2/5/2008 8:32:55 AM |
obese banned from restaurants..what can be next?? |

Elizabethton, TN
age: 40
Did anyone see that big mouthed fat ass from Missippi on Good Morning America? He sugest that the obese of his state should be banned from restaurants!! Yeh, then he caught him self when he said that he wanted to draw attention to himself! Then he said that he wanted to bring awareness to the obeseity problem in Mississippi. Well, what I think is that he already has his foot on a bannana peel and the other in weight watchers! Who in the hell does he think?!! He is?!!!! Well, any who, I know that some of my information may differant than what you have heard! So please do not leave me a post correcting me. I just wanted to get what I thought was my point across, and see what you good people think! Thanks Everyone, Julia
2/5/2008 10:03:40 AM |
obese banned from restaurants..what can be next?? |

Titusville, FL
age: 46
Without trying to sound Orwellish, it is just a predent to make other ridiculous laws possible using the same argument in a different way. JMO. It is amazing how little of the constitution is still being honored.
2/5/2008 10:16:19 AM |
obese banned from restaurants..what can be next?? |

Tallahassee, FL
age: 41 online now!
Mississippi has been known as "The Nanny State" The Gubmint is here to take care of you...
2/5/2008 6:17:33 PM |
obese banned from restaurants..what can be next?? |

Cincinnati, OH
age: 48 online now!
All I can say is what a MORON! I didn't hear that story....
2/5/2008 7:12:30 PM |
obese banned from restaurants..what can be next?? |

Pevely, MO
age: 49
didnt here that story either....but i think he has already had his fatass in there.....  if people want to eat out leave them alone they will event sometime in this world a fourseated chair..... they already have booths and the heavy people sit on them   look around when you r out its a free country...
2/5/2008 11:49:13 PM |
obese banned from restaurants..what can be next?? |

Stockbridge, GA
age: 44 online now!
What do you exspect from Mississippi It is the only state where slavery is still legal. Before you people start jumping on me I heard that it was never taken off the books in Mississippi.
2/6/2008 3:25:03 AM |
obese banned from restaurants..what can be next?? |

Sayre, PA
age: 48 online now!
How is one to respond when you're not even sure if what you heard and wrote is accurate 
Anyway, maybe they can pattern a law after the public smoking bans. Make the obese eat outside 
2/6/2008 3:40:40 AM |
obese banned from restaurants..what can be next?? |

Cincinnati, OH
age: 48 online now!
Obese people hurt no one but themself by being heavy. So why would they make them eat outside? Smokers harm everyone around them by blowing smoke into the air inhaled by others.
2/6/2008 3:59:13 AM |
obese banned from restaurants..what can be next?? |

Sayre, PA
age: 48 online now!
did I forget the 
I don't even agree with the smoking ban. And I don't smoke.
[Edited 2/6/2008 4:00:01 AM]
2/6/2008 5:08:42 AM |
obese banned from restaurants..what can be next?? |

Milford, OH
age: 46
What's so absolutely pathetic is these morons are from our generation or very close. Check that...let's consider what's more pathetic...
1. The fact the azzhole even came up with the idea.
2. The fact the phucking media is giving it play.
3. The fact that we are (you know deep inside) afraid, chit as stupid or even worse could possibly happen.
Once Bushie declared war on the constitution everyting is fair game now.I say send his fat azz to Gitmo and give him the waterboarding diet special...it's not torture you know
Julia you are correct the putz would fall under his own law 5-11 230lbs or whatever...as far as a smoking ban or whatever kind of ban...someone enlighten me as to where I can find anything in the constitution that states the government has the right to tell business owners what they can or can't do?
It's called FREE PHUCKING CHOICE, use it or lose it. Unfortunately we are losing it at a rapid rate.
2/6/2008 5:21:48 AM |
obese banned from restaurants..what can be next?? |

Sayre, PA
age: 48 online now!
You think it's bad now? Wait till Clinton, Oboma or McCain gets his or her mitts into us. Lord knows....we can't decide for ourselves. Heck - take a gander at the "retirement" thread. But they'll make it all alright on the backs of our paychecks.
It's not dems vs reps. No, its libs vs conservatives. And the libs are going to get their turn in a big-big way. ENJOY folks...its going to be an entertaining ride. Yee Haa