Sioux Falls, SD
age: 50
we all have to look into that mirror every morning,,, it sure is alot easier if you like what you see.

Metuchen, NJ
age: 64
Mediaman, it's good advice, but not as easily accomplished as said.
I have met a fellow here at DH who seems a true sweetheart and seems interested in me because he feels he has zero other options. That does my ego zero good, but that's OK. I have lived with worse.
He's got a host of baggage I'm not sure I can deal with, but I know I have the wherewithal to light up his life a bit.
Here I am at DH, and I've found someone -- and already it seems like another disappointment I can add to my life list.
Be that as it may, I want to meet with him and see what I can do to make him happy. A woman can always take care of a man. Even a man who cannot take care of a woman. At least one of us should be happy. It wouldn't be a sacrifice for me. I enjoy making people happy. I have that capacity and it shouldn't go to waste.
He is handicapped and not capable of pleasuring me, but I am capable of pleasuring him and making some of his smaller dreams come true. Poor old thing. I can blow his mind. Why not? Perhaps I can experience pleasure vicariously.
He's so horny. All he really wants is to go out with a few memories. It wouldn't cost me a thing to relieve him. It's almost as easy as accommodating my husband of 27 year who was clueless as to what works for a woman. It would be like old times. I'm lonely enough to find solace in such an arrangement.
Everyone needs a little bit of human touch, human contact. Will it be a blessing or an injury to me to go forward in this vein? I don't know. But there would be a modicum of contentment in at least one more human heart...

Evanston, WY
age: 50
c,mon hoboken1,spill the beans.who's the lucky guy?

Bolivar, NY
age: 65
Be happy hobokengirl..