2/11/2008 6:57:36 PM |
OK a controvercial topic |

Sayre, PA
age: 48 online now!
Again, I don't think God had much to do with Roe v Wade. And I haven't been to church in years.
2/11/2008 7:18:21 PM |
OK a controvercial topic |

Cincinnati, OH
age: 48
Narrow minded? I'm not the least bit narrow minded on this subject. A woman is not doing away with her body..she is messing with anothers. Look at some abortion pics...you will see arms and legs sucked right out of their so called momma. How can you say it was not a baby?
God had nothing to do with Roe vs Wade... God is for life....jmo
[Edited 2/11/2008 7:20:16 PM]
2/11/2008 7:32:02 PM |
OK a controvercial topic |

Glendale Heights, IL
age: 45
I agree Rebel , bring back school of hard knocks . If he can't do the time he should be thinking ahead too not just her.
2/11/2008 8:00:38 PM |
OK a controvercial topic |

Calvert City, KY
age: 47
Easy , Gamelady I am with you !!!

2/11/2008 10:27:23 PM |
OK a controvercial topic |

Roanoke, VA
age: 45
hey foxy49 would you carry a baby for 9 mos. with no desire to keep him. thats alot to ask of someone that most likely don't want the daddy around either.As for the other, no man should have to pay for anything he don't have. Paying for a child that calls another man daddy is the same as me paying for a new motor in your car. Why would I do that? and why would anyone expect me to do that? They wouldn't and the analogy is sound
2/12/2008 3:56:02 AM |
OK a controvercial topic |

Cincinnati, OH
age: 48
Sorry Cherokee...
My eldest sister would not be here if my mother had listened to her then husband. They had married and moved 2 states away to his hometown. Mom was with child within a few months but he wanted her to abort saying they were too young to have children at 18 yrs. old. My mother loved him with all her heart but left him to come home and filed for a divorce. She never ask for a dime from him and he never knew if he had a son or a daughter. My father raised her as his own. I always admired my mother for her decision and surely love my sister with all my heart.
2/12/2008 4:00:16 AM |
OK a controvercial topic |

Mount Clemens, MI
age: 46 online now!
Denny you drove it to hard and blew the motor. now ya gotta pay for a new one 
2/12/2008 4:01:22 PM |
OK a controvercial topic |

Culpeper, VA
age: 51
yeah folks. but what realy came first? the chicken or the egg?
2/12/2008 4:40:31 PM |
OK a controvercial topic |

Sayre, PA
age: 48 online now!
The yolks on us
2/13/2008 4:18:41 AM |
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Mount Clemens, MI
age: 46 online now!
DEnny she could carry it full term and let the child be adopted.NO child support, no cares for any one hows that? Lots of loving , caring couples would die for the chance to have what you all would like to throw away.One mans trash is anothers treasure.
2/13/2008 5:49:54 AM |
OK a controvercial topic |

Great Falls, MT
age: 47
I agree Easy
2/13/2008 6:16:16 AM |
OK a controvercial topic |

Omaha, NE
age: 49
dennyjim--first off I would carry my baby and keep my child.
As far as another woman goes--If she is pregnant and goes full term and then decides not to keep this baby she can adopt. This BS of having a baby ruins your body is just that BS.
If the guy wants the baby that she carries by all means he should be able to have the child.
Abortion is way to easy a means of birth control.
I am Not a Killer!
Yes life begins in the womb anyone that disagrees with that is hiding behind truths ..living a lie in order to kill.
I can prove life begins there in the womb ..its just some refuse to see those pictures which are Facts.
[Edited 2/13/2008 6:21:32 AM]
2/13/2008 7:42:23 AM |
OK a controvercial topic |

Bernville, PA
age: 40
Well Cherokee, you certainly proved your title of this thread to be true.....This is definitely a controversial topic. This topic seems to pick at a very sensitive nerve with alot of people and they all are very passionate about there stance on it and all have different and legitimate reasons for their stance. I personally would not choose abortion, but I am thankful women legally have a choice and cannot be "forced" into any one decision. However; I respect and agree one choice can be (should be) adoption, but a "choice" just the same. I know even this semi-neutral stance will attract some flaming arrows, just please remember free will, it was given to us for a reason.
My grandfather had numerous sayings I will never forget and use regularly, my favorite saying of his was; "Opinions are like assholes, everyone has one and they all stink."
2/23/2008 4:05:22 PM |
OK a controvercial topic |

Vallejo, CA
age: 48
OK, I guess a controversial topic deserves a controversial answer.
In decideing this,I think there should be an IQ test.
If the parents have a high IQ, the child gets carried to term
then adopted if not wanted.
Low IQ, gets the abortion.
There are already too many stupid people in this world and we
need to bring the ratio up
Watch the movie Idiocracy

2/23/2008 4:13:10 PM |
OK a controvercial topic |

Carleton Place, ON
age: 46
touchy subject...but its a womans body, and the women descides.