Hudson, NY
age: 64
I have an old house, several of the ceilings are in rough shape. I have a great amany things I would like to do, however $$$ may not allow for that. What I have come up with papering. Has anyone ever done it?

Ingersoll, ON
age: 58
If you have rough walls or ceiling, there is a paper that is imported from England called anoclypyta paper (I probably spelled it wrong). It is meant to hide imperfections on the wall, etc It is very thick, heavy, but once you have it on you are even able to paint over top of it without it coming off. You can get some that is heavyily embossed also. I am sure they must have something like that in the states. I do not mind papering, but like to take it slowly, and do it in the brightest time of the day so that everything matches. Good luck I do think that painting may be easier and cheaper - but it doesn't hide much.

Hudson, NY
age: 64
I wish painting would do it. But as you said it hides little. I had considered doing a plaster paint (but I think it might just kill me, and have been told it really nedds to be started and finshed, it isn't something you can do bit at a time. I will have to do some on line searching. What I would really like to do is tin, but well no need to elaborate.
thank you

Hebron, IN
age: 53
Have you ever done the bag with paint? You paint all your walls with a base color first, then get a plastic bag, use a secondary color, dip the bag in the secondary color and dab on the walls. I did this and my walls look great, It hides and inperfections, plus looks like wallpaper.

Marion, IL
age: 59
I am a professional wall paper hanger, residential and commercial. You are talking about your ceilings? Are they needing repair? If they do then that needs to be done first. If it is just cosmetic and the surface is smooth then like Londen says use that embossed paintable paper. I understand that you can paint it to look like the old timey tin ceilings and a lot cheaper. Good luck, if you have any questions just get back at me. Jeanne

Hudson, NY
age: 64
why do I know this is going to be way more than I hoped. OH WELL
Here goes. The ceiling are plaster, it has over the years been patched, painted, patched, painted.It looks like at some point, but God only knows when, they used a kind of texture paint. That paint has been painted over several times too, as well as patched and painted yet some more. Do you have the picture. OK, now there are again some vein cracks (hope that explains what I mean)I have plastered them and could probably get away with it, but it looks patched, no what I want. So I am trying to come up with a very cheap way to make it look better. This house, late 1800s is keeping me broke, and there are many things that I am having to do all at once, so the big word here is CHEAP!
I know to do the job properly, what needs to be done is take down the entire plaster ceiling. But for right now that is not doable. So I came up with the wall paper idea, I used this very thick heavy paper on several walls as a bandaid sorta for now, and it rather is ok. Think it might be the same thing as suggest by Londen. That is what I was thinking. Now to make the matter worse, I am by myself, and am trying to figure out how one handles 12" long glue laden strips of paper. So my latest concept is using two different patterns, cut into 20" squares, alternate, and the mount very thin finish strips.
Does it sound like I am nuts, and desperate? Good I am.
Thanks for your help.
No I haven't tried it, am I wrong in thinking that it gives you a faux leather look?
It might be great on a ceiling, can it be started and picked up later and still blend. That is another problem, my back is a problem for me.
[Edited 1/19/2008 7:27:37 PM]