Fallon, NV
age: 52
Do you let the guy open the door for you, pay for the date, and open the car door nowadays?

Hillsboro, OR
age: 57 online now!
i love chivalry. It's just that little bit of tenderness. A kindness. Good manners and a way of saying I'm aware of you. So, yes I like the door to be opened, but I will also open it for him if I'm there first. Pay for the date - depends on who can afford it, the occasion, or the relationship. Just took a friend out for his birthday - I paid. Spent a day with a friend at his invitation, brouseing downtown and a lunch, he paid. Went on a date, not a serious relationship, to the movie's - dutch treat. Open the car door - yes - but I unlock his side before he gets around.

Mohawk, NY
age: 64
A man without it is no man.

Midland, NC
age: 27
As I have gotten older I have started to expect it from men. Some men have to be shown how to treat you. If you don't make them open doors, pay for meals, or have good manners then most of the time they won't.

Erie, PA
age: 23
I'm kinda iffy on it. While I understand that some guys (several that I'm friends with) feel that it's the right thing to do to open a door and pay for a lady and such, it makes me feel uncomfortable. I don't want to need to be pampered. I understand the courtesy of it, and one of my guy friends who does that sort of thing explained once that it makes a guy feel good to take care of a woman. However, for me, independence is important. I'd much rather split a check 50/50, take turns paying, etc. I hate having a door opened for me, though. I know the intentions are good, but I just feel that I'm quite capable of opening doors all by myself and hardly need the help.

Mohawk, NY
age: 64
are you going out with these chaps as a friend? That makes a difference...to some degree.....in my mind