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2/10/2008 5:14:24 AM |
My True Life Ghost Stories! |

age: 43
Just wanted a copy of this post, because it is interesting.
wisegirl33 Sent on the 10Feb08 at 1114pm Aest
2/10/2008 5:35:22 AM |
My True Life Ghost Stories! |

Chandler, AZ
age: 55
Excellent stories.... I have had some of my own experiences....( wink ) Sea
2/10/2008 4:02:00 PM |
My True Life Ghost Stories! |

Cherokee, IA
age: 52
So start a thread and share your experiences Seawench. I for one would love to read about them!
[Edited 2/11/2008 1:54:21 AM]
2/10/2008 4:25:23 PM |
My True Life Ghost Stories! |

Lady Lake, FL
age: 71
Again...great writing. I happen to believe, because I have also been the recipient of a voice calling out my name. Tell me, did you recognize Bill's voice, or was it just a voice? On most occasions, it is definitely the sound of my name, but just last week I recognized it as the voice of one of my best friends.....I thought she was at my door. When I got there, she was not there.....and, had not been there. It was soooooooooo clear.
In this case, it was nothing really negative....she emailed me to tell me something, that's all. I truly believe that some of us are quite open to receiving messages like this. I have a story or two that I could tell, also. When they happen to us, how can we NOT believe? However, I'd love to understand more about how it occurs.
2/10/2008 4:58:16 PM |
My True Life Ghost Stories! |

Brunswick, OH
age: 29
I love your stories, I have many of my own that I believe I now have the courage to tell others about. As far as the schizophrenic stuff goes, I have been diagnosed as all kinds of things, including schizophrenia, borderline personality etc. I was finally told by a doctor that the things I see and hear do not fit the definition of any of the mental disorders that are known. He told me that I was a noncomformist and that there is not only room for people like me but a true need for them. I look forward to hearing more of how things unravel for you!!! 
2/11/2008 2:00:47 AM |
My True Life Ghost Stories! |

Cherokee, IA
age: 52
Well I believe that many of the Psychiatric Pts that I have dealt with over the last 27 yrs. had in fact experienced true paranormal activity that was ultimately racked up to being tagged as delusional, or hallucinations.
While others were in fact mentally ill. It's a hard line to decern sometimes.
Everyone of you who has had paranormal experiences I can only encourage each of you to start your own threads on this subject matter, and share your experiences with everyone. Asking others for their feedback as I have. I'll offer you my support, and honest opinions on the subject matter if you wish.
[Edited 2/11/2008 9:18:08 AM]
2/11/2008 7:42:03 AM |
My True Life Ghost Stories! |

Lady Lake, FL
age: 71
You all probably already realize that SOME people have no other way of reacting to something they don't understand or don't believe, other than to catagorize it as some kind of illness......There are many abilities "normal" people have that they are unaware of....possibly because of the fear of the "label" they might have attached to them if they explore this ability.
However, I find my explorations into my mind fantastic, inspirational, educational, and, I must admit, comforting, when I see that many others experience some of the same. Thanks soooo much for the sharing. I will soon post an interesting story or two.
2/11/2008 9:29:09 AM |
My True Life Ghost Stories! |

Cherokee, IA
age: 52
It's been umteen years since we had to provide cigarettes for the Indigent Patients at the Hospital I work at.
Back in the old days an hour or so of our time was spent each night, rolling cigarettes for the Pts., who couldn't afford to buy their own cigs.. Needless to say these rolled cigs, didn't have anything more than tobacco, and the paper they were rolled with.
We were provided with a rolling machine that produced 1 cig at a time. Each night we had to roll 100 cigs, for the Indigent Pts.. That is not to say they each Pt. would get 100 cigs. They didn't! They got maybe 1 cig before or after each meal, and one at night.
Anyway one night I was rolling cigs at a desk, with my back to the hallway. This left me at a disadvantage if any violent Pt. would approach me and attack me. It would be very difficult to defend my self, with my legs tucked in under the desk, and my back to them.
So I kept my eyes peeled to my back, using my peripheral vision to scout out any movement behind me.
I sat across the hall from one of the most violent men we had at the time. And he was the type to take advantage of a situation like this, to attack an unsuspecting staff person. Though thankfully he was in bed asleep at the time. However he still posed a threat to me if he should get up. So I was very mindful of noises and movements behind me.
As I neared the 90th cigarette that I had rolled that night, I spied in my left peripheral vision a man standing just out of arms reach from me, over my left shoulder. He was dressed in khaki colored canvas shoes, and khaki colored slacks. I kept my eye trained on his feet, so I could detect any forward movement, and try to fend off any attack if that's what he had in mind for me.
Also I thought if I jumped up abruptly showing him how frightened I was by his presence, that he would think I was a coward and an easy target to attack.
So I just watched him.
I finished my last cigarette #100. And packed up my supplies to put back in the office. I decided it was time to confront the Pt. and ask what it is they wanted, that they had stood behind me long enough without saying anything.
Keeping my eyes trained on his feet I turned in my chair. And as I did I scanned up his legs, but when I got to his knees, there was no body above it, and when I glanced back down to his feet they had disappeared too!
This was the 2 nd occurrence I had, of seeing a Partial Apparition. But this would not be the last time I saw or heard of this khaki colored Ghost!
2/12/2008 3:18:49 AM |
My True Life Ghost Stories! |

Cherokee, IA
age: 52
"Lottie's Grave"
By NWIowa
(This story will have to be posted in a five seperate posts as it exceeds the 7500 characters limit for postings.)
In September of 2002, Meredith Putney, an anchor for KCAU TV an (ABC) affiliated TV Station, in Sioux City, Ia., contacted various paranormal web sites in hopes of finding any Ghost Hunters in her area, that would be interested in going on a Ghost Hunt with her.
One such website was the Spiritkeep website located in Arizona. A website to which I was a member of their message board. Spiritkeep contacted me, and put me in touch with Meredith.
She explained to me that she wanted to conduct a Ghost Hunt in a location she had heard was haunted. For a news story that she was working on.
[Edited 2/12/2008 3:23:24 AM]
2/12/2008 3:19:41 AM |
My True Life Ghost Stories! |

Cherokee, IA
age: 52
Here's my story:
I met with Meredith Putney, a 23 yr. old Anchor for KCAU TV in early October 2002.
Her coworkers were all gleaming with anticipation of the Ghostly Tales that she would have to tell upon her return from the Ghost Hunt, that I was conducting for her.
We drove together, in her Yukon to Homer, Neb., and then through the back country roads to Taylor Cemetery. Which sits on top of a bluff, over looking the fertile Missouri River which separates Iowa and Nebraska.
It was already dark by the time we arrived at approx. 9:15pm. We were in search of the grave of Lottie Edwards. 3 Urban Legends preside over her legacy to the Paranormal Realm. None of which are very clear in their details, which leads to the skepticism of any legitimacy for any of the accounts.
One story involved an adulterous affair, with her killing the wife of the man she loved. The 2nd story says that she was a greedy person. So much that, when she was buried she had here Jewelery and money buried with her, convinced that she could, in fact take it with her. At some later date her grave was disturbed by Grave Robbers who made off with her fortune. She has been restless ever since.
It is believed that the Grave Robbers fled across a nearby country bridge. However they crashed through the bridge's railing and died in the stream below. Urban legend has it, that if you travel across that bridge at night, and hear it make a "Creaking" noise 3 times, that you will die within a year.
The last tale has to do with Lottie being involved with a Coven of Witches, who took disfavor with her behavior. She reportedly was burned alive by the Witches, in Taylor Cemetery. If you are in the cemetery at the date and time she was burned alive, Urban Legend says you'll be able to see her burning corpse engulfed in flames in the center of the cemetery.
2/12/2008 3:20:34 AM |
My True Life Ghost Stories! |

Cherokee, IA
age: 52
Having parked the Yukon near the cemetery gate we noticed that the lone street light across the road was flickering and would turn off for several minutes at a time. Causing us to wonder if the paranormal activity was already occurring!
I had packed along my array of EMF Detectors, a Sony Night Shot Camcorder, and a 35 mm Advantix Camera. As well as a Flashlight, extra batteries, extra film, and 2 blankets. I was quite loaded down with equipment.
I actually had more equipment, but left it behind as it was a long walk up, and over the hill to Lottie's Grave. Besides the extra pieces of equipment were mainly for creature comforts for sitting in a freezing cold windswept cemetery all night.
Meredith came equally equipped with a video camera, a digital camera, a disposable camera, and a 35 mm camera with extra film, a flash light, with extra batteries, and a voice activated tape recorder.
We lugged all the equipment up to Lottie's grave, spread the blankets out and collapsed on the blankets exhausted from our trek.
I was already miffed by Lottie's need, to be buried so far away from the entrance. That I was in a less than enthusiastic mood. (We fat guys, are always looking at the big picture! I knew that everything that I hauled up there, was going to have to be hauled back down when it was all over. A thought that I hated to reflect on.)
2/12/2008 3:21:33 AM |
My True Life Ghost Stories! |

Cherokee, IA
age: 52
Meredith seemed reasonably tense and fearful. Considering the time, location, and reason for being there. Not to mention being there with a guy who looks like a humongously overgrown Leprechaun. That alone would be enough to give you the willies!
She sat there occasionally waving her flashlight around with every little twig snap she heard in the surrounding woods. She expressed fear that some unknown human intruders would venture upon us, and we in turn would become the next Urban Legend to be associated with Taylor's Cemetery.
I encouraged Meredith to turn off her flashlight, to sit still, and allow her eyes to become accustomed to the ambient light in the cemetery. When she did I told her to look around herself, reassuring her that she could actually see quite well with out her flashlight.
I also told her that if we did have intruders they wouldn't know where we were, if they couldn't see our flashlights. She said, this did comfort her some. But she still remained apprehensive about having wild animals approach us.
Again I encouraged her to use her senses, to listen to every noise in the cemetery. To listen to how dry the grass was rustling, as it swayed in the blowing wind. I reassured her again, that if anyone or anything approached us by foot we would hear it before it was aware of where we were. She again said she felt comfortable with this discovery as well.
We sat there, monitored Lottie's grave with the EMF Detectors but didn't detect and spikes in the EM field. We took a few pictures, or attempted to take a few pictures. Meredith was having trouble getting the digital camera to cooperate. Then she decided to snap off a few pictures with the 35 mm but eventually it malfunctioned as well. Eventually she picked up the video camera, but realized that she didn't know how to operate it. So she dug through the camera bag, for the instruction booklet. As she sat with the butt of her flashlight in her mouth, she used the flashlight to read the booklet, and fiddled with the camera's buttons, nobs, and whirly gigs trying to find out how to use it for night shots.
We waited for what seemed like an eternity, discussing a myriad of topics both Paranormal and not. When all of a sudden we heard a car drive up the road and stop near the distant gate. Hearing voices and car doors slamming, we became alarmed, that Meredith's fears were coming true! We had Intruders!
2/12/2008 3:21:55 AM |
My True Life Ghost Stories! |

Cherokee, IA
age: 52
From the sound of the voices we quickly ascertained that it was 2 teenage boys and their dates. They had spotted our car, and knew we were there. They made it clear that they were trying to get our attention as they were creating quite a ruckus with talking loudly, and shouting out at us. Asking us to show ourselves. We snuck up the back side of the cemetery's hill where we had sat. Approaching the top we could tell that the intruders were determined to make our acquaintance as they were walking straight for us.
I stood up and shined my flashlight in their direction, blinding them with it's crisp beam of light. I shouted to them "What are you doing here!?"
They were evasive with their answers. Pleading that I turn off my flashlight. I didn't cooperate, as I had no other tool to use for our defense. Again I asked what they were doing there? As we had permission to be there, and I knew they didn't.
Again they were evasive with there answers, claiming to be there to visit their Grand Mother's grave. They abruptly turned to the right, and trekked off into the night.
Meredith expressed apprehension with their presence here. I told her that if they were up to no good, that she should turn off her flashlight and run for her Yukon. That she should save herself and drive back to town for safety.
She said she wasn't going to leave me behind, in harm's way.
I told her she would be of no use to me, if it came down to protecting me, as she was a short and slender woman; evoking no form of physical threat to anyone.
I asked her to promise me that she would save herself, and let me fend for myself.
I told her she should drive back to Homer, Neb. and bring back the Sheriff. As the Sheriff was going to need her help to locate all my dismembered body parts, when they got back. If that's what our Teenage intruders had in mind! LOL!
We settled back down on our blankets, and listened. Soon they were approaching us again, asking where we were? I stood up, and approached them.
They were giggling with nervous laughter. I asked them if they were really here to check out the reports of the Urban Legend, concerning Lottie's Grave? Eventually they admitted they were.
When they saw all of our equipment they asked what we were doing? I was reluctant to say, but Meredith approached them and told them that we were conducting a Ghost Hunt for a news story that she was doing for Halloween. They were in awe! And began asking a multitude of questions.
Finally the TV Station's Camera-man arrived at the scene, having just come from shooting the sports report on a nearby Friday night football game, in Sioux City.
Turns out he was also Meredith's Boyfriend.
Meredith decided that it would be a good angle for her news story to interview the Teenagers, and to talk about their reasons for coming to Lottie's grave.
To which 2 of the teenagers agreed to be on camera for the interviews. Their reasons for being there are the usual, they are thrill seekers!
We gave it a hardy try, having stayed for 5 hrs. in the chilling winds, and surviving our human intruders. But nothing really paranormal occurred. Unless you count on the malfunctioning street light, and malfunctioning camera equipment. As well as some unusual condensation, on a couple of leather equipment bags.
Tired and weary, we packed up and headed back to our vehicle. Still no closer to solving the Urban Legend surrounding Lottie's grave.
It was a pretty uneventful evening, but I feel it was a good learning opportunity for Meredith. To learn what it is like to go on a Ghost Hunt, and how to overcome your natural insecurity and apprehensions of spending time in Cemeteries at night!
I'm sorry it was not a more productive, and exciting hunt! But it was still an adventure that neither of us will soon forget!
2/14/2008 10:44:53 AM |
My True Life Ghost Stories! |

Cherokee, IA
age: 52
Sunday night ( Oct. 1st, 2006 ) we had two out of town guests, from the Twin Cities. One of the women visiting us has the ability to see Spirits.
She went into great detail about the Spirits she has seen in connection to our family, since earlier this Spring. ( She is a shirt tail relative. She's my brother-in-law's sister.)
She expressed her appreciation for the fact that she could discuss such things on such a free basis with out being judged as a Loony.
We encouraged her to tell her story to us, we exchanged thoughts and beliefs on the Spirit World, and yes we attempted to do some Table Tipping. But all the Table would do was rise up. It didn't respond to any questions. But at least it gave them a taste of what Table Tipping is like. And hopefully they will be intrigued enough to do some Table Tipping with my brother-in-law, now that they are home once again in Minn..
I dropped them back off at the Motel at 8:15 pm, and I headed back to my apartment on the State Campus here in Cherokee.
As I drove up the street on West Cedar Loop I approached the "Y" Intersection, and off to my right in the trees I saw darting Black Shadow figures racing through the trees to the parking lot that borders the street to it's right. But they didn't venture further than the edge of the trees. And they were not visible any longer either.
But in front of me on the road was a long lanky apparition that wasn't more than a shimmering quiver of energy standing in the middle of the road. And then it was gone. As I drove past that location, I felt nothing. And had somewhat thought my eyes were playing tricks on me. Though I know better. I know what I saw. I just don't know why I saw them.
That was the first time I had ever seen anything Paranormal occur outside of the Hospital itself.
All in all it made for a good Cap, for the evening.
2/15/2008 7:27:41 AM |
My True Life Ghost Stories! |

Billerica, MA
age: 57
Just started a new poll on Paranormal Believe it or not............
Curious to see the results...
Check it out in the writters group....
I cant believe we are the only ones who experience this stuff...