1/20/2008 3:04:26 PM |
Have you ever had a meaningful one? |

Ingersoll, ON
age: 58
Soprano I think you may have misunderstood my post. What I meant was that people in this small town often see the "ghost" (not physically see, but mentally see) of my late husband, so are afraid or hesitant to approach me in any way the would suggest a dating relationship.
1/20/2008 3:05:50 PM |
Have you ever had a meaningful one? |

Wayne, NJ
age: 55
you're something--this group exposing men and women by calling/emailing each other telling people who to post to and who not too--the culpret told me this in a phone conversation some weeks ago and it wasn't who you think it was--but to everyone prxf is a puppet as he doesn't know better and is cluless--and if i hear another call my name out negatively in attack--i know what to do--why are you fighting this guy's battles--do you control him too--sure you do--look at him so helpless esp he answers my thread as if it was a popularity contest or a mocking by another poster esp since the thraed qwas the opinion of an author for men--check it everyone you see what's going on here--and correct if you answer any thread of mine i expect someone with a backbone to give his best effort or go away
[Edited 1/20/2008 3:09:18 PM]
1/20/2008 3:10:38 PM |
Have you ever had a meaningful one? |

Normal, IL
age: 57
Not sure what you mean by saying "you know what to do" if someone posts a negative - but really Soprano, what do you hope to achieve by being so negative to a few on here?
Never mind, as the saying goes frankly I don't give a d*mn.
But I do give a d*mn when it becomes hurtful, and that is how I experience your post.
Boy, I'm sure I'm going to be sorry I ever posted this.
1/20/2008 3:15:24 PM |
Have you ever had a meaningful one? |

Pittsburgh, PA
age: 51
I have no idea what sorprano is talking about. But I will say that I wish I could be as lucky as you, Tru, with my dates.
1/20/2008 3:21:03 PM |
Have you ever had a meaningful one? |

Ingersoll, ON
age: 58
Soprano, I do not know you would why post something so mean and hurtful. It does not reflect well on you. I makes you seem, cruel, crude and rude. Surely you don't need to do that ? or do you? Sometimes the only way a weak ineffectual man can feel good about himself is if he belittles others. Trying to make himself feel better about his own inadequacies.
1/20/2008 3:21:27 PM |
Have you ever had a meaningful one? |

Pittsburgh, PA
age: 51
btw, I want to thank law for her kind words.
1/20/2008 3:24:08 PM |
Have you ever had a meaningful one? |

Columbia, TN
age: 50
I have been fortunate in my choice of meetings from online. There have only been 2 that I secretely wished I had been at work than with them lol So.. not too bad at all
1/20/2008 3:24:26 PM |
Have you ever had a meaningful one? |

Wayne, NJ
age: 55
you're clueless guy--how come--you wrote on my thread your response as if this was a popularity contest--my thread was for men to look at mistakes men make in relationships--a woman posted her opinion which is fine--you write you agree with her--i told you i didn't write the words of the thread--they were by a famous author who writes books for mem--and you posted again thinking i wrote the thread in my words--are you cluless or just a man puppet here
[Edited 1/20/2008 7:48:36 PM]
1/20/2008 3:28:29 PM |
Have you ever had a meaningful one? |

Greenville, MI
age: 57
I thought the thread was about having a "meaningful date"?? And then accusations come about ??? Marbles/backbone/puppet??
1/20/2008 3:40:15 PM |
Have you ever had a meaningful one? |

Cushing, OK
age: 52
Talked with someone only 80 miles away, and never got together. Meeting was suggested once by her, and once by me, always an emergency came up on her part.
Maybe she was nervous, dunno. Oh well.
Coulda been me, but honest, I really do clean up pretty well
On the bright side, I sure saved a ton on gas 
1/20/2008 4:05:29 PM |
Have you ever had a meaningful one? |

Pittsburgh, PA
age: 51
Not bad at all, Tru. From your picture I can see why you have successful dates.
1/20/2008 4:07:34 PM |
Have you ever had a meaningful one? |

Columbia, TN
age: 50
Thank you prxf
1/20/2008 4:53:45 PM |
Have you ever had a meaningful one? |

Pittsburgh, PA
age: 51
your welcome, Tru.