2/18/2008 7:46:28 AM |
My True Life Ghost Stories! |

Cumberland, KY
age: 50
true i live in a house that has ghost in it i live beside a grave yard and some times you can see or here ghost and thats true asked jelly she here some body say her name
[Edited 2/18/2008 7:48:54 AM]
2/18/2008 10:09:26 AM |
My True Life Ghost Stories! |

Cherokee, IA
age: 52
Well don't stop there!
Tell us more of your Ghostly encounters!
2/18/2008 10:27:24 AM |
My True Life Ghost Stories! |

Cherokee, IA
age: 52
This isn't a Ghost Story, but it's still an interesting story, about my brother-in-law (B-i-L).
My brother-in-law back in the mid 1970's was involved in a Military financed Paranormal Research Project. The Military was training people to do "Remote Viewings" (seeing locations you've never been to before) for espionage purposes. They had some promising canidates but all of a sudden the project was closed down, without and explanation.
Years passed , actually decades, and my B-i-L still proves to have a strong Psychic connection with the Spirit World. He is able to sense Spirit Energy through his hands, and is also able to channel Spirits and communicate with them.
A few years ago I started seeing a Psychic for Tarot Card readings, at times in my life when I needed to have more insight into problems I was having. Intrigued my B-i-L, decided to seek out a Psychic and have some readings done for himself.
The Psychic shuffled her Tarot Cards and laid out the cards to do the reading. She had shocked look on her face and she scooped up the cards and refused to do a reading for him. She wouldn't give any reason for her behavior. He left unfullfilled.
Months passed and again he decided to seek out a Psychic for some readings. This one too developed a strange look on her face, and scooped up her cards and refused to do a reading for him. He assured her that he had faith in her ability to do a reading for him.
But she continued to decline his request. She did say, "If anyone is to do a reading here today, it should be you doing a reading for me!" Neither Psychic told him what they saw in those Tarot Cards, but whatever it was, it seemed to be some heavy MOJO!
2/19/2008 4:14:01 AM |
My True Life Ghost Stories! |

Cumberland, KY
age: 50
some times we can be in bed here footsteps and have seen a woman standing in the hall way one day there was a woman come to my door my husband got to say a word or to to her but he did.n no she was a ghost till she was going and i can be doing houeswork and i can here something behind me ever where i went it would go to and thats true to
[Edited 2/19/2008 4:18:18 AM]
2/19/2008 8:07:58 AM |
My True Life Ghost Stories! |

Cherokee, IA
age: 52
I always thought it would be interesting to live next to a cemetery. I find cemeteries to be very pleasant places to be. I often think it would be nice if cemeteries were more like Parks, with park benches scattered around for visitors to sit on to relax, while they reminise about their lost family and friends that they come to visit at their graves.
I plan on having a park bench mounted on a bed of concrete at my grave side.
But with any luck, I'll still be visiting my loved ones in their own homes, after I pass.
2/19/2008 8:20:55 AM |
My True Life Ghost Stories! |

Brunswick, OH
age: 29
I am comfortable with cemetaries most of the time. I agree they should be more like parks. I don't know about living next to one though. There is too much activity that goes on and I am not sure I would ever get a break from it.
2/19/2008 8:53:17 AM |
My True Life Ghost Stories! |

Cherokee, IA
age: 52
I once lived in a house that was very active with Spirit energy. I moved about 3 yrs ago, and my new apartment is very quiet with activity. At first I kind of missed all the activity that I had at the other place. But now I can generally sleep better, without waking to annoying voices, and things going bump in the night.
2/19/2008 3:09:06 PM |
My True Life Ghost Stories! |

Cherokee, IA
age: 52
Another horse story, similar to Akashaman's:
That story reminds me of one told to me by a Nurse at work. She's of Native American descent, and their family farm rests near the remains of a burial area that the Native Americans used. she said that every year they grew corn on the farm, the paranormal activity would be on the rise. the years they planted beans they didn't expeirence things.
One night after bedding down her pony in a clean stall, and while the family was having supper they all heard the pony fussing up a storm in the barn. She recalls she was so frightened by the waling crys of dispair coming from the pony, that she didn't possess the courage to go out and check on the pony, and to see what was disturbing it.
Genreally her older brother would grab a gun and go out and check any disturbance on the farm, but he too was to frightened to set foot out the door of the house.
The pony carried on with this frantic behavior till daylight the next morning. In the light of day they had the courage to go check on the pony. They found it in the stall, it was a nervous wreck, and was still quite frantic with any noise made.
They led the pony to another stall, and when they looked at the pony old stall they noticed that all the straw laid down on the floor of the stall, had been piled up under the feed bunk. The straw had been swirled into a circle like something had made a nest in it, and had slept there that night.
The family never figured out what had spent the night in the barn, but they were unable to get the pony comfortable with that old stall again.
2/19/2008 4:22:43 PM |
My True Life Ghost Stories! |

Brunswick, OH
age: 29
Fantastic, one of those horror movie situations where you know what happens when you go to check out the noise!