Boca Raton, FL
age: 60
Is our home environment and reaction to it a telling factor as to who we should and should not seek ... please speeak from personal experience your own or some one you know or even a book or movie. Hope this works for you all.     

Erie, PA
age: 23
I'm always interested in the dynamic of how a person's home life or childhood has shaped them into the person they are today. One thing that I always look at with a guy is how he treats and speaks about his mother. I've always felt that that's an indication of how he feels towards women in general and how he's likely to treat me in the future.
Coming from myself, I was raised in a very close family, both with my immediate and my extended family. We get together for every possible holiday, and if we ever need anything from baby clothes to furniture, we can usually find a family member that can pass it down. So for me, I need someone who is family-oriented, who can both deal with my family and who is interested in having a similar family situation with me. Another thing from my childhood and family life that influences what I look for in a mate is religion. My family is all very strictly Roman Catholic, but I've had a bad personal experience with the faith. I do retain the overall intentions of Christianity, but I would never look for someone in a church group and I wouldn't want to date someone who's very hard-core about their faith.

Santa Rosa, CA
age: 48
Yes, I think it is. I won't date women that smoke, do drugs, or drink a lot. I also won't date women that use a lot of foul language. I was raised a Catholic. I was married to a woman that wasn't religious at all. WHAT a big mistake that was. So, because of the way I was raised and what I found out when I was married to a woman that was raised in a much different manner I choose to come back to my roots.
Now I am looking for someone that has at least some of the same interests I have. And the same kind of upbringing. I would prefer her to have been raised in a family that believes in God. I don't mind what religion, as long as there is something there.
I'm done playing around. I have done all the exploring I want to do.