2/10/2008 8:03:47 PM |
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Saucier, MS
age: 49
hell no men have no say about a woman having an abortion get real most men would probably be thrilled not to be saddled with an unwanted pregnancy oh and by the way if men could have babies there would be abortion clinics on every corner...
2/10/2008 8:22:06 PM |
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Pevely, MO
age: 49
I think the man should have a choice just as so as the women......it takes both, even if it was rape...the man new what he was doing if he was going that far correct.....and the women has a choice to decide what to do....she can hang the poor fuc----------correct.... The women always has the ball in her hand.....  
2/10/2008 8:29:35 PM |
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Huntersville, NC
age: 47
I'm surprised no one has brought up the woman's beliefs. If a woman belongs to certain faiths she does not have a choice. The law may say she does but her faith says there is no choice.
Someone earlier said if they used protection and it failed and she decided to keep she should be solely responsible. If he knew her faith (I kind of hope he had this knowledge before they were intimate) he would know the consequences if birth control failed.
Also, as far as the morning after pill -- that would again be against the faith in some religions and a devout woman may not feel it is an acceptable choice.
Someone else said this was a dating site not a rape site - guess he is not up on the date rape statistics - - especially in the younger crowds date rape has become very common.
Corning CA - what that woman did was reprehensible although a compliment in a strange way.
This topic will be easier when they have a male birth control pill.
2/10/2008 8:56:01 PM |
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Michigan, ND
age: 46
Thank God I've had the cure. Snip snip, all done
2/10/2008 9:15:30 PM |
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Mount Clemens, MI
age: 46
SORRY ladies im always on the side of the child weather born or not.I feel when 2 consenting adults have sex[.reguardless of the measures taken to prevent a pregnancy]they know going into it a pregnancy could happen.If it does they need to take responsability if the child is born both need to step up and make that childs life as good as possible.The kid didnt ask to be here.and if that child is aborted you can live with it the rest of your life.God knows i do every time i look into my childrens eyes remember the life i destroyed for my own selfishness JMO
2/10/2008 10:02:44 PM |
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Golden Meadow, LA
age: 47
I have three children and I wanted each of them.I think abortion should be illegal if u don't want kids keep ur legs closed or have ur tubes tied. No other birth control is 100% effective. After my third child was born I decided that was enuff and had a vasectomy.I think the man should have a say in the matter.The woman should consider what will happen to her body when she consents to having sex.We have to remember that sex is meant to be enjoyed(especially in the confines of marriage)but also for procreation.
2/11/2008 12:00:48 PM |
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Saucier, MS
age: 49
I just love some of these "Holier than thou" attitudes from most of the men on this topic. it's sure easy for them to say things like "keep your legs closed" and "when you have sex it always a possibility" BS how condesending all of you are........not to mention that you are not the ones that have to give birth and care for that child like I said in an earlier posting If man could have babies there would be abortion clinics on every corner, being that men can't have babies they really dont' have any rights at all I find all of those attitudes typical of most men............
2/11/2008 12:06:30 PM |
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Titusville, FL
age: 46
HER choice...I remember a story about the birds and the bees...the good Lord said, Be fruitful and multiply, not have fun and subtract. Anyway, my $0.02 worth.
2/11/2008 12:53:33 PM |
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Dade City, FL
age: 40
Is it really a choice when you kill another life? In my own opinion, it should be the parents of those(if they are minors) to take responsibility for the child. If they are over 18 then they should have to face criminal punishment for the murder of a life, the doctor who performs the deed should be charged with accessory to murder. Then we will see how many people opt to have abortions done.
2/11/2008 5:57:42 PM |
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Eugene, OR
age: 45
Well I believe it is the womans choice not the mans he should of and so she should of used protection. I know I have been there not once but twice and the first time I had an abortion and I regretted it ever since. When I got pregnant again same guy protection failed me his mother wanted to pay for the abortion I told her to go to hell. I already had one abortion from the same guy and I'm not having another one thus my first son. 4 years later we got married.lasted 21 years. And had 3 more kids with him and then lost him last year. I spent 27 with him but that does not happen all the time. And yes you bet the man pays and pays dearly! And it is up to him if he wants the kid to know him and love him. And the woman who don't allow this is shit on my list. Never use a child as a pon between two people. The only one that gets hurt is the kid! Every dad should have the opportunity to see their child unless they are a dead beat anyways.  
2/11/2008 6:25:46 PM |
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Cincinnati, OH
age: 48
Personally I don't believe there should be a "choice" other than to take responsibility for the life you and your partner created. People say it is her body...well it is not her body she is doing away with. I believe life begins at conception. If a couple is responsible enough to have sex and create life then both should be responsible for that life whether it be through care or financial. In case of rape...I don't know. For myself I don't think I could choose to end a life and would probably keep my child. It would be a part of me and I just am not built to 'throw away' what I perceive to already be a child. All children are blessings. jmo
2/11/2008 6:38:55 PM |
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Mount Clemens, MI
age: 46
cutiepie i gave my opinion.take it for what its worth. roll the dice & pay the price 
[Edited 2/11/2008 6:41:24 PM]
2/11/2008 6:41:09 PM |
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Sayre, PA
age: 48
Holier than thou? Holier than thou? Who's playing God when an abortion is performed? WOW!
2/11/2008 6:41:51 PM |
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Mount Clemens, MI
age: 46
2/11/2008 6:51:47 PM |
OK a controvercial topic |

Saucier, MS
age: 49
well it seems that I am out numbered by a lot of narrow minded people for sure. It is not a baby until it is born, thank God for Roe V Wade it took women out of the dark ages and gave us a say so about whether or not we wished to carry a child, I believe in the right to have an abortion and one person's definition of murder is not anothers. that is why they have forums to seek opinions.