5/16/2007 7:05:18 PM |
This is an honest question from one who is faithless. |

Abilene, TX
age: 39
No faith......now what? I know a one, true god......god knows me. I am not an athiest. I am not a fan. Me and God see eye to eye. I don't have faith......now what?
5/16/2007 7:30:16 PM |
This is an honest question from one who is faithless. |

York, SC
age: 31
Gotta take my beer goggles off or something, ummm what was the question???? And are you saying you believe in God or are u saying that u are your own God???
5/16/2007 7:58:06 PM |
This is an honest question from one who is faithless. |

Abilene, TX
age: 39
I see a number of similarities between me and God. I am loving ...god is loving...I am not as loving...God can be cruel...I am a F#@$ up God is too! I just don't see what I am supposed to fear. God know that I am an unrepentant and immoral heathen God is the one with some explaining to do. I am as I was created to be with no apologies. I simply lack faith.
5/16/2007 7:59:08 PM |
This is an honest question from one who is faithless. |

Copperas Cove, TX
age: 49
What is Hope, another name for faith! I'm new in.
5/17/2007 8:24:14 AM |
This is an honest question from one who is faithless. |

Reno, NV
age: 52
Hello Krupa
I think we might have more faith than we know.
Every day I drive down the hiway at 70 mph and ten feet from me is a line of people going the other way at 70mph and I have faith they will not cross the line. I put faith in people that I would not even speak to in a checkout line. Red yellow green. we think they mean something at an intersection and put faith that oters think the same way we do.
Ever worry that the sun will not come up tomorrow? or that we might fall off the earth?
Whether we have faith or not does not change the things that are. They universe has things that just are and do not even need us to believe that they are or hae faith in them. They just are. Our belief in the creator and our belief in porpose here are our speculation and will be found untrue when we discover or accept something new as our belief. Still the laws of the universe are as they are and are unaffected by our beliefs or faith.
I have no faith that being good is going to get me into heaven and being bad is going to get me into hell. I do not believe in either one as they are often presented.
The statement "I do not have something" can be about seeing the world as a place of lack rather than a place of abundance. I do not have a lover in my life at the moment yet I have a knowing, faith, that love is out there all around me, looking for me and I wonder why I am not making myself available to it?
There are some good things in the law of attraction and conversationswith God topics. There is also a line in the poem by Oriah Mountain Dreamer "The Invitation" Theat read "I want to know if you can be faithless and therefore trustworthy" You might find her explination of that poem very interesting. It is the line most changed in the reprinting of her poem on the internet. It is hard to imagine being faithless and yet she asks if you are faithless enough to be true to yourself. An interesting question of the many who claim great faith.
5/17/2007 10:55:40 AM |
This is an honest question from one who is faithless. |

Abilene, TX
age: 39
Thanks Jon. Good food for thought my man! Very much appreciated.
5/19/2007 7:01:08 PM |
This is an honest question from one who is faithless. |

Madison, SD
age: 54
Faith is described as the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.
(In the Bible)
So do you really not have faith?
5/19/2007 7:52:58 PM |
This is an honest question from one who is faithless. |

Boerne, TX
age: 27
I think its' important to note that faith isn't an emotion. It is something we can still have even if we "feel" faithless for a time. Faith is enacted through decision. One has faith if he keeps getting up and doing what he knows is right, no matter how hopeless it seems. If he keeps walking in the Way, even when he's full of doubts. Jesus had far more faith than any of us, and even He said "My God, My God why have you forsaken me?" But even then, it was still my God. Even though faith seemed futile and God seemed absent, He still believed.
5/20/2007 3:37:42 PM |
This is an honest question from one who is faithless. |

York, SC
age: 31
Well,I believe that no matter what you do, you will always be short of the glory of God. In other words, we were born sinners and will die sinners. The only to the Lord is through Jesus Christ and excepting him as your savior. And I do believe that everyone has some amount of faith, even without realizing it. If not everyone would be hysterical because the sun is going down and isn't going to come back. I know that there is a God, but he shows everyone in different ways. My proof will not be anyone else's proof. We each have to find our own. Many times it is there, but we choose not to see it.
5/20/2007 3:53:22 PM |
This is an honest question from one who is faithless. |

Sacramento, CA
age: 20
Sucks for anyone who isn't Christian then..since apparently it has to be Jesus as the savior.
5/20/2007 4:04:01 PM |
This is an honest question from one who is faithless. |

Sacramento, CA
age: 20
My biggest problem with Christianity or any other religion really is the concept of being "God-fearing" and "having complete faith". It seems to me that these are really mechanisms designed to keep believers from questioning what the Church says. It's natural and healthy to question unconfirmed claims and any higher power who would reproach one who chooses to consider more than one possibility isn't a higher power that I would like to be around.
5/20/2007 11:46:01 PM |
This is an honest question from one who is faithless. |

Novato, CA
age: 54
If you believe that you are born a sinner then you are caught up in the need for someone to help you and that is where the church gets it's power over it's people. I believe that I am a spiritual being having a human experiance. I was created by something larger than me that I cannot begin to understand but I know it to be a loving presance. In our youth we rebel against everything but even in that rebelling it is wise to learn what you are rebelling against.
know that you are created perfect and you screw up occaisionally. learn from the mistakes and charge on because wisom comes from making mistakes.
The Viking king
5/21/2007 10:20:17 AM |
This is an honest question from one who is faithless. |

Sacramento, CA
age: 20
i acknowledge multiple possibilites *purposely leaves open wise-cracks about multiple personalities from those on here hell-bent to destroy me*. i don't know what is out there so i don't pretend to. i think that's where the biggest difference comes between me and most people. 100% faith only means you refuse to recognize more than one possibility.
5/21/2007 12:24:53 PM |
This is an honest question from one who is faithless. |

Seymour, IN
age: 62
Deez you are full of surprises, You make a lot of sense and I agree with you.
5/21/2007 1:29:31 PM |
This is an honest question from one who is faithless. |

Sacramento, CA
age: 20
I'm a philosopher by day, and a c*cksman by night.