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2/4/2008 5:46:54 PM |
Pagan, Asatru, Earth based, Etc. |

Hemet, CA
age: 33
You know who you are. Come out and play!
2/4/2008 5:58:58 PM |
Pagan, Asatru, Earth based, Etc. |

Marietta, GA
age: 26
Let's play!
2/4/2008 6:02:23 PM |
Pagan, Asatru, Earth based, Etc. |

Hemet, CA
age: 33
Good to see you here Gnome!
2/4/2008 6:13:40 PM |
Pagan, Asatru, Earth based, Etc. |

Marietta, GA
age: 26
And you too! so how are you ?
2/4/2008 8:16:32 PM |
Pagan, Asatru, Earth based, Etc. |

Hemet, CA
age: 33
Cold, hungry.
Craving lobster and summertime.
2/5/2008 4:30:20 AM |
Pagan, Asatru, Earth based, Etc. |

Seymour, IN
age: 62
Well after all the asking, we finally made it. Got our own group. Please CHRISTIANS we will repect your group, please do the same for ours. We wanted a non-bible non-church group for the rest of us.
Thank you so much Dustin, I, for one really appreciate this group.
[Edited 2/5/2008 4:35:04 AM]
2/5/2008 10:46:08 AM |
Pagan, Asatru, Earth based, Etc. |

Marietta, GA
age: 26
welcome to the group queenohearts!
2/5/2008 11:03:02 AM |
Pagan, Asatru, Earth based, Etc. |

Marietta, GA
age: 26
I agree hearts, i get tired of holey rollers accusing me of eating babies, sacrificing animals and other nonsense like living in a "fantasy" make believe  
2/5/2008 8:36:00 PM |
Pagan, Asatru, Earth based, Etc. |

Hemet, CA
age: 33
Well, let's hope everyone plays nice. And because I created this thread I can block any jerk who feels the need to be holier-than-thou here. Fighting over whose god is better is just not gonna fly on this thread.
Just in case anyone was wondering.

2/6/2008 9:13:21 AM |
Pagan, Asatru, Earth based, Etc. |

Marietta, GA
age: 26
I'm glad they'll be no stake burnings here
2/6/2008 2:28:22 PM |
Pagan, Asatru, Earth based, Etc. |

Torrington, CT
age: 40
Thank Gaia!
Glad we finally find our own little place away from the Christian zealots!
2/6/2008 10:31:06 PM |
Pagan, Asatru, Earth based, Etc. |

Marietta, GA
age: 26
i would like to hail
"Gaia"- MOTHER EARTH and to Odion
2/7/2008 8:20:50 PM |
Pagan, Asatru, Earth based, Etc. |

Hemet, CA
age: 33
I am hailing my namessake: Sekhment. She who protected the Pharoah but also vanquished diseases. Hail Sister! Hail Mother! Your Talisman has been watching over me the past month...and I do not believe in coincidences. I finally have my surgery schedule after being sick for almost 3 f*cking years!
Hail Sister! Hail Mother!
2/8/2008 12:30:39 AM |
Pagan, Asatru, Earth based, Etc. |

Crescent City, CA
age: 34
© 2002 cut & paste
The Eye of Ra: The destruction of Mankind
"There came a time when the men of the World thought that Ra was getting too old and feeble to lead them and they plotted to overthrow Him. Ra learned of this plot, and grew angry with humans. In this anger He sent out His Eye, Hathor, who turned into a Raging Lioness, known as Sekhmet, to destroy the usurpers.
However, the Lioness's rage became a blood frenzy, and soon She was destroying all of mankind. Ra felt sorry for the humans and tried to stop the raging Goddess, but her fury was too great, and Ra could not stop her.
Ra sent out lesser gods and demons to stop her, but in Her fury She destroyed Them as well. Finally, Ra called upon the other gods to stop Her, and Thoth devised a plan. He had several thousand jars of beer brewed, which were then dyed the colour of blood with red ochre. This lakeful of bear was placed in her path, and when Sekhmet came upon it, She drank it down, thinking it was blood. After drinking the beer, She grew tired and went to sleep.
When She awoke, Sekhmet realised what She had done, and felt humiliated and shamed by the trickery and fled from Egypt. With the Eye of Ra gone, Ra found His powers depleted.
It was placed on Onuris and Dehuty to find Sekhment and bring Her back to Egypt and it was Dehuty, with His mastery of words and wit, who managed to convince the dangerous Goddess to return to Egypt.
Sekhmet retuned to Egypt, transformed into the gentle Hathor, and there was much joy for the Eye of Ra had returned..."
from the "Courtyard of PerSekhmet"
[Edited 2/8/2008 12:34:02 AM]
2/8/2008 1:12:15 PM |
Pagan, Asatru, Earth based, Etc. |

Hemet, CA
age: 33
Even goddesses do silly things.
Just so everyone here knows, My Soul's NAME is Delphyne. I go by Sekhment here, but Delphyne was a name given to me years ago... As a matter of fact, I have a little something I have prepared regarding my name.
And now that little something.
Delphyne. Previously Delphi.
Background history: The name Delphi was given to me in dream 11 years ago. I had made the decision to leave my abusive ex, and had dreamt I met myself. I've never thought of myself as beautiful, but the woman I faced in my dreams was beautiful...extraordinarily so. She (I) was wearing a strapless, sleeveless white gown which flowed all around her feet. And she had an orange shawl which she wrapped around herself as a bird might with its wings. On her neck was the name Delphi. The woman was me, and that was my name.
In 2003, while meditating and doing fertility magic for an upcoming surrogacy, I had the name "Delphyne" keep running through my head. This is what I was to be called. It seemed a natural transition from Delphi to Delphyne, and upon researching the name I came to discover that Delphyne means "Wombed One". That year I wrote an article for Circle magazine under the same title which was published.
I could say I was surprised to learn the meaning of the name, what with my history as a mother, egg-donor, and surrogate. However, I was not the least bit surprised. The Universe has always moved around me in such a manner. Everything has always fit just so...just so.
But, in 2005, I had to have an hysterectomy because of severe reproductive problems that arose due to the hormones I had taken in the previous years. It had to be done. Medications failed to correct the problems, and I was getting sicker everyday. I remember thinking that I would never feel well again. I remember having such a blackness in my heart for having to lose my womb.
But after the surgery, my body felt better than well. The sickness was gone. The tumors and cysts were gone. But my heart still felt black. I could no longer create in the manner so many women can. I felt like a liar keeping the name Delphyne. How could I be Delphyne when I am womb-less?
(Taken from a journal entry...)
...being wombed, having a womb is so much more, I think now. I think I have reconciled my doubts with the following thoughts:
Having a womb - the vessel for creation - does not necessarily mean simply having a physical womb. It is also having a psychic womb. I still have my vagina which is a symbolic and physical manifestation of my womanhood.
And I still have my soul womb, for in my soul I do still retain the vessel for creation. Through thoughts, words, and actions, I still create. The womb also speaks of consciousness and wisdom - for through it all manner of life springs forth. And it is the (the name Delphyne) the evolution of Delphi. Delphi - where the Pythia sat upon the Omphalos (according to some) giving sight and wisdom. The Pythia truly spoke from between their legs: Dice Entre Las Piernas.
I must remember, for myself, that though my physical womb is no more, I am still able to call to my soul's netherregions and bring forth life, creation, wisdom, sight. My soul's cup of life is intact, and as long as I remember that and put into practice my soul-gifts, my psychic womb will always be alive and well.
I am Delphyne. I am a Wombed One. The name was given to my soul, not my physical body, and it is from my soul that I summon my vessel for life.
And I am content with that.