1/17/2008 6:25:08 PM |
Attention ALL thread posters!!!! |

Venice, FL
age: 53
Aaaaaaaaw Wade honey....okay...you can call me
"53lady" anytime you want sweetie! You little 
1/17/2008 6:35:31 PM |
Attention ALL thread posters!!!! |

Venice, FL
age: 53
Just giving everyone a chance to respond!
1/17/2008 6:39:11 PM |
Attention ALL thread posters!!!! |

Sioux Falls, SD
age: 50
So if I start a post and block everyone I can just put anything I want in it and you all have to shut up? I am liking this,,,, thanks for the info Elfster!
1/17/2008 6:43:25 PM |
Attention ALL thread posters!!!! |

Boise, ID
age: 68
I'm with you I do not care for the direction which this group has taken and I have said so . I for one was not aware of the blocking option. I too will not tolorate abusive actions by anyone. As Elfie said you get one warning after that you are history, gone, banished.. We do have the power however with power comes responibility to not abuse it . Ifwe start using the blocking option too liberally then we have abused the option. So think before you act.
1/17/2008 6:47:08 PM |
Attention ALL thread posters!!!! |

Venice, FL
age: 55
Goodoleboy ..very wise words...if you do block someone that has posted in your thread..they are blocked from posting in ALL your threads.. and I do believe, you cannot undo the block...if I am wrong in this...please post a correction. It should only be used as a last resort...or if you truly want nothing what so ever to do with the person.
[Edited 1/17/2008 6:47:40 PM]
1/17/2008 6:52:47 PM |
Attention ALL thread posters!!!! |

Venice, FL
age: 53
Yes Dennis, all you will have is a monologue....
all by your lone self! If that's what you REALLY
want....well....only you can decide!
Thanks good! That's why I edited and said to "tread lightly."
We are all adults here, we can police ourselves and be nice.
There is no reason whatsoever to start any BS and get people
all riled up. I think everyone should already know about tact
and diplomacy in this group.
I LIKE to "talk" about pleasant subjects where people have
input and can add insight, without it becoming a "free-for-all."
Their is enough CRAP going on in this world without having to
come here and experience more CRAP! It wears me out!
So lets ALL be careful and try to foster goodwill and peace
among our members, new and old.
Thanks everyone....for your co-operation!
1/17/2008 6:53:11 PM |
Attention ALL thread posters!!!! |

Oldsmar, FL
age: 54
Yes, lotus, you can undo a block...go to your ignore list and click the member you wish to unblock........it is a very powerful tool on this site so use it wisely.
[Edited 1/17/2008 6:57:49 PM]
1/17/2008 6:54:47 PM |
Attention ALL thread posters!!!! |

Hebron, IN
age: 53
thank you, thank you, thank you, thank you elfie!!!! AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAh, what a relief, I could see everyone was kind of avoiding 50+ because of all the negativity. THANK YOU ELFIE!!!!    Maybe now we can all get back to having a great time! I do think we lost a few in the process though. I hope they come back!!
1/17/2008 7:09:13 PM |
Attention ALL thread posters!!!! |

Rochester, NH
age: 56
I want to make sure I have this right, you want to block them right off or wait till they get out of line. And neither of these men have given me any problem. Plus I said I won't pick sides if I block them that makes me a liar. Shit I can't win, Yes I can I won't post any threads if I don't start any I can't block anyone. Sunny
[Edited 1/17/2008 7:15:59 PM]
1/17/2008 7:11:43 PM |
Attention ALL thread posters!!!! |

Oldsmar, FL
age: 54
Sunny, Elfie is stating just that...a warning..and please no names of those you have disagreed with in the past..it just brings up old bs, which is what we are purposely trying to avoid!
[Edited 1/17/2008 7:14:35 PM]
1/17/2008 7:14:40 PM |
Attention ALL thread posters!!!! |

Venice, FL
age: 53
Your welcome sweetness...we ALL need to be careful and do whatever
is needed to bring peace back to this forum!
A appreciate everyone's sentiments, but I must add this.
I am NOT doing this as a way to censor what anyone writes! It is
ALL about the WAY in which some choose to reply in their posts
so as to instigate arguments and cause the "air" of this place
to become clouded with animosity and hate!
That is what I CANNOT and WILL NOT tolerate on any of MY threads!
My position is, if you can't say something nice or be constructive
in your posts.....DO NOT come to my threads. That's all.
Thanks again! I love all of you...so c'mere and gimme a big ol' hug!!!!
1/17/2008 7:16:31 PM |
Attention ALL thread posters!!!! |

Lake City, TN
age: 59

1/17/2008 7:17:57 PM |
Attention ALL thread posters!!!! |

Venice, FL
age: 53
Nah sunny...I like to give people warnings....let them know I think
they are beng disruptive, and to please tone it down, and be nice or
simply leave my thread. After that...it is on them.
Just trying to bring back some peace and harmony and fun that used to
permeate this forum. Big hugs!........................Cindy
1/17/2008 7:42:33 PM |
Attention ALL thread posters!!!! |

Oldsmar, FL
age: 54
I permeated today, the dog didn't care for it, but I couldn't hold it in any longer....
1/17/2008 7:52:06 PM |
Attention ALL thread posters!!!! |

Lawrenceville, GA
age: 58
What color was it?