Hudson, NY
age: 64
I keep bringing this up because the ladies that jumped in did such a great job to start might enjoy what they wrote, and maybe you and they can finish it!
Spencer, OH
age: 52
.... after checking out his bike,and red dress, I grab him by his antlers and drag him to my tent.......well- he does need a place to change out of that dress doesn't he....
Hazel Green, AL
age: 58
Do my chaps look ok with this dress he asked? Slightly chocking on the large wad of tobacco he was sporting in his road stained mouth.
Hudson, NY
age: 64
Hope no one minds, moving this uo, it gets better and better. You are all so great at this.
Port Byron, IL
age: 53
He spits out the wad of chew then returns from the tent with his black blue jeans and a blue shirt and cowboy boots on looking as handsome as ever. He then proceeds to meet sugar as she is the host, after a brief introduction he then sees a group of people that he recognizes from DHU and goes over to meet them, they are all busy laughing at the baby pictures that are attached to their shirts of themselves, that Lotus has made them wear. He joins in and ........