8/24/2010 9:41:43 AM |
America founded by the Knights of the Templar? |

Charlotte, NC
45, joined Jul. 2010
interesting..common knowledge that 1 3rd of the signers of the declaration of Independence were freemasons..(believed to be founded by the Knights of the Templar)..(George Washington,John Hanc*ck,Ben Franklin,etc.)...but did u know that many believe the Knights were here over 100yrs before Columbus...(hence the Kensington stone,Oak Island,etc.)
what's neat...is not only was Columbus related to members of the knights..but also his father-in-law was a grand master of the Knights of Santiago..(a sect of the Templars after they were excommunicated..Friday the 13th)..
which raises the thought that America was actually founded by the Templars..100yrs before Columbus or Cristoforo Colombo(his real name)..& could he have been given a map?Known exactly where he was going?doubt they'll ever rewrite the history books though,even if they do eventually prove it..
& plz skip the Indians were here 1st...the the vikings &Mongolians...&no not Henry Sinclair..he came later..I'm speaking of the founders of our modern society & government basis..
I'm very interested in this &welcome knowledge that others may have..
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8/24/2010 9:52:18 AM |
America founded by the Knights of the Templar? |

Omaha, NE
62, joined Dec. 2009
Read some David Icke.
8/24/2010 10:00:33 AM |
America founded by the Knights of the Templar? |

Cleburne, TX
67, joined Jun. 2010

8/24/2010 10:03:09 AM |
America founded by the Knights of the Templar? |

Suwanee, GA
50, joined Mar. 2008
I'd like some historian to explain to me how it is that ancient Roman coins have been unearthed here in America...
8/24/2010 10:05:07 AM |
America founded by the Knights of the Templar? |

Auburn, NY
67, joined Mar. 2009
if you're looking for knowledge you aint gonna find it here
8/24/2010 1:38:56 PM |
America founded by the Knights of the Templar? |

Redwood Falls, MN
57, joined Nov. 2008
interesting..common knowledge that 1 3rd of the signers of the declaration of Independence were freemasons..(believed to be founded by the Knights of the Templar)..(George Washington,John Hanc*ck,Ben Franklin,etc.)...but did u know that many believe the Knights were here over 100yrs before Columbus...(hence the Kensington stone,Oak Island,etc.)
what's neat...is not only was Columbus related to members of the knights..but also his father-in-law was a grand master of the Knights of Santiago..(a sect of the Templars after they were excommunicated..Friday the 13th)..
which raises the thought that America was actually founded by the Templars..100yrs before Columbus or Cristoforo Colombo(his real name)..& could he have been given a map?Known exactly where he was going?doubt they'll ever rewrite the history books though,even if they do eventually prove it..
& plz skip the Indians were here 1st...the the vikings &Mongolians...&no not Henry Sinclair..he came later..I'm speaking of the founders of our modern society & government basis..
I'm very interested in this &welcome knowledge that others may have.. 
Go on the History Channel website. Check out the Larsson Papers. They connect the Kensington Rhunestone to the Knights, the Freemasons, Gotland, the year 1362, and cross references in the Kensington Stone, the Larrson Papers, and stone carvings at a church in Gotland. Research is still ongoing and very interesting.
8/24/2010 1:46:44 PM |
America founded by the Knights of the Templar? |

Bothell, WA
75, joined Feb. 2008
interesting..common knowledge that 1 3rd of the signers of the declaration of Independence were freemasons..(believed to be founded by the Knights of the Templar)..(George Washington,John Hanc*ck,Ben Franklin,etc.)...but did u know that many believe the Knights were here over 100yrs before Columbus...(hence the Kensington stone,Oak Island,etc.)
what's neat...is not only was Columbus related to members of the knights..but also his father-in-law was a grand master of the Knights of Santiago..(a sect of the Templars after they were excommunicated..Friday the 13th)..
which raises the thought that America was actually founded by the Templars..100yrs before Columbus or Cristoforo Colombo(his real name)..& could he have been given a map?Known exactly where he was going?doubt they'll ever rewrite the history books though,even if they do eventually prove it..
& plz skip the Indians were here 1st...the the vikings &Mongolians...&no not Henry Sinclair..he came later..I'm speaking of the founders of our modern society & government basis..
I'm very interested in this &welcome knowledge that others may have.. 
Excuse me, ma'am, but the Kensington Rune Stone was left by the Vikings and there were NO Whites in this country when Columbus got here. The only people living here when Columbus arrived were Native Americans. You need to brush up a bit on your history!
8/24/2010 3:15:19 PM |
America founded by the Knights of the Templar? |

Redwood Falls, MN
57, joined Nov. 2008
Further evidence that the Knights of the Templar may have been here prior to Columbus was the Newport Tower located in Rhode Island that was first discovered and documented in 1592. It is built of rock, has 8 legs, and is similar to the Templar churches that were built in Europe prior to the 1500's. It contains 2 keystones and contains windows that line up astrologically, with one keystone aligning with a window that allows sunlight to hit the keystone at 9:00 am on the first day of spring. Alignment of both keystones point directly to the area where the Kensington Rhunestone was found 1,500 miles away in Minnesota. Other connections to the Templars aqnd America was that Columbus had white sails with red crosses just as were the Templar's flags, and Columbus's father in law was a Freemason.
8/24/2010 7:36:39 PM |
America founded by the Knights of the Templar? |

Boulder, CO
95, joined Jun. 2008
ridge , have seen several shows referencing kensington and that tower also on the history channel, as well as from other sources.
i think visiting or settling europeans were here before columbus, as you do.
8/24/2010 7:40:29 PM |
America founded by the Knights of the Templar? |


Tampa, FL
31, joined Aug. 2010
There is also strong evidence to suggest that the indians actually came from China and Egypt. They have found ruins in ohio that have the same measurements and angles as the pyramids.
8/24/2010 8:04:16 PM |
America founded by the Knights of the Templar? |

Bothell, WA
75, joined Feb. 2008
There is also strong evidence to suggest that the indians actually came from China and Egypt. They have found ruins in ohio that have the same measurements and angles as the pyramids.
Acutally.....Native Americans migrated here from Siberia. They came across the land bridge that once connected Siberia to Alaska many many years back. They migrated into Alaska and kept on clear down into South America. The Inca's, Aztecs and the other South American tribes are all of Siberian stock.
8/24/2010 8:11:04 PM |
America founded by the Knights of the Templar? |

Gainesville, FL
50, joined Oct. 2009
America founded by the Knights of the Templar
Thought it was the free masons ?
Christians have been led to believe that the government of the United States of America is based on the basic principles of Christian morality, which have their origin in the Scriptures. Notable for propagating this misinformation are D. James Kennedy, author of a book promoting astrology, and Peter Marshall, Jr. (son of the late U.S. Senate Chaplain) who wrote The Light and The Glory. However, both of these ministers are members of the Council for National Policy, a secret organization founded by the globalist Council on Foreign Relations which has an anti-Christian agenda.
Historical evidence militates against the view that those who formulated the fundamental documents of American government were Christians. To the contrary, not a few who wrote and signed the Declaration of Independence, the Articles of Confederation and the U. S. Constitution were Deists, Theists and Freemasons. Webster's Dictionary defines "theism" and "deism":
Theism - "belief in the existence of a god or gods; specif: belief in the existence of one God viewed as the creative source of man and the world who transcends yet is immanent in the world."
Deism - "a movement or system of thought advocating natural religions based on human reason rather than revelation, emphasizing morality, and in the 18th century denying the interference of the Creator with the laws of the universe."
One recent historical account of Freemasonry, THE TEMPLE & THE LODGE, boast instead of the profound influence of Freemasonry on the founding documents, (while carefully trying to avoid creating the impression of a Masonic conspiracy):
"Of the fifty-six signatories of the Declaration of Independence, only nine can definitely be identified as Freemasons, while ten others may possibly have been. Of the general officers in the Continental Army, there were so far as documentation can establish, thirty-three Freemasons out of seventy-four. Granted the known Freemasons were, as a rule, more prominent, more instrumental in shaping the course of events than their unaffiliated colleagues...
"On 11 June, (the Continental) Congress appointed a committee to draft a declaration of independence. Of the five men on this committee, two - Franklin and...Robert Livingston - were Freemasons, and one, Robert Sherman, is believed, though not confirmed, to have been. The other two, Thomas Jefferson and John Adams - were not, despite subsequent claims to the contrary. The text of the declaration was composed by Jefferson. It was submitted to Congress and accepted on 4 July 1776. The nine signatories who can now be established as proven Freemasons, and the ten who were possibly so, included such influential figures as Washington, Franklin and, of course, the president of the Congress, John Hanc*ck. The army, moreover, remained almost entirely in Freemasonic hands...As we shall see, it is in the Constitution that the influence of Freemasonry is most discernible...
"At last, on 25 May 1787, the Constitutional Convention opened in Philadelphia and commenced its efforts to devise the machinery of government for the new nation. The first voice to make itself heard in any significantly influential way was a characteristically Freemasonic one, that of Edmund Randolph.. Randolph...a member of a Williamsburg lodge, had become Washington's aide-de-camp. Subsequently he was to become Attorney-General, then governor of Virginia and Grand Master of Virginia's Grand Lodge. During Washington's presidency, he was to serve as the first Attorney-General of the United States, then the first Secretary of State.
"...There were ultimately five dominant and guiding spirits behind the Constitution - Washington, Franklin, Randolph, Jefferson and John Adams. Of these, the first three were active Freemasons, but men who took their Freemasonry extremely seriously - men who subscribed fervently to its ideals, whose entire orientation had been shaped and conditioned by it. And Adam's position, though he himself is not known to have been a Freemason was virtually identical to theirs. When he became president, moreover, he appointed a prominent Freemason, John Marshall, as first Chief Justice of the Supreme Court." (1)
From American Masonic History - What Are America's True Roots?
So it goes on and on ..Is it true ? And if so we would have to wonder and know what the hell the masons REALLY are wouldnt we ?
8/24/2010 8:26:51 PM |
America founded by the Knights of the Templar? |

Redwood Falls, MN
57, joined Nov. 2008
ridge  , have seen several shows referencing kensington and that tower also on the history channel, as well as from other sources.
i think visiting or settling europeans were here before columbus, as you do.
I've seen the Kensington Rhunestone a couple times up in Alexandria, and I've been to the sight where it was unearthed. I can't remember the name of the farmer who found it, but he went to his grave being ridiculed because many non-believers were relentless with him. Odd that they would go after him like that because he didn't have a clue as to what the inscriptions on the stone meant.
8/24/2010 8:29:17 PM |
America founded by the Knights of the Templar? |

Boulder, CO
95, joined Jun. 2008
olof ohmon, 1898.
witchhunts, against the unfamiliar and possibly frightening?
he rocked their boat.......
8/24/2010 8:48:11 PM |
America founded by the Knights of the Templar? |

Alameda, CA
35, joined Jan. 2010
The Knights Templar is the ancient name of the New World Order. They were persecuted and driven into hiding by the Old World Order (the Kings and the Church). They sought a new land to establish a new world order. They did. That is why North and South America used to be called the New World.
8/24/2010 9:01:52 PM |
America founded by the Knights of the Templar? |

Bothell, WA
75, joined Feb. 2008
The markings on the Kensington Rune Stone are in old Norse runes and this says:
"8 Goths and 22 Norweigans on exploration journey from Vinland over the west. We camp by 2 skerries one day-journey from this stone. We were and fished one day. After we came home, 10 men red with blood and tourtured. Hail Virgin Mary, save from evil. Have 10 men by the sea to look after our ship, 14 day -journeys from this island year 1362."
So the Kensington Rune Stone is of Viking origin.
(I have no idea what "skerries" are?)
8/24/2010 9:04:21 PM |
America founded by the Knights of the Templar? |

Boulder, CO
95, joined Jun. 2008
skerries were interpreted as "rocky islets."
8/24/2010 9:07:00 PM |
America founded by the Knights of the Templar? |

Bothell, WA
75, joined Feb. 2008
I found it!
Skerries is the plural of skerry, meaning a small rocky island.
8/24/2010 9:07:20 PM |
America founded by the Knights of the Templar? |

Cleburne, TX
67, joined Jun. 2010
most people in the know say it's a fake.
8/24/2010 9:09:30 PM |
America founded by the Knights of the Templar? |

Bothell, WA
75, joined Feb. 2008
most people in the know say it's a fake.
But several leading historians have said it's real. And who, at the time it was found, or before would know Old Norse Runes?
[Edited 8/24/2010 9:10:11 PM ]
8/24/2010 9:10:49 PM |
America founded by the Knights of the Templar? |

Wadsworth, OH
51, joined Jan. 2010
There is also strong evidence to suggest that the indians actually came from China and Egypt. They have found ruins in ohio that have the same measurements and angles as the pyramids.
Where in Ohio? I wanna check it out!
8/24/2010 9:11:05 PM |
America founded by the Knights of the Templar? |

Cleburne, TX
67, joined Jun. 2010
"who would know?" the Swedish farmer? 
[Edited 8/24/2010 9:11:48 PM ]
8/24/2010 9:18:42 PM |
America founded by the Knights of the Templar? |


Tampa, FL
31, joined Aug. 2010
I'm not sure where you can read about it, and I forgot what city was mentioned. It was on the Glenn Beck show yesterday.
8/24/2010 9:20:08 PM |
America founded by the Knights of the Templar? |

Wadsworth, OH
51, joined Jan. 2010
most people in the know say it's a fake.
Not So At all! That WAS the generally accepted idea but new tests have Proven the Kensington Stone to be Authentic! It had something to do with the way a letter was crossed that made them think it was a fake, but then they found old Templar writing with the same crossed (x) I believe it was!
It would make perfect sense for the knights to have at least come here, if not hidden treasures here, where they would be safe from Europeans. At least for a few hundred years anyways!
8/24/2010 9:20:16 PM |
America founded by the Knights of the Templar? |

Lynnwood, WA
48, joined May. 2010
"who would know?" the Swedish farmer? 

8/24/2010 9:21:21 PM |
America founded by the Knights of the Templar? |

Alameda, CA
35, joined Jan. 2010
The Knights Templar is the ancient name of the New World Order. They were persecuted and driven into hiding by the Old World Order (the Kings and the Church). They sought a new land to establish a new world order. They did. That is why North and South America used to be called the New World.
[Edited 8/24/2010 9:23:01 PM ]
8/24/2010 9:22:16 PM |
America founded by the Knights of the Templar? |

Alameda, CA
35, joined Jan. 2010
Quote from putchyboy:"who would know?" the Swedish farmer? 
Right on
8/24/2010 9:22:26 PM |
America founded by the Knights of the Templar? |

Wadsworth, OH
51, joined Jan. 2010
I'm not sure where you can read about it, and I forgot what city was mentioned. It was on the Glenn Beck show yesterday.
Oh Hell it must be a lie if you heard it on Glenn Dork!
8/24/2010 9:23:35 PM |
America founded by the Knights of the Templar? |


Tampa, FL
31, joined Aug. 2010
A lot of people believe that but I pose the question, what purpose would it serve to lie about that?
8/24/2010 9:29:19 PM |
America founded by the Knights of the Templar? |

Cleburne, TX
67, joined Jun. 2010
There has also been considerable discussion of what has recently been named the Vérendrye Runestone, a small plaque allegedly found by one of the earliest expeditions along what later became the U.S./Canada border, in the 1730s. "Allegedly", because it is not
Holand took the stone to Europe and, while newspapers in Minnesota carried articles hotly debating its authenticity, the stone was quickly dismissed by Swedish linguists.
For the next 40 years, Holand struggled to sway public and scholarly opinion about the Runestone, writing articles and several books. He achieved brief success in 1949, when the stone was put on display at the Smithsonian Institution, and scholars such as William Thalbitzer and S. N. Hagen published papers supporting its authenticity.[34] However, at nearly the same time, Scandinavian linguists Sven Jansson, Erik Moltke, Harry Anderson and K. M. Nielsen, along with a popular book by Erik Wahlgren again questioned the Runestone's authenticity.[4]
Along with Wahlgren, historian Theodore C. Blegen flatly asserted[5] Öhman had carved the artifact as a prank, possibly with help from others in the Kensington area. Further resolution seemed to come with the 1976 published transcript[6] of an interview of Frank Walter Gran conducted by Dr. Paul Carson, Jr. on August 13, 1967 that had been recorded to audio tape.[35] In it, Gran said his father John confessed in 1927 that Öhman made the inscription. John Gran's story however was based on second-hand anecdotes he had heard about Öhman, and although it was presented as a dying declaration, Gran lived for several years afterwards saying nothing more about the stone. In 2005 supporters of the runestone's authenticity attempted to explain this with claims that Gran was motivated by jealousy over the attention Öhman had received.
The possibility of a Scandinavian provenance for the Runestone was renewed in 1982 when Robert Hall, an emeritus Professor of Italian Language and Literature at Cornell University published a book (and a follow up in 1994) questioning the methodology of its critics. He asserted that the odd philological problems in the Runestone could be the result of normal dialectal variances in Old Swedish during the purported carving of the Runestone. Further, he contended that critics had failed to consider the physical evidence, which he found leaning heavily in favour of authenticity. Meanwhile in The Vikings and America (1986) former UCLA professor Erik Wahlgren wrote that the text bore linguistic abnormalities and spellings that he thought suggested the Runestone was a forgery.[8]
8/24/2010 10:26:26 PM |
America founded by the Knights of the Templar? |

Redwood Falls, MN
57, joined Nov. 2008
Aug 19, 2007 12:10 am US/Central A Minnesota Mystery: The Kensington Runestoneby Ben Tracy
Kensington Runestone is a rock found near Alexandria a century ago.
It's one of Minnesota's greatest mysteries. It's something that puts settlers in America well before Columbus. A Minnesota geologist thinks the controversial Kensington Runestone is the real thing and there is evidence that he says backs up the theory.
The Kensington Runestone is a rock found near Alexandria a century ago. It's inscription speaking of Norwegians here in 1362. It begs the question. Were Vikings exploring our land more than 100 years before Columbus? Or is it just an elaborate hoax?
New research shows that the stone is genuine and there's hidden code that may prove it. It contains carved words that have haunted these hills and the Ohman family for more than 100 years, yet their faith has never wavered.
"I just never had any doubt. I mean I was very emphatic about it. Absolutely it's real. There's no doubt," said Darwin Ohman. His grandfather found the Runestone.
Darwin's grandfather Olof Ohman has been considered the author of Minnesota's most famous fraud, the Runestone. He says he found it buried under a tree in 1898. Critics say the language on the stone is too modern to be from 1362, that some of the runes are made up. They say this simple farmer carved it himself to fool the learned.
"You're calling him a liar. If this is a hoax he lied to his two sons, he lied to his family, lied to his neighbors and friends and lied to the world," said Scott Wolter a geologist and researcher of the Runestone.
Wolter and Texas engineer D*ck Nielsen are sharing for the first time new evidence about the hidden secrets they say are carved in this stone.
"It changes history in a big way," Wolter said
In 2000 he performed one of the very few geological studies on the stone. He says the breakdown of minerals in the inscription shows the carving is at least 200 years old, older than Olof Ohman. Those findings support the first geological study in 1910 that also found the stone to be genuine.
"In my mind the geology settled it once and for all," he said.
Linguistic experts are not convinced. They say runes like those on the stone are made up. But Nielsen has now found the same one here in an old Swedish rune document dating back to the 1300's.
"It makes me ask the question if they were wrong about that what else were they wrong about?" Wolter said.
For the first time Wolter has documented every individual rune on the stone with a microscope. He started finding things that he didn't expect. He was the first to discover dots inside four R shaped runes on the stone. He said they are intentional and they mean something. So Wolter and Nielsen scoured rune catalogs.
"We found the dotted R's. It's an extremely rare rune that only appeared during medieval times. This absolutely fingerprints it to the 14th century. This is linguistic proof. This is medieval, period," Wolter said.
They traced the dotted 'R' to rune covered graves inside ancient churches on the island of Gotland off the coast of Sweden. What they found on the grave slabs were very interesting crosses. They were Templar crosses, the symbol of a religious order of knights formed during the crusades and persecuted by the Catholic Church in the 1300's.
"This was the genesis of their secret societies, secret codes, secret symbols, secret signs all this stuff. If they carved the rune stone why did they come here and why did they carve this thing?" Wolter asked.
He has uncovered new evidence that has taken his research in a very different direction. Wolter now believes that the words on the stone may not be the record of the death of 10 men but instead, a secret code concealing the true purpose of the rune stone.
Two runes in the form of an L and a U are two more reasons why linguists say Olof Ohman carved the stone. They are crossed and linguists say they should not be.
A third rune has a punch at the end of one line. Each rune on the stone has a numerical value. Wolter and Nielsen took the three marked runes and plotted them on a medieval dating system called the Easter Table.
"When we plotted these three things we got a year, 1362. It was like 'oh my god is this an accident? Is this a coincidence?' I don't think so," Wolter said.
They wondered why Templars would come to North America, carve the stone and code the date.
"If it's the Templars that were under religious persecution at the time, that would be a pretty good reason to come over here," Wolter figured.
"I'm sure a lot of people are going to roll their eyes and say oh it's the Davinci Code and if they do they do. This is the evidence. This is who was there. This is what the grave slabs tell us. It is what it is," he said.
Wolter and Nielsen's authored the book "The Kensington Runestone: Compelling New Evidence." Wolter is currently writing another book on the Runestone.
8/24/2010 10:32:31 PM |
America founded by the Knights of the Templar? |

Boulder, CO
95, joined Jun. 2008
ridge , is it up by fergus falls?
spent a lovely fall week in brainerd back in the late 70's---chilly, but i went prepared!
getting ideas for a road trip full of history and archaeology .........
8/24/2010 10:45:45 PM |
America founded by the Knights of the Templar? |

Redwood Falls, MN
57, joined Nov. 2008
ridge  , is it up by fergus falls?
spent a lovely fall week in brainerd back in the late 70's---chilly, but i went prepared!
getting ideas for a road trip full of history  and archaeology  ......... 
Yep, just down the road to the east about a half hour. Kensington is between Alex and Fergus. God's Country!
8/24/2010 10:47:45 PM |
America founded by the Knights of the Templar? |


Tampa, FL
31, joined Aug. 2010
I think it's obvious that there were a lot of people here before Columbus. Looking back it's a little disturbing how much emphasis they put on him being here first when he so clearly was not.
8/24/2010 10:52:19 PM |
America founded by the Knights of the Templar? |

Alameda, CA
35, joined Jan. 2010
Quote from tonyc4444:I think it's obvious that there were a lot of people here before Columbus. Looking back it's a little disturbing how much emphasis they put on him being here first when he so clearly was not.
He was the one that discovered it for the mainstream European public. Prior discoveries were not widely known about
8/24/2010 10:54:10 PM |
America founded by the Knights of the Templar? |


Tampa, FL
31, joined Aug. 2010
I know that at the time they weren't widely known about, but they are now. So why aren't they taught in school, that was my point. Why are we never taught about the indians history? I'd really love to hear that story, sincerly.
8/24/2010 11:07:43 PM |
America founded by the Knights of the Templar? |

Redwood Falls, MN
57, joined Nov. 2008
I know that at the time they weren't widely known about, but they are now. So why aren't they taught in school, that was my point. Why are we never taught about the indians history? I'd really love to hear that story, sincerly.
My Lakota high school friends taught me more than any text book.
8/24/2010 11:14:29 PM |
America founded by the Knights of the Templar? |

Bothell, WA
75, joined Feb. 2008
I know that at the time they weren't widely known about, but they are now. So why aren't they taught in school, that was my point. Why are we never taught about the indians history? I'd really love to hear that story, sincerly.
Suggested reading: "BURY MY HEART AT WOUNDED KNEE" by Dee Brown. This will give you a good insight on Native Americans in the 19th. Century.
8/24/2010 11:16:13 PM |
America founded by the Knights of the Templar? |
Houston, TX
47, joined Aug. 2010
I'd like some historian to explain to me how it is that ancient Roman coins have been unearthed here in America...
Roman coins have been unearthed here in america because someone had holes in their pockets.
Damn...that was easy.
I found some mexican coins the other day....if people would sew up their pocket holes....there would not be so many lost coins.
[Edited 8/24/2010 11:17:57 PM ]
8/24/2010 11:16:27 PM |
America founded by the Knights of the Templar? |

Wadsworth, OH
51, joined Jan. 2010
 A lot of people believe that but I pose the question, what purpose would it serve to lie about that?
Glenn Dork doesn't need a purpose to lie. It just comes naturally for him!
8/24/2010 11:28:08 PM |
America founded by the Knights of the Templar? |
Houston, TX
47, joined Aug. 2010
Suggested reading: "BURY MY HEART AT WOUNDED KNEE" by Dee Brown. This will give you a good insight on Native Americans in the 19th. Century.
Native americans? There are no such thing. God did not place humans on American soil first. So naturally no person is a native unless they are acutally born here. So, yes, many Indians as with anyone else are natives of this country. But to generalize Indians as being the only natives in this country is simply a fallacy.
No particular race or group of people were placed here first by God. God's first placement of humans was somewhere in the Middle East. So...there is no nation or race of people who are literally native to this country. I should know. I am half head-scalper and half spaniard which makes me a bean-eatin-burrito.
8/25/2010 1:23:59 AM |
America founded by the Knights of the Templar? |

Blacksburg, SC
44, joined Jun. 2010
dont forget the maya, i do believe they have been or ,were in north american south east way before, and have been dated to be as far as ohio with civilized culture some thousands of years before.BUT! no one will ever know about a "SECRET"society unless they WERE there
8/25/2010 1:31:17 AM |
America founded by the Knights of the Templar? |

Salem, OR
62, joined Dec. 2009
Columbus had a map, which had formerly been owned by Turkish Admiral Piri Reis. It showed the coasts of South America, parts of North America, and an ice free Antarctica. The map allegedly came from Atlantis, through Egypt, to Turkey.
8/25/2010 6:16:46 AM |
America founded by the Knights of the Templar? |

Bothell, WA
75, joined Feb. 2008
Native americans? There are no such thing. God did not place humans on American soil first. So naturally no person is a native unless they are acutally born here. So, yes, many Indians as with anyone else are natives of this country. But to generalize Indians as being the only natives in this country is simply a fallacy.
No particular race or group of people were placed here first by God. God's first placement of humans was somewhere in the Middle East. So...there is no nation or race of people who are literally native to this country. I should know. I am half head-scalper and half spaniard which makes me a bean-eatin-burrito.
8/25/2010 6:38:43 AM |
America founded by the Knights of the Templar? |

Bothell, WA
75, joined Feb. 2008

It has been said that at one time, thousands of years ago, there was a "land bridge" that connected Sibera to Alaska and this is where our Native Americans came into the country. They migrated in and spread out clear down into Mexico and South America. Soundings have been taken in that area and the water if fairly shallow, then tapers off to deeper water in a Northerly and Southerly direction.
8/25/2010 6:48:07 AM |
America founded by the Knights of the Templar? |

Suttons Bay, MI
65, joined Jan. 2010
Yep, just down the road to the east about a half hour. Kensington is between Alex and Fergus. God's Country!
That's my home stomping grounds. My dad farmed 20 miles west of Fergus Falls where I grew up. Norwegian country.
8/25/2010 9:45:53 AM |
America founded by the Knights of the Templar? |

Redwood Falls, MN
57, joined Nov. 2008
That's my home stomping grounds. My dad farmed 20 miles west of Fergus Falls where I grew up. Norwegian country.
Danged small world! I get up to the Alex and Fergus areas quite a bit. Awful great places to be.
8/25/2010 9:59:23 AM |
America founded by the Knights of the Templar? |

Suttons Bay, MI
65, joined Jan. 2010
Fergus is still a bedroom retirement community and Alex is still booming, from what I understand. I used to ride in the back of my dad's pickup with my eight brothers and sisters to go visit my Uncle and Aunt in Alex every summer. They lived on Lake Darling. The Walleye fishing was good. We also used to go to Wall Lake just East of Fergus. I lived and worked in Fergus during the '70s before I went back to college at NDSU. Great memories. I'm actually thinking about moving back to Fergus to retire. I just wish it wasn't so damn cold in the winter time. I still try to go back every couple years to visit friends and relatives. It's kinda my preferred vacation spot and still feels like home.
[Edited 8/25/2010 10:00:43 AM ]
8/25/2010 10:15:08 AM |
America founded by the Knights of the Templar? |

Redwood Falls, MN
57, joined Nov. 2008
Darling is on the Lahommedu Chain of Lakes, been there a few times. Their yearly ice-fishing contest is a blast. Apol's built a huge Harley dealership right on the Interstate, check it out on the web, great place to shop for toys. Fantastic area, I could retire up there very easily. I have a brother who just moved to Alex.
8/25/2010 2:33:58 PM |
America founded by the Knights of the Templar? |


Yonkers, NY
62, joined Aug. 2008
I'd like some historian to explain to me how it is that ancient Roman coins have been unearthed here in America...
Well, this "little reading" may answer your question/s.
""Transoceanic Templar Voyages": We want to share with all our friends and staff the enlightened answer received from Fernando Arroyo Durán related to the Templar arrival to our South American lands. It is not easy to find the right words to thank the Spanish gentleman his invaluable assistance. Dearest friend Mr. Fernando Fluguerto Martí :
Based on the information and documentation I have collected, and in response to your invitation to comment on some paragraphs of my latest conference, which I appreciate your having mentioned, I would like to share with you some notes on certain matters prior to their publication, although you may well forward this material to your staff.
There is little doubt that the Templars had arrived to the American continent prior to its official discovery in 1492, and as it has been very well put, they did this following a carefully prepared plan after dissolution. Transoceanic voyages departed mainly from the Atlantic harbors of La Rochelle in France and Noya (Galicia, Spain), with the main purpose of getting silver supplies in particular from the deposits in Mexico and Peru. It may be supposed that in future voyages they might have gone farther south by land, but it may not in any way be speculated that they disembarked, for reasons that will be explained below. In addition, there is enough evidence in the sense that after the order of arrest was delivered, some Templar vessels departed to America from Scotland and the Templar provinces of Iberia, calling at the Canary Islands’ port. Only departing from the latter site could an arrival to the Patagonic coast have been remotely possible.
- Sinclair and other British historians who have studied the Scottish route, affirm that the Templar vessels that departed from Scotland might only have arrived to the coasts of North America, to a specific place located between Terranova and Massachusetts where there is indeed certain evidence of such arrival. It is precisely there where the English colonizers arrived later on, since a deviation southwards such as to make them arrive to the Patagonic coast is hardly conceivable. The distance to be traveled would be so long that it would render such a voyage impossible and absurd. The southern site to which they might have arrived is the Caribbean, since as stated by Tomás Doreste, the oceanographer, "the voyage to the Americas was extremely simple (with reserves). It sufficed to let you be guided by the sea currents and the winds. And once in the Americas, the return voyage would not be difficult. The "Gulf Stream" would guide ships towards the European coast, so that (theoretically) the voyage would hardly be hazardous". This is the reason why Columbus arrived at the coasts of what is currently known as Santo Domingo island, based on the Templar’s cartographic documents to which he had probably had access in Portugal, Valencia and La Rochelle. In this respect it should be mentioned that under the patronage of Prince Henry Sinclair, a member of a Scottish family strongly connected with the Templar Order, the brothers Nicolo and Antonio Zeno might have reached the American shores by 1392. This has been more than proved by a signed letter written in 1458 by Nicolo Zeno "The Young", the original copy of which is kept in the Duke of Portland’s files. The letter includes a detailed description of his brother Antonio, the cities and the characteristics of the villas settled in an area currently called Veracruz in 1392, the year of the second voyage of the Venetian brothers to the Americas.
This information, published in 1993 in Spain, undoubtedly supports Doreste’s thesis. Prior to that, in 1374 they have probably made a first voyage that brought them to the coasts of what currently is Massachusetts, which is probably the place where the Templars would have arrived on their flight from Scotland under Ballantrodoch’s command. Another significant document that I was personally able to verify is a handwritten letter from Christopher Columbus published by his son Fernando, where the Admiral writes the following (QUOTE): "I have Zeno’s report right beside Ptolomeo’s Geography" (UNQUOTE). In the light of this phrase, one may wonder how did this report came into Columbus’ hands before he had even discovered America. Conclusion:
In view of this and other supporting documentation that is currently under review, the only possibility that the Temple could have reached Patagonia is through groups arriving from the Canaries that continued their voyages by land across the territories of Peru, Bolivia, etc. Naturally, this theory does not neglect that they might have built harbor settlements for security reasons along the coast of this southern part of the argentine territory, although we are more inclined to think that had there been any more or less stable settlements, they might have been located in the Rio de la Plata area. A major element to support this theory takes us to the Norman sailor Jean IV de Bethencourt, a Spaniard serving the Castilla Crown and conqueror of the Canary Islands, a character about whom we are currently doing some research. Another significant line of research is no doubt the one recently opened by Delphos with respect to the Calatrava Order and its effects on the old Peruvian Viceroyship.Yours cordially,
Fernando Arroyo(This is the full transcript of the letter from Mr. Fernando Arroyo Durán)
[Edited 8/25/2010 2:36:04 PM ]