1/20/2008 1:06:33 AM |
Would you date someone who..? |

Springfield, VA
29, joined Nov. 2007
Would you date someone who had a terminal, non-communicable disease?(non-communicable means you can't catch it from them)
What type of disease would you consider? Types of cancers, cardiac or other system failures, types of multiple sclerosis, other DoT [damage over time] illnesses.
Would the amount of time they had left make any difference to you with respects to dating and marriage? For instance if they had 5 years versus 20 years left.
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1/20/2008 1:09:04 AM |
Would you date someone who..? |
Santa Rosa, CA
56, joined Dec. 2007
I don't want to sound mean...but what is the purpose of a date? It's one thing to be their friends and spend time with them. But if you don't know how long they have, why risk getting so attached when you know you will lose them?
1/20/2008 1:11:19 AM |
Would you date someone who..? |

Springfield, VA
29, joined Nov. 2007
What if you knew they had a good 25-30 years left? Most marriages don't even last that long anyway anymore... What if they were a great person you just connected with on so many levels? Would you let it go just because they weren't going to be around long enough to sit on the porch rocking in your rocking chairs with you when you're 80 years old?
[Edited 1/20/2008 1:12:41 AM ]
1/20/2008 1:17:03 AM |
Would you date someone who..? |
Santa Rosa, CA
56, joined Dec. 2007
Most marriages don't last that long? Is that anyway to look at a marriage? You are 22. In 30 years you will be 52. At that age you don't want to have to find anyone else. But, if it's meant to be than it's meant to be. But I wouldn't. I like very long relationships and if I have my way I will only get married one more time. When I was your age I never planned on getting married more than once. However, things happen. Life is too hard as it is. Why risk falling in love with someone that might die long before their time?
1/20/2008 1:18:00 AM |
Would you date someone who..? |

Poynette, WI
53, joined Oct. 2007
i guess for me if i really felt something for that person,,,,i would,,,,,fully knowing that someday it could be all over,,,,at least i would know i made her happy for the time she had here,,,,,that would be a good feeling for both
1/20/2008 1:22:13 AM |
Would you date someone who..? |
Saluda, SC
57, joined Jan. 2008
what if got turned around and you found out you had a illness, would you want to be left alone?
1/20/2008 1:25:11 AM |
Would you date someone who..? |
Santa Rosa, CA
56, joined Dec. 2007
Left alone? No. But I wouldn't put any extra burden on anyone. I sure wouldn't get married. My mom died when she was 36 of Cancer. I am sure her or dad didn't know that was going to happen. I would just go out and have a LOT more fun than I am having now.
1/20/2008 1:28:35 AM |
Would you date someone who..? |

Springfield, VA
29, joined Nov. 2007
Every woman wants to feel like a princess marrying a handsome prince on her wedding day, even the terminal ones. I wouldn't let an illness destroy that dream, but I would definitely want to be in love first.
1/20/2008 1:28:45 AM |
Would you date someone who..? |
Louisville, KY
50, joined Jan. 2008
If you knew this up front... at the very beginning I think you would be a fool to get involved with them. Life has a way of throwing tragedy and heart ache at all of us when we least expect it. Why would you want to fall in Love with someone you know will bring great sadness into your life at some point? 
1/20/2008 1:30:48 AM |
Would you date someone who..? |

Ponca City, OK
41, joined Oct. 2007
If you really truly love that person...does it matter, how long they have too live?
Even if it's just a month, then that's a month they was happy, and knew the one person that loved em the most, stood right there by their side through the worst of it
1/20/2008 1:31:06 AM |
Would you date someone who..? |
Cleveland, OH
30, joined Jan. 2008
I would.
A bit weird knowing that they WILL die after predetermined amount of years though...
1/20/2008 1:34:33 AM |
Would you date someone who..? |
Saluda, SC
57, joined Jan. 2008
what if the were not going to die, maybe an illness that may or may not get worse?
1/20/2008 1:35:11 AM |
Would you date someone who..? |

Springfield, VA
29, joined Nov. 2007
So if you had to make a choice between knowing when abouts the person you love is going to die and having them being suddenly taken from you?
If they never told you they were terminal and their illness came out into public knowledge after their death, would you feel cheated and lied to?
1/20/2008 1:35:21 AM |
Would you date someone who..? |
Timmins, ON
47, joined Jan. 2008
If we enter into a relationship we never know how long the other person will be with us anyways. There is no guarantee of any length of the relationship, their life or our own. Accidents happen all the time. If this person is the one who makes your life complete then can we truly look a gift horse in the mouth? I would never for even one second doubt my personal commitment in a relationship with a woman whom I loved, regardless of the time remaining. Besides many people have lived well beyond the doctor's final date.
[Edited 1/20/2008 1:35:54 AM ]
1/20/2008 1:35:54 AM |
Would you date someone who..? |

Ponca City, OK
41, joined Oct. 2007
No i wouldn't feel cheated and lied too, cause i would still love em no matter what
1/20/2008 1:38:32 AM |
Would you date someone who..? |

Elkhart, IN
44, joined Jan. 2008
yes, the prospect of the future loss would be difficult but then there are many ways to lose someone, not only by death.
1/20/2008 1:40:28 AM |
Would you date someone who..? |
Cleveland, OH
30, joined Jan. 2008
i see...
To me death is one of those spontaneous things that just happen. That is why I have life insurance.
Even though I would prefer to know myself about my S/O condition, I would not disclose this information IF it would be me croaking after a while. There is extra pressure that is put on people around you when they are aware of this. I would not like to be treated differently just because I'm going to hit the grave in a decade or two.
1/20/2008 1:43:28 AM |
Would you date someone who..? |

Springfield, VA
29, joined Nov. 2007
I know what you mean... people treating you differently... it's like "Oh I'm so sorry..."... Don't be sorry! I'm not! Quit your blubbering and ride this dang roller coaster with me!!!
If I'm being a b*tch, call me out on it! Don't let my bad behavior slide just because I"m sick!
[Edited 1/20/2008 1:44:42 AM ]
1/20/2008 1:47:05 AM |
Would you date someone who..? |

Poynette, WI
53, joined Oct. 2007
1/20/2008 1:52:25 AM |
Would you date someone who..? |


Huntington Beach, CA
52, joined Oct. 2007
Hey, I say live your life to the fullest. Don't let anything get in the way. If you love that person, spend the time they have left with them...Don't be stingy or selfish with the love if it is there. If you love them now, by all means love them now.
Would I want to know about the disease? Yes, please tell me. I think it is only fair to tell someone these things. They need to know what to expect. If they love you, I'm sure it will have no impact on them loving you for the rest of your years.
1/20/2008 10:34:01 AM |
Would you date someone who..? |


Oklahoma City, OK
47, joined Oct. 2007
As long as your honest up front, I dont mind.. I would miss you, but I would have memory to miss, not sitting alone.
I would rather have loved and lost, than to never have loved at all..Very true words.
1/20/2008 11:04:13 AM |
Would you date someone who..? |

New Castle, PA
45, joined Jun. 2007
I spent 8 yrs in a relationship with a man who was wheelchair bound due to a progressive neurological condition. It was a different relationship from the start. Lets face it there is the potential for stress on one party due to caring for the other. The relationship ended not because of his illness but because we grew apart. It definitely teaches you about unconditional love. I don't regret the relationship.. Would I do it again? I would consider it.
1/20/2008 11:08:49 AM |
Would you date someone who..? |

Shickshinny, PA
49, joined Jan. 2008
Yep I would. If you got to the point of loving and caring for that person then it would only be natural to love them unconditionally and stand by them. People cannot help if they get an illness and despite the fact they may have an illness they may be the most wonderful person in the world and have much to give. I say love is love...sick or not sick.
1/20/2008 11:18:04 AM |
Would you date someone who..? |
Bay, AR
52, joined Jan. 2008
You have asked a question that is really hard to answer.A lot of conditions if you got into a relationship of that nature will take a lot of thought. Besides losing them in the end you got to think of all the things like their care,emotions,health problems,other peoblems related to whatever is wrong with their health. Most healthy people may commit but If I had a terminal illiness I would not start a relationship only to leave that person.
1/20/2008 11:26:35 AM |
Would you date someone who..? |
Santa Rosa, CA
56, joined Dec. 2007
It's true. The love of your life may die all of a sudden. However, you wouldn't know that. However, if you knew they were going to die in a short time. Losing someone is hard enough. Why would you want to go into a relationship knowing that it will come to an end anyway? It would seem to me that you wouldn't be putting your whole heart into it. And that would be unfair to both.
That would be like getting married to a guy that you didn't like just because you knew he loved you and was good to your kids. So you marry him knowing full well that you will leave him when your kids are grown. That isn't fair to him, is it? I don't think anyone can truly love someone with all their heart knowing that they will just lose them in a short time.
[Edited 1/20/2008 11:27:46 AM ]
1/20/2008 11:33:10 AM |
Would you date someone who..? |

Cincinnati, OH
55, joined Nov. 2007
Well at my age I don't expect anyone to be 100%, age does have its affects on the body. A terminal illness I would want to know yes and I don't know that I'd go into a relationship like that. If I'd already been involved and the person found out...no I wouldn't leave if I cared. You just don't end it because the road suddenly got bumpy. We never know when it is our time...with or without iillness. Enjoy each day and every moment like it were our last.
1/20/2008 11:44:58 AM |
Would you date someone who..? |

College Station, TX
46, joined Aug. 2007
about seven years ago
i was in a six month relationship with a wonderful man. cancer took him away.. the dr's said he had about 5 yrs to live. i didn't run and hide, he was my best friend. he died five weeks later. yes it was sad but it was a tremendous honor that i got to help him leave this life. i was there with him til the end of his life here. i'm a stronger person having gone through that.
death is part of living and sometimes in our lives other people cross our paths for a reason.
what you do with it, is up to you!
yes, i would do it again.
1/20/2008 12:07:07 PM |
Would you date someone who..? |

Fremont, NE
44, joined Dec. 2007
As long as i liked who they were. It wouldnt matter. Its about quality of time you have with them, not quanity.
[Edited 1/20/2008 12:27:12 PM ]
1/20/2008 12:07:49 PM |
Would you date someone who..? |

Raeford, NC
51, joined Oct. 2007
Bassman, you were 12 when she died , do you feel that you were cheated out of her life with you? Its sounds this way...And Im sorry that you lost your Mom at a very young age..... I get mad some times when I think , damn here someone that I love that left to soon, at only 62 my Mom died of cancer..... And others are still here that have lived much longer,.I feel so damn cheated, I miss my Mom, wish every day I could just pick up the phone and tell her how wonderful her great grand daughter is , and how smart she is... 
But I can not.......And thats something I must live with......We don't know how long we have , theres no way to know, and I don't sit and wonder that fact, I LIVE, Thats what we all here are doing, while some see that death is a blessing, and can't wait to die, and yes Ive met some that feel that way......I took care of a 100 yr old woman , she was ask all the time why did she thought she has live so long, ( the smartest lady ive known by the way) Quote !!!!!She said only the lord up above knows.... So are we to go to screening people like the insurance companines want to do , so we don't waste our time one someone that will die before we get in all the love we want and feel we need to give, No I say to this, Ill love all that comes into my life and pass out of it , and yes they will be missed , BUT the thing is THEY LIVED..............Many blessings people, don't feel that anyones life is not worth your time, for it is and always will be, Hugs Beach
[Edited 1/20/2008 12:12:33 PM ]
1/20/2008 12:25:59 PM |
Would you date someone who..? |
Fallon, NV
50, joined Nov. 2007
That is an interesting question. My wife and I got married in the chapel, inside the chronic pain wing of a hospital. She had been diagnosed with RSD {Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy}, which is a degeneration of the nervous system. We got married because we loved each other, her medical condition just meant that we had to do little extra things, like bring a wheel chair if we went to the mall. Some eleven years later, when her mother was diagnosed with terminal cancer… We (the 3 of us) decided it would be best for her to move from Maine to Nevada and live with us. She really enjoyed the last 8-9 months of her life because we included her in all our trips, unless she didn’t feel like going.
Truth is no one knows how much time you have left and you could have a life changing accident tomorrow.
Enjoy each day that you spend healthy and above the ground!
1/20/2008 12:31:00 PM |
Would you date someone who..? |

Auburndale, FL
53, joined Apr. 2007
Yes I have & I would do it again.......LOVE has no time-clock.........treasure the moments while you have them. Tell the people who are close to you that you love & appreciate them EVERY single day.  
1/20/2008 12:35:29 PM |
Would you date someone who..? |

Marshall, TX
49, joined Dec. 2007
My approach on a dating relationship is the relationship between two! Not me that lady and a handicap.That is what We are implying.Will one allow a circumstance out of ones control dominate interest. No,absolutely not.Be it one hour,one year or 20 years my interest would not change in someone.I have shared interest with a lady who was dieing from cancer but it was her own fear of getting close that stopped the relationship. So I know I would not allow my interest to be detered if I was to discover someone I began to like and found out they were deathly sick.
1/20/2008 12:39:24 PM |
Would you date someone who..? |

Ridgeville, SC
40, joined Dec. 2007
you could find the love of your life tomarrow spend a wonderful week together and when he/she gets up to go to work in the morning they get hit by a bus and die life in itself is a terminal disease no one gets out alive so if you have found something special with someones else grab it while it's there . the pain of regret will far outway the pain of losing someone that you love and have many wonderful memories of..JMO
1/20/2008 12:41:14 PM |
Would you date someone who..? |
Santa Rosa, CA
56, joined Dec. 2007
I was 10 when she died. And no, I don't feel cheated. However, I do get pissed of when I see people get upset with their loved ones over stupid things. You don't really know when anyone is going to die. How bad are you going to feel if you are mad at your kid because they did something stupied and you decide to not talk to them for a year? Then they died before you could see them again. Or how about all these adult children that keep making excuses to NOT see their elderly parents? I think my mother dieing at a young age has made me a more compassionate person. I don't feel cheated at all. But I am upset that I am surrounded by selfish people.
If I knew I was dieing I sure wouldn't want to get involved in a romantic relationship with anyone. And I wouldn't expect anyone to be involved with me either. As friends yes...but not as lovers.
1/20/2008 12:41:41 PM |
Would you date someone who..? |

Saint Louis, MO
57, joined Dec. 2007
No pain, no gain.
If I don't risk my heart for love, what have I got?
No regrets, I learn from all.
bass...I would reach out, grab life while it was there, for me or them.
[Edited 1/20/2008 12:42:53 PM ]
1/20/2008 12:55:05 PM |
Would you date someone who..? |
Santa Rosa, CA
56, joined Dec. 2007
But Dixie,
I understand if you were already dating someone and then you found out. But if you hadn't started dating them yet and you found out. That is something different. but I do have to say.......I'm not use to seeing so many woman that seem to think they could fall in love with someone that is dieing. But they all seem to be on the East Coast. Out west all I run into are the type that would look at my bank accounty first. "Oh, he is RICH?? And he only has 6 years to live!! Yes, I LOVE him."
I'm not bitter. But I do meet a LOT of selfish women.
1/20/2008 1:03:16 PM |
Would you date someone who..? |
Apalachicola, FL
53, joined Nov. 2007
that's a hard question to answer since I have lost someone. I was married to a wonderful man when 7 years into our marriage he died from cancer and that has been 5 years ago now.. i'm not sure I could do that knowingly, the heartache is just to painful.
1/20/2008 1:04:18 PM |
Would you date someone who..? |
Santa Rosa, CA
56, joined Dec. 2007
When someone you love dies. Who do you feel bad for? Them or you? Most people don't feel bad for the loved one that died. They feel bad because they won't be able to enjoy them again. After someone dies all you have left are memories.
But I grew up in New York state. Moved to CA in 1977. And I have always thought East Coast women had better hearts.
[Edited 1/20/2008 1:04:50 PM ]
1/20/2008 1:07:54 PM |
Would you date someone who..? |
Saint Paul, MN
53, joined Nov. 2007
I was going to respond, yet Timmins took the words right out of my mouth!

1/20/2008 1:39:41 PM |
Would you date someone who..? |
Santa Rosa, CA
56, joined Dec. 2007
If you know ahead of time that they are going to die after only a few years before you dated them. Wouldn't that keep you from dating them?
1/20/2008 1:40:29 PM |
Would you date someone who..? |

55, joined Oct. 2007
When some1'z dead what difference does it matter who ya feel bad for, ain't like ya gonna hurt their feelin'z.
1/20/2008 1:43:03 PM |
Would you date someone who..? |
Olympia, WA
52, joined Nov. 2007
I would if there was chemistry, if you can enjoy someone and take the thought that they will be gone sooner than "normal", make the best out of the time you have....
1/20/2008 1:48:16 PM |
Would you date someone who..? |
Santa Rosa, CA
56, joined Dec. 2007
Ok, That's it. Too many ice people around here. I'm going out to my garage and hook up my boat. I haer the bass and the trout calling my name.
Have a nice day.
1/20/2008 2:49:54 PM |
Would you date someone who..? |

Raeford, NC
51, joined Oct. 2007
It sad to think we are going to die one day, and leave behind those we love, but for me It will not be a ending to me , but a new being to all that I loved, MY childern , they are the part of me thats so wonderful.......Beach
[Edited 1/20/2008 2:54:09 PM ]
1/20/2008 3:15:35 PM |
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Columbus, GA
54, joined Jun. 2007
I truely believe it simply comes down to this and only this ARE YOU strong enough to go through that with them. If you are a strong enough person then by all means go for it and you will BOTH be truely blessed. Maybe you are the only one strong enough to walk with him during these times and without you he will walk the path alone and that would be sad. So if you are strong enough then Bless him with a very special gift and you too will have a blessed precious memory for life, and even wisdom you will carry later maybe to share with someone else someday. 
1/20/2008 3:17:41 PM |
Would you date someone who..? |
Fremont, NE
25, joined Jan. 2008
I would, because you can't help who you fall in love with no matter how much time they have left... You're loved ones could be taken at any minute... You never know for sure what is going to happen.. I would just be there for them and love them with all of my heart, but of course it would be hard, what relationship isn't?
1/20/2008 3:24:48 PM |
Would you date someone who..? |
Maricopa, AZ
62, joined Dec. 2007
I would... It just might be the time in their life when they need that friendship and caring the most.. it wouldn't matter if it was dating leading up to marriage...or just a plain friendship I would feel like It was abandament if I didn't... How would you think they would feel.....yes I would date them no matter how long they had to live..and be their best friend or even marry..