2/2/2008 2:34:55 PM |
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Great Falls, MT
age: 47
In Roe v Wade the woman has choice as it's her body but where is the mans choice.
She decides to keep the baby and he has to pay for the next 18+ years. Should he have
a choice same as her?
2/2/2008 2:59:00 PM |
OK a controvercial topic |

Belmont, MA
age: 43
i agree with mdm on this. i have always found it humorous when men say that abortion is wrong. it's not their body. imagine how things would b if men were the ones bearing children, how different things would b. let a man have an abortion, then see how laws r changed. not only only would abortion b legal, they'd b free to one and all. JMO
2/2/2008 3:00:15 PM |
OK a controvercial topic |

Mount Clemens, MI
age: 46
The ultimate choice is up to the mother.He knew what could happen when he had sex with her.If hes gotto pay so be it.Its a shame to destroy a life for selfish reaspns
2/2/2008 3:00:28 PM |
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Cumberland, WI
age: 46
yes i think he should have a choice in both directions. if she doesn't want the child he should have the choice to take it after it is born. if the father is responcible for the suport; he should be in on any decision that is made. on the other side if she chooses to have the child and he doesn't want it well then it should be her problem and no suport should be payed. all the power is given to the woman, she makes what ever decision; and the guy is held responcible. she will say it's her body; well she made the decision to have the sex in the first place just like he did. woman like to have it all their way and have it now; so why would they want to change things. they like the out dated laws that have not kept up with the direction our world has taken.
[Edited 2/2/2008 3:02:27 PM]
2/2/2008 3:03:39 PM |
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Mount Clemens, MI
age: 46
Randy not all women make the decision to have sex sometimes its forced on them.Then what
[Edited 2/2/2008 3:04:06 PM]
2/2/2008 3:09:00 PM |
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Cumberland, WI
age: 46
come on this is a date site not a rape site, thats a diffent story. i am talking about people that are dating.
2/2/2008 4:06:45 PM |
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Great Falls, MT
age: 47
In cases of rape the rapist is not forced to pay child support. I agree its her body and she should decide if she carries to term or not. However she had the same choice to have sex as the man did. Why does she get to decide his future too? Should the man have the
right to give up all parental rights and not have to pay child support?
2/2/2008 4:15:00 PM |
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Mount Clemens, MI
age: 46
yes if she has the means to care for the child it isnt gona take care of itself what about the kid he didnt ask to be here why should he hafto suffer financially for the mistakes of others hmmmm.
[Edited 2/2/2008 4:41:04 PM]
2/2/2008 4:26:29 PM |
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Des Moines, IA
age: 44
If it's HER choice and not his then no he shouldn't have to pay.
2/2/2008 10:57:11 PM |
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Saint Louis, MO
age: 46
If a man and a woman have consensual sex and were not using any type of birth control, which resulted in a pregnancy, If the woman wanted to have an abortion the man should respect that decision, even if it was against his beliefs. If the woman wanted to keep the child, the man should pay child support but should also be awarded visitation and bonding with his child if he so desires. If the couple were using birth control and it resulted in pregnancy, if the woman wanted an abortion, again the man should respect that decision. However if the woman wanted the child and the man did not and had taken measures (condom) to prevent a pregnancy he should not be required to pay child support. (could you imagine trying to prove that in court!)
In the case of forced sex which results in pregnancy the man should have no rights at all and should be made responsible for all financial obligations related to the child weather aborted or not! After his prison sentence of course!
2/3/2008 4:33:12 AM |
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Bernville, PA
age: 40
Bravo gonesailing  , I agree wholeheartedly. The choice to end or go through with a pregnancy "is" a woman's choice because she is an individual and a human being and not live stock. However; if the man wants nothing to do with a child and is against the pregnancy, then she assumes ALL responsibility for the raising of that child.
Yes, I know that it took two to make the baby and the man assumed responsibility for the chance pregnancy might happen when sex took place, but what about intent? A hell, I could point and counter point this to death. No way will everyone ever agree on this subject, so again I say........Bravo gonesailing      
2/3/2008 6:05:05 AM |
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Omaha, NE
age: 49
Hard subject:
First I am against abortion.
I think the guy should have a say just as much as the woman.
If she decides to abort and he doesnt want that,he should be able to raise the baby.
If she decides to keep the baby and he doesnt want this(say he is young under 21)he shouldnt be forced to pay.
Only she can decide according to law however their should be choices after for him.
2/3/2008 1:57:08 PM |
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Buffalo, NY
age: 47
he had his choice when he had unprotected sex.
2/4/2008 7:53:23 AM |
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Omaha, NE
age: 49
rebel-they both made a choice ..with results being and now what
2/4/2008 12:49:46 PM |
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Corning, CA
age: 50 online now!
Had a girlfriend that wanted to get physical
Told me she was on pill
Asked her point blank
Said I would get condom
No need
weeks later
she's pregnant
told me
she picked me
to be the baby's
lied to me
devestated me