1/17/2008 6:03:11 PM |
Attention ALL thread posters!!!! |

Venice, FL
age: 53
In order to prevent one or two people from ruining YOUR thread,
you MUST block the person after his or her first post.
If certain people continue to start arguments in ANY thread,
they can and should be blocked by the threads author immediately!
This should eventually get the point across to the "pot-stirrers"
or continually negative people that their CRAP will NOT be tolerated.
After that he or she can NEVER post in one of your threads again!
If WE want to keep this a wonderful place, WE have to be the police here!
WE need to ROOT OUT all the BAD ELEMENTS to this forum, and it will once
again be the peaceful place it once was!
Who's with me on this????
1/17/2008 6:04:50 PM |
Attention ALL thread posters!!!! |

Lake City, TN
age: 59
Wait.....are you a leader
Course I am.........have I got any that need some blocked?
1/17/2008 6:05:20 PM |
Attention ALL thread posters!!!! |

Spencer, OH
age: 52
How do you block someone?
1/17/2008 6:06:19 PM |
Attention ALL thread posters!!!! |

Little Suamico, WI
age: 54
Damn straight!!
1/17/2008 6:07:54 PM |
Attention ALL thread posters!!!! |

Liberty Hill, TX
age: 59
Way to go, Elfie...
1/17/2008 6:07:55 PM |
Attention ALL thread posters!!!! |

Venice, FL
age: 53
Sugah sweetie...I am fed up with the "stuff" going on
here in the 50+ forum. I, for one, AM NOT going to tolerate
ANY CRAP in any of my threads! If it happens, they will get
one warning from me. After that...they are blocked forever
from posting in MY threads. PERIOD.
It's ON!!!!!!
BTW....blocking this "user" will be forever! Tread lightly!
[Edited 1/17/2008 6:11:09 PM]
1/17/2008 6:08:36 PM |
Attention ALL thread posters!!!! |

Venice, FL
age: 55
I hope each and every person that starts a thread (the author) will heed Elfie's advice...well intentioned people take the time to start a new thread, only to have it disintegrate..into a vile mess...Use your power, if you want to put an end to this terrible, cowardly fighting, by people who have learned...when they start their own thread, it falls to the bottom with no posts...because some of us know their ways...Thanks Elfie
[Edited 1/17/2008 6:10:38 PM]
1/17/2008 6:08:50 PM |
Attention ALL thread posters!!!! |

Rochester, NH
age: 56
Freek, If you are the one that starts a thread, when they post under there picture it will say block sender. Sunny Lotus could your please crop that picture to show a little more leg and less overhead?
[Edited 1/17/2008 6:11:43 PM]
1/17/2008 6:10:58 PM |
Attention ALL thread posters!!!! |

Lake City, TN
age: 59
well where is Penni?
Elfie hon.......I was teasing yu about leader sug. Guess timing was wrong?
1/17/2008 6:11:49 PM |
Attention ALL thread posters!!!! |

Venice, FL
age: 53
Aaaaaawa Sug...we're cool! Love ya sweetie!!!
1/17/2008 6:13:00 PM |
Attention ALL thread posters!!!! |

Venice, FL
age: 55
Unfortuanetly...penni is not online...so click the inappropriate button...and when she comes online...someone needs to make sure, she sees this thread.
1/17/2008 6:13:03 PM |
Attention ALL thread posters!!!! |

Lake City, TN
age: 59
Hugs........good Elfie..
Tks Sunny
1/17/2008 6:17:23 PM |
Attention ALL thread posters!!!! |

Mountain View, MO
age: 55
can i still call you 53 lady ?????????????????????????????????  
the made me do that     
later gator     
1/17/2008 6:21:25 PM |
Attention ALL thread posters!!!! |

Hudson, NY
age: 64
Hey diddle diddle
The cat and The fiddle
The cow jumped over the moon
The little dog laughed
To see such sport
And the dish ran away with the spoon.
1/17/2008 6:22:20 PM |
Attention ALL thread posters!!!! |

Venice, FL
age: 53
Dear Beelzebub,
I sure hope you were joking. In case you don't understand,
let me be succinct.
The majority here are extremely tired of the ridiculous
fighting and senseless arguing that is ripping a once
wonderful, friendly, and peaceful forum apart!
I have been here on DH since the beginning of July 2007.
I have seen the disintegration of this fine site by all
sorts of rabble rousers who like nothing more but to come
onto anyone's thread and start CRAP!
WE here in the 50+ forum do NOT come here for that purpose!
If someone feels the NEED to start CRAP, they can just go elsewhere
on this site and play their childish, name-calling games.
We ADULTS are not up for that and have no patience or inclination
to be provoked or instigated into senseless debates, which
quickly deteriorate into mud-slinging and name-calling!
PERIOD! This is your first and only warning...IF...you
intend to start any CRAP!
Thank you very much for your co-operation!
Peace out...................................Cindy
[Edited 1/17/2008 7:21:06 PM]