1/31/2008 11:49:48 PM |
is net dateing relly what we are looking for? |

Delaware, OH
age: 19 online now!
1. yes |
2. yes bc all other dateing isent working for you |
3. no bc we relly arnt finding out enouf about the person |
4. no |
ive posted a few threds and all the people that relpy to them have very diff views on how to go about this dateing thing. ive also read and posted in quite a few threads. what ive came to realize through all this is that we relly are not finding what we need when we look on the net. we are looking at what people say about them selfs. we may even go as far as talking on the phone or even meeting in person. but when we meet on the net with out meeting in person we only see the parts that we say. we arnt seeing the others souls. i always see people talking about soul mates but with out meeting them in person we cant relly tell what there soul is saying. i think that when you meet that certian someone and you say that it seems like you have known each other forever. its bc your soul is talking freely with the other persons soul with no restrictions. thats something that can only happen in person. so if you ask me net dateing isent relly what we need bc we could say something to our "soul mate" that you find on the net that makes them not wanna meet you. i know what you are saying why the hell is he on a dateing site if he doesent beleave in net dateing. well im looking for friends that could turn into a relationship over time. but this is your turn to change my mind.
This relly isent a net dateing bashing thred bc i enjoy talking to all of you bc you all add new experences that help others in there search. plus i know that some people actully find what they are looking for on the net. they are the rare cases that are nice to hear
[Edited 1/31/2008 11:56:02 PM]
2/1/2008 12:02:23 AM |
is net dateing relly what we are looking for? |

Great Falls, MT
age: 32
I personally am looking for people I can call friends and yes mostly guys. I prefer males as friends because they can tell me why they do the cooky things they do and explain lots to me. I would like to find someone to call my soul mate however I need to find someone with my intellect as well. Only one person fits half that description on this site and his heart belongs to another but I am proud to say we are friends and can talk to each other honestly and what we say to each other makes sense to the both of us. Everyone is looking for something different on here. Ive seen most are looking for people to laugh and share with so more friendly relationships than anything else.
2/1/2008 3:11:31 AM |
is net dateing relly what we are looking for? |

Timmins, ON
age: 40
I am just here seeking intellectual discourse, as my friend above me stated She is a wonderful person and one I am proud to call my friend. She knows where my heart stands and has chosen to remain my friend. A true testament to the ideal and real meaning of friends. My heart was given to the most special woman I have ever had the pleasure of knowing or existing at the same time with and as such I have zero interest in seeking anything else but conmmunication with like-minded individuals to share ideas, positive words and maybe the odd arguement here and there. Development of intellect and Wisdom are my only reasons for remaining here and of course the laughter shared amongst friends.
2/1/2008 4:02:53 AM |
is net dateing relly what we are looking for? |

Chicopee, MA
age: 24
Wow Lonely!
That was a big burn to me! 
2/1/2008 5:02:42 AM |
is net dateing relly what we are looking for? |

Ocala, FL
age: 20
It doesnt hurt. I dont really do anything, so I dont really meet anyone. chances of online dating actually working for me is slim, but it doesnt hurt to try.
your 1337 is awesome.
you spelled so many things wrong.
m4j0r p120pz!!1 
[Edited 2/1/2008 5:03:25 AM]
2/1/2008 5:49:11 AM |
is net dateing relly what we are looking for? |

Chicopee, MA
age: 24
Okay, Lonealways!
I think I know what your saying! You have only met one person with half of that. But you didn't say if you met someone with all of that. If thats the case, you might wanna state that, Cause if that someone is out there, And he read that, It would probably really hurt him! 
Just a thought
2/1/2008 11:02:41 PM |
is net dateing relly what we are looking for? |

Delaware, OH
age: 19 online now!
mark that is grate that you found someone but yet stay to build more friends
2/1/2008 11:36:02 PM |
is net dateing relly what we are looking for? |

Selah, WA
age: 47
How is this any different than going to a bar or a mall??? On a website the world is more open to everyone. A soulmate can be anywhere and we don't even know it. Use to be during the old west that men order mail order brides from catalogs. The lady would relocate to where he was and if things worked out then they were married. Now with the website venturing out further than what anyone could imagine. Who knows what's next??? Maybe outer space dates??? 
2/3/2008 9:59:29 AM |
is net dateing relly what we are looking for? |

Springfield, VA
age: 22
I'd say no. When I was little internet dating wasn't how I imagined meeting my Prince Charming. I imagined that he'd be the son or grandson of a friend of my father or grandfather. And our family would play matchmaker to try and get us together (like the old arranged marriages) except that we'd eventually fall in love and realize our marriage was what we wanted too to unite the families.
So yeah, eventhough the internet wasn't invented when I was little, I still never for one second thought I'd be looking for men in such an impersonal way. So until my family finds a satisfactory mate for me, internet and friends of friends will have to do :'(
2/3/2008 10:10:38 AM |
is net dateing relly what we are looking for? |

Leesburg, AL
age: 79
I would rather meet one away from the computer. I think sometimes with internet dating, it is all about the fantasy on both sides. Words written are interpreted by the reader, they may or may not be reality.