is said, just if it is said in such a way to
promote hostility and discension and arguments in MY
threads. I am TRYING to keep some sort of peace and
"friendly" decorum in this 50+ forum by doing MY part.
Whatever anyone else does on their threads is their choice.
If you ever watched a REAL debate...they have rules and
they never resort to name-calling, mug-slinging, or any
other sort of foolishness. There is a proper way to
"debate" an issue and it hasn't been done this way lately.
The way things have been done has been in a pure childish
and senseless manner. If everyone pulled together, it would
be a way to show the "trouble-makers" that this kind of
behavior is beneath us, and will not be tolerated in this
50+ forum.
That is ALL I am saying in my efforts of posting this thread.
The "tools" have been put in place for US to use at our
discretion, by Dustin. He has neither the time or inclination
to police us. That is not his job here.
I hope I have explained by thread a little better...???
Thanks for your reply................Cindy
[Edited 1/17/2008 10:52:02 PM]
1/17/2008 9:24:15 PM |
Attention ALL thread posters!!!! |

Warrensburg, MO
age: 55
I'm sorry but I don't think I can agree with banning people from threads. It's free air out there. I just wish everyone could grow up and get over these petty problems and move on. There are major problems in our families, our neighborhoods, our cities, our country and our world. If these threads are worth the fight then I say go for it! As for me, I'm sick of it, but I don't think censorship is the answer. Blocking someone from a thread is censorship. In my opinion.
Maybe, if everyone just went to their corner for 2 hours and thought about it, maybe you could come back and play nice. If you don't like what someone says then don't respond. Didn't your Mom ever tell you that. Mostly when people irritate on purpose they want attention. By responding to them, you give them just what they want, attention! Stop responding! Sorry, now it's just my inability to leave it alone! See we all have our line in the sand...
1/17/2008 9:30:45 PM |
Attention ALL thread posters!!!! |

Port Byron, IL
age: 53
Can't say as I blame how you feel! I am just as sick of it all as you are and I have not even been involved but geez if I wanted to have my stomach churn then I can always call someone I don't like. Would rather not hear all the fights they could do that one on one off threads but then they would not get the attention they all want huh?
1/17/2008 9:35:20 PM |
Attention ALL thread posters!!!! |

Oldsmar, FL
age: 54
I totally agree... attention seekers will do anything to be heard, and repeat if no response, but it is difficult to be attacked and yet not be able to defend yourself because you are told to ignore it. I had a stalker from here who was doing exactly that to me, and would post only in threads I had posted in, never contributing only attacking me all because I didn't answer his emails...I did start out by defending myself, and then did ignore him, since it ended up he was making a total ass of himself.
[Edited 1/17/2008 9:40:32 PM]
1/17/2008 9:41:18 PM |
Attention ALL thread posters!!!! |

Warrensburg, MO
age: 55
I would certainly never suggest that anyone not defend themselves. BUT, most of this stuff does not need defending. Let people make fools of themselves be the bigger person and walk away. This is the net, what kind of stroke would you have if these conversations were in person? You would walk away!
I have posted my opinion a couple of times in different threads and was promptly put in my place. I'm not going to argue about my beliefs...I've had them a long time and they are not changing. I walked away. If I don't agree, I say so and stop. I think that's what adults do. Just my opinion!
1/17/2008 9:44:39 PM |
Attention ALL thread posters!!!! |

Seymour, IN
age: 62
I will have no part of a club that decides who can participate. Count me out.
1/17/2008 10:13:50 PM |
Attention ALL thread posters!!!! |

Amherst, OH
age: 58
I stand by Elfie. It is HER thread and being the very upbeat, friendly person that she is it is up to her to decide if a toublemaker will be able to bring down the fun that we all enjoy. I would like to have that option if I posted.
Hey Law.....I agree with all that you said in regards to the stalker and like what you did, I will never respond to anyone that has a desire to try to attack me in any way. I'll not lower myself to their standards.............Larry
1/17/2008 10:37:14 PM |
Attention ALL thread posters!!!! |

Venice, FL
age: 53
Please read again carefully !!!
It is NOT WHAT YOU SAY...but...HOW you say it! You can do anything you like
with YOUR threads...and YOU can alllow or disallow WHAT you want to go on
in YOUR threads......
MY choice is to NOT allow people...NOW READ THIS PART VERY CAREFULLY....
I do not want people in my threads who ALL THEY WANT TO DO is cause
arguments and tension, and promote hostility and/or hate in MY threads.
How can I make this any clearer? I invite CALM discussions/debates
in MY threads...but NO arguments, name-calling, mud-slingin, or
"bashing" in MY threads. Period.
IF MOST OF US want the same thing....then I "suggest" you do the same
in YOUR threads. Just a "suggestion" for keeping the PEACE!!!!!
Now...what is wrong with PEACE????????
1/17/2008 10:44:47 PM |
Attention ALL thread posters!!!! |

Oldsmar, FL
age: 54
I understood what you were conveying from your first post, Elfie.
I do have one question.......
Is banana eating allowed while typing in your thread? I do need my fiber...
1/17/2008 10:50:25 PM |
Attention ALL thread posters!!!! |

Venice, FL
age: 53
Yes law...you can eat anything you want while posting in my threads...thanks...gotta another one for this monkey behind the screen? I need a pick me up!
1/17/2008 10:54:33 PM |
Attention ALL thread posters!!!! |

Oldsmar, FL
age: 54
Great then, guess that means I can have sex while posting in your threads too.
Just explain to me how to keep the monitor from falling off his back, and I am all set.......
1/17/2008 10:54:33 PM |
Attention ALL thread posters!!!! |

Stanford, KY
age: 57
Before any of this implimented. Do go back and read the terms of your agreement with this site. So far I have witnessed name calling, bigotry, slander, group attacks, ridicule, degragation and freeze outs. A lot of it from some of you on this thread now. What you are planning here is treading on someone elses right to post their opinion on a free public site, bigotry and freeze out. Also trying to turn a free public site to a private group. Best read your agreement. It is at the bottom of the page. Wouldn't waant anyone to get sued here.
Oh, and I'm with Queen. Count me out.