1/21/2008 6:19:43 PM |
why do older men not like older women? |

Downs, IL
age: 56
We older women need friendship and relationships too.
1/21/2008 6:23:23 PM |
why do older men not like older women? |

Salt Lake City, UT
age: 41
I don't do the age thing. for me its more of a lifestyle thing. ie; i dont want to date someone with ratted hair and polyester pants otherwise i don't care
1/21/2008 6:32:50 PM |
why do older men not like older women? |

Tugela Beach
South Africa
age: 45
i date women from all ages as long as they are over 25 and under a 100
1/21/2008 6:40:05 PM |
why do older men not like older women? |

Kennesaw, GA
age: 58
I wouldn't find anything in common with someone under 45yrs. and that may be too young for me.
1/21/2008 7:22:55 PM |
why do older men not like older women? |

Essex Junction, VT
age: 49
who says we don't?
1/21/2008 10:16:27 PM |
why do older men not like older women? |

age: 88
Older women(over 38) seem to carry too much baggage.
1/21/2008 10:34:21 PM |
why do older men not like older women? |

Eden Prairie, MN
age: 54 online now!
Hmmmm I've dated from 29-59 and all of them were unique. I disagree with the guy who said
older women have too much baggage especially if they have been divorced about 10 years.
I Do find that widows are special because they don't harbor any bitterness towards their ex's.
Most divorcee's in their 30's-40's are just struggling to make their way with raising their
kids I really don'[t find this as baggage as much as someone who hasn't forgiven their ex.
You absolutely have to forgive otherwise you'll just end up bitter and angry...LOL...I guess
I got on my soapbox...sorry. 
1/21/2008 11:42:42 PM |
why do older men not like older women? |

Plainfield, IN
age: 57
If you think older women with older children have "baggage", wait until you meet younger women with young children you will have to deal with. GOOD LUCK
1/21/2008 11:54:23 PM |
why do older men not like older women? |

Cullman, AL
age: 54
Personally, I by far prefer older women..but not so old that I seriously have to look at their health and longevity. I'm 55 and generally look for women between 45 and 60. However, my qualifications are not only in age but also in intellectual compatibility as well as physical. I wouldn't date a big woman for two reasons (1) I'm not attracted to them (2) I feel that she has not taken as good care of herself as I have (whether it's true or not)...it's an honest prejudice. If I met a younger woman who was interested and I was comfortable with then I'd go for it without a second thought regardless of age but why look through 10,000 profiles to find one that might actually be interested in me when I can just narrow it down to those who I feel that by age group are immediately compatible. Color should not be an issue either but the cultural differences can be a big factor and that can possibly be only in the region or are where you meet or date them. So, age alone is not a big factor...it's pretty much any quality that can be attractive to a gent. I mean, heck, look at joonbug's pic. I'd jump her bones in a minute and she's a few years older.... if she were twice her size and half her age I'd not be interested.
[Edited 1/21/2008 11:57:21 PM]
1/22/2008 11:38:06 AM |
why do older men not like older women? |

Livingston, TX
age: 67
Age is a number, but it also says what era you grew up in. We are all conditioned by the era that we grow up in. These influence our attitudes about most things. We all connect better with our own age group because of this. I have dated younger women as well as older women, but the woman that is a part of my age group fits best because we can connect better. Our ideas, attitudes, likes and dislikes, even our politics seem to be more closely aligned.
I hear the stories about guys trying to recapture their youth. I have an aquaintance who went to the Ukraine and got him an 18 year old bride, and he was 55 at the time. Lets face it, he had some money and that is what attracted her to him. When he dies she will have a bundle. Call it what you want, but to me that is not real love.
What it comes down to ladies is there are more women than men, so many of you will have to be alone or learn to share like that is going to happen... This is a world wide situation, many more women than men. It is a fact of life. So many women to choose from where do we start? Ladies my advise is when you find a nice guy, love him and make him happy. As life changes, and it will, change with him or you might loose him.
1/22/2008 2:36:58 PM |
why do older men not like older women? |

Manassas, VA
age: 47
Not true sweetie! I like older women cause they know what they want and go for it. Funny how life has a way to dull the knife of pretense.
I had a 22 yr old girl give me her phone number the other night and I had to laugh. Being a parent I just can not conceive getting it on with someone the same age as my daughter. GROSS!

Very, very well put joonbug! 
[Edited 1/22/2008 2:37:53 PM]
1/22/2008 2:38:24 PM |
why do older men not like older women? |

South Sioux City, NE
age: 47
I find women even older than me attractive... I don't really go by age.. More the look and personality