6/7/2007 7:44:40 PM |
This is an honest question from one who is faithless. |

Mount Vernon, NY
age: 43
vant-if you don't accept Jesus as your personal savior your going straight to hell when you die and you will suffer for eternity. what do you think is going to happen when you die. do you think you're going to get off easy. you are not, because at one time or another you not only broke man's law but God's law and you will pay dearly for that unless you accept Jesus and let him bear your sins because that is what he did for us
hwh-that is true i agree with you on that
vant-if you don't accept Jesus as your personal savior your going straight to hell when you die and you will suffer for eternity
hwh- the bible said if you dont belive or accept him then you are in danger of hell fire
6/9/2007 12:31:29 PM |
This is an honest question from one who is faithless. |

Abilene, TX
age: 39
When I feel like I need to know God exists I go to a small lake on the backside of our zoo a few miles from my home.
The sun rises...the world awakens....I take a small trail to the back gate of the zoo where I can see the elephants...secretary birds and the tortoises....I hear the lions roaring........Then I know god is there.
I feel dispassionate even seeing a church.
As far as the well intentioned folks who insist on quoteing me the bible:
I had it rammed down my throat my entire childhood. The hellfire and brimstone version.
When I was about to be disciplined as a kid (yeah I earned it).....My father refused to whip me while he was angry and would send me to fetch the bible and the belt. He would then take time to find a verse relavent to the situation. After reading it I was then disciplined.
I don't know how many times some dead arabs rationalized me getting my ass kicked and thier God saying that it is good that the rod was not being spared.
My father was good intentioned but the plan backfired.
I am VERY familiar with the bible kids......If you think of a verse that I was too stupid to understand the first hundred or so times I read it....then by all means...enilghten my too frigging dumb to understand ONE single book ass.
6/11/2007 4:55:56 PM |
This is an honest question from one who is faithless. |

Hollywood, FL
age: 40
6/11/2007 5:01:44 PM |
This is an honest question from one who is faithless. |

Hollywood, FL
age: 40
we spend so much time on things that make no sense that we miss out on the things that actually matters.i am in possession of alot of faith and not ashamed of it.
6/11/2007 7:49:05 PM |
This is an honest question from one who is faithless. |

Owasso, OK
age: 69
I didn't have time to read all the comments, so I may be repeating someone else.
"Fearing" God does not mean being afraid of God. It means to respect and to honor.
For me, personally, I look at the phrase and think that it means to recognize His power and sovereignty, too. I'm not afraid of Him. I see him as Father. He's the Father I never had and better than many human fathers.
If you believe in God, you must have SOME faith. He says he is okay with it, if you have "faith of a mustard seed". Have you ever seen a mustard seed?? Very tiny. I'm sure God is happy with your current faith, but would like you to have more. To have more, read the Word; look around you and see the beauty that each day offers to your eyes and to your soul. Remind yourself of the miracles that pass before us daily.
For a small example, I watch jets fly over and marvel at the gift men were given to invent such a machine. The other evening there was a gorgeous sunset. I smiled at the thought that He painted it just for me - although I know millions of others saw it too, and many thought it was for themselves. It's ok, I'll share. 
I am a fan. My relationship with Him is a good one. He's the one who makes it good, because I'm not the most faithful, loyal fan in the stands. I forget, divert, miss, do stupid stuff, etc., just like all humans, but I'm aware that He forgives and loves me anyway.
6/11/2007 8:30:25 PM |
This is an honest question from one who is faithless. |

Abilene, TX
age: 39
Just have too many questions I don't think he would answer.
6/12/2007 8:55:59 AM |
This is an honest question from one who is faithless. |

Aberdeen, SD
age: 36
or she... uhmmm so invisible yet so peaceful as hope! or faith?
6/12/2007 3:01:46 PM |
This is an honest question from one who is faithless. |

Conyers, GA
age: 19
MEG will answer all your questions on March 3, 2017. She answered them all on March 3 of this year, too, but then erased everyone's memory of it soon after.
6/19/2007 7:53:10 AM |
This is an honest question from one who is faithless. |

Temple, TX
age: 48
wow...what a diverse group we have here.
One who is not sure about God, a couple who think that He is a woman.
questions are good....thought provoking.
It seems that the faith thing hasn't been explained tho. To me, anyway.
As a christian, the whole idea of faith comes from first of all that there is a God.
A supreme being, creator of all things, Lord of heaven and earth.
Many moons ago, there was a war in heaven. Lucifer the morning star wanted to take the place of the Almighty God. God and his army won the fight and kicked him (satan) and his league of angels out, one third of the angels in heaven were thrown out of heaven.
Lucifer came to this earth to try to gain control of it by deceiving the first people here.
Adam and Eve. Which he did....obviously. That was the first sin, or crime against God.
since then, crime has increased against God, we constantly break his law.
This should not be a hard subject to understand, since we see crime increase on an hourly basis in this world. As crime increased against Gods law, his law had to increase to encompass the issues that were being presented....just as our human/government laws have had to be implemented to deal with the issues that crime presents to us.
Faith comes in for the Christian, when we realize that we need someone to get us out of this problem, because we obviously can't do it ourselves. The faith factor is this....God, himself has decided to step in and rescue us. he did this by sending His Son. His son took the electric chair for us. Do you believe that God loves us enough to do that? I do. As a
parent, I cannot imagine giving up my child for someone else to live free. Just can not imagine that. Especially for the ungrateful, nasty people that inhabit this earth.
but there had to be someone to take the hit for the rest of us...and Jesus volunteered for it. We are his creation, his children....I could and would die for my child. No doubt.
I would step in front of a bullet for any of my kids. Even if they were the worst kids on earth. My love for them would overwhelm any reservations I had and I would want them to have all the chances they possibly could to walk a different road and live forever.
So faith, as a christian...takes the form of believing that Jesus was the son of God and that He is the one who died for us, so that we have a second chance to walk a different road that leads us to eternal life. A place where gone forever are pain and disease,
no one will die and leave someone alone, all will be equal and all will be free, it will be a most excellent place. A new earth where all things are brought back to life and be like the garden of eden. It will be perfect again.
that is the faith and hope of the christian.
1 John 5: 5-12
but who could possibly fight and win this battle except by believing that Jesus is truly the Son of God? And we know he is, because God said so with a voice from heaven when Jesus was baptized, and again as he was facing death---yes, not only at his baptism, but as he faced death. And the Holy spirit, forevery truthful, says it too.
So we have these three witnesses: the voice of the Holy Spirit in our hearts, the voice from heaven at Christs baptism, and the voice before he died. And they all say the same thing: that Jesus Christ is the son of God. We believe men who witness in our courts, and so surely we can believe whatever God declares. And God declares that Jesus is his Son. All who believe this know in their hearts that it is true. If anyone doesn't believe this, he is actually calling God a liar, because he doesn't believe what God has said about his Son.
And what is it that God has said? That He has given us etenal life, and that this life is in his Son. So whoever has God's Son , has life: whoever does not have his Son does not have life...................Dear children keep away from anything that might take Gods place in your hearts.
6/19/2007 2:08:56 PM |
This is an honest question from one who is faithless. |

Seymour, IN
age: 62
The bible quoted in modern words still the same thing. I do believe in a creater I just don't think anyone knows anymore about it than anyone else and get so tired of them thinking they do and trying to tell everyone else. We are human it is otherworldly no way we can understand it.
6/19/2007 6:53:47 PM |
This is an honest question from one who is faithless. |

Conyers, GA
age: 19
i completely agree, queen. MEG is tired of the these things as well. we are both sick of the male-dominated thought process that has mistakenly lead people to believe that she has a pair. she also doesn't personally know jesus, but does feel really bad that he apparently thought they were close.
6/20/2007 10:22:37 PM |
This is an honest question from one who is faithless. |

Temple, TX
age: 48
If you want understanding and ask for it, you will receive it.
We receive not because we ask not.
6/20/2007 11:48:46 PM |
This is an honest question from one who is faithless. |

Seymour, IN
age: 62
I have understanding it is just not your understanding. No man can teach it to you. The bible only takes you so far then you have to be taught spiritually.
7/12/2007 9:54:08 PM |
This is an honest question from one who is faithless. |

Bloomfield, KY
age: 51
Kupra, it would appear to me you have an unconditional faith in your illusion of yourself and your relationship with God.
You may be faithfully faithless.
Just like all of us, we walk by sight and put our faith in what we see. Who can truly say they are faithless?