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2/5/2008 5:40:11 PM |
My True Life Ghost Stories! |

Cherokee, IA
age: 52
"You Don't Need Your Keys!"
By NWIowa
I work in a very haunted Hospital here in N.W. Iowa. I've worked here going on 26 yrs., as a Nurse's Aide. I work the Grave Yard Shift, and over the last 1/4 of a century I have experienced several hauntings. This is one of the more spooky events I have ever had.
It was in early March of 1982 and I of course was working the Grave Yard Shift ( 10:45 pm to 6:45 am ). I was returning to the area that I was assigned to work, after having taken my break. I didn't like the Unit where I was assigned so I took an alternately longer route back to my Unit. I was walking down a long hall way in an area filled with Dr.'s offices. Since it was after midnight there were no other Staff in this locked part of the Hospital. Each Exit Door you came to you had to unlock to go through it, and relock it when you left.
I was about halfway down the long hallway, when out of a force of habit, I reached into my pants' pocket to retrieve my keys to unlock the upcoming exit door.
Immediately from about 2 feet above my head, I heard a loud guttural male voice say, "You Don't Need Your Keys!".
I stopped dead in my tracks! I was shocked and frightened by what I had just heard, and from where! From the thin air above my head! In disbelief of what I had heard, I surmised that someone was playing a practical joke on me. So I searched for speaker wires, and speakers. But I couldn't find any. ( Besides no one knew I would be going through this seldom used section of the Hospital, that late at night. ) I figured I just had a wild imagination, and chuckled sheepishly to myself. I continued down the long hallway. When I was about 15 ft. from the exit I again reached into my pocket to retrieve my keys to unlock the exit door.
Again from 2 ft. above my head I heard the voice again! This time it was even louder, and more fierce as it boomed out it's message, "YOU DON"T NEED YOUR KEYS!"
And with that I shot right through that exit door and half way down the adjacent hallway when I realized I hadn't used my keys to unlock the door!
I cautiously walked back to the door and locked it.
I didn't tell anyone about that experience for at least 3 months afterwards.
As part of our continuing Employee Education Programs, that story has resurfaced several times, when Staff ask the Education Instructor if I suffer from Schizophrenia because I admitted hearing a voice.
She said "No. Just because we can't explain things that happen, doesn't mean they didn't occur." She then admonished me for telling everyone about that incident. She says I need to use more restraint in whom I tell that story to.
I agreed; but it's just to "Dang Good" of a story, not to share it with others!
2/5/2008 5:47:27 PM |
My True Life Ghost Stories! |

Cherokee, IA
age: 52
"The Dutch Boy Flies!"
By NWIowa
It's been several years ago but a dear friend and coworker of mine, "Buffy Stumpwater" had an experience worth mentioning.
Back in the good old days when we were allowed to read or play cards on the Grave Yard Shift when our work/rounds were completed my friend Buffy ended up being startled one night.
She was engrossed in some fiery Romance Novel when she heard this wobbling noise coming from the wall across that hall from where she was seated. She looked up, just in time to see a 6 inch plastic wall plaque of a Dutch Boy fly off the wall. The plaque landed about 6 feet from the wall, and rolled out to the center of the hall.
I normally work with Buffy, but I had taken that night off from work.
When Buffy would read her romance Novels, I would sit at a table playing cards, with my back to the Dutch Boy plaque. Buffy said had I been to work that night the Plaque would have hit me in the head as it flew off the wall.
The following night I was loaned out to another Unit to work. After hearing about Buffy's experience I quickly took my break and headed over to her Unit to investigate the Plaque and try to figure out what would cause it to fly off the wall.
Upon looking at the Plaque, I discover it has one of those key hole hooks on it. The type that slides over the head of a nail and secures it to the wall. In order to remove it from the wall, you need to deliberately slip it up and off this bracket to remove it. But it came off the wall all by itself, seemingly at least to Buffy.
I couldn't figure out how it could've come off the wall.
Still having time to kill on my break, Buffy and I became engrossed in a card game that another coworker "Trudy Hardluck" had joined in on. We were all engrossed in the card game, when all 3 of us heard the Dutch Boy wobbling on the wall. We all looked up at the plaque just as it flew off the wall. I was seated just to the left of where I normally would sit at that table. The wall Plaque flew off the wall towards me, and landed on the floor near my feet, and then rolled under the Table.
I joked nervously saying, "That's just the way the Ghosts let me know that they missed me when I took the other night off from work." I then went into the Nurses' Station and balled up some masking tape and crammed it into the concave back of the Plaque and resecured it to the wall on the key hole hook. I then exclaimed to the Ghosts, "There let's see you remove that!"
The Plaque remained there, for months until the housekeepers replaced it with another Artsy plaque. I haven't seen the Dutch Boy since!
2/5/2008 5:50:45 PM |
My True Life Ghost Stories! |

Cherokee, IA
age: 52
"The Monsignor Wore Black."
By NWIowa
I work in a very haunted Psychiatric Facility here in NW Iowa. The Facility is over 100 yrs old, and it has had it share of deaths in those 100 yrs..
In the Pauper's Cemetery there are over 840 graves, each marked by a tombstone with a number on it to identify the dead. For confidentiality no names, or dates were ever put on the Tombstones.
Sorry I strayed there for a minute.
Years ago I was working the Grave Yard Shift on the Open Co-Ed Adult Ward. One particular night as I was leaving the men's restroom I met a fellow who was dressed in black shoes, and was wearing a black satin or silk vestment or grown such as worn by the Clergy of the Catholic Church.
The gown had intricate stitching on it, which I felt dignifies it's wearer as someone of Priestly stature in the Church.
We nearly collided as I left the bathroom, as my eyes were trained on the floor, as I walked out of the restroom. ( I'm prone to tripping due to an ankle injury. I knew the doorway had a bit of a lip that I needed to clear when I walked through the exit door of the restroom. ) Looking down as I took my first step out of the restroom. I saw the Monsignor's black shoes and gown coming straight at me. In order to avoid the impending collision, I abruptly stopped and took one step backwards. As I did I trained my eyes on the Monsignor's feet. My gaze scanned upward, to identify who I was about to run into. When my eyes reached where the figure's knees would have been, there was nothing to see. There was no body above the knees. When I quickly glanced down to the feet again, there was nothing there either.
The Monsignor had vanished into thin air!
PS: A "Monsignor" is a member of the Clergy who is higher than a Priest, but lower than a Bishop, or so I understand. I felt the Spirit I met fit into that category.
2/5/2008 6:16:22 PM |
My True Life Ghost Stories! |

Dartmouth, NS
age: 50
Hi are a good story teller! Enjoyed your writes, hope you keep them coming. Always nice to have a good ghost story.
2/5/2008 6:49:27 PM |
My True Life Ghost Stories! |

Cherokee, IA
age: 52
"The Ghost Of Spring Lake"
By NWIowa
Several years ago I lived in a small lake Cottage on Spring Lake, in Cherokee, Iowa.
At times I would take advantage of the paved walking trail that surrounds the Lake.
I must admit I am a very huge guy. I'm 6'8" tall and weigh over 400 lbs.. So I take up a good chunk of the width of the path. So when I encountered other walkers on the trail, I would out of courteousness to them step to the far side of the path, to allow the others to pass without having to walk off the edge of the trail themselves.
One day when I was walking along the eastern edge of the southern lake trail, I could hear rapid footsteps coming up from behind me. The type of sounds that would be made by a jogger. These footsteps were faster than my own foot steps.
Of course I moved to the side of the paved trail so the jogger behind me could pass by. But they never did, I moved further to the edge of the trail practically walking off the edge of the paved surface, allowing the jogger to pass without hindrance. But still the rapid footsteps would not pass me.
I finally stepped completely off the trail, and turned back to see why the jogger wasn't passing, and I saw nothing. There was no one there!
I have also experienced this same sensation on the highest part of the trail that overlooks the lake on the west side of Spring Lake!
I can't account for the foot steps. It could be anyone of a number of victims that have drowned in Spring Lake over the years.
Why don't you come and visit Spring Lake Park, walk along the paved trail; and see if you can encounter this Jogging Ghost, too!
Maybe you will discover the Ghost's true identity.
2/5/2008 10:43:31 PM |
My True Life Ghost Stories! |

Lady Lake, FL
age: 71 online now!
Great stories!!!! I felt the hair on the back of my neck stand up when the voice said that you did not need to use your keys......W O W......THAT'S A GOOD STORY TELLER!!!!
Give us more!
2/6/2008 5:31:25 AM |
My True Life Ghost Stories! |

Billerica, MA
age: 57
True life ghost stories? That inplies these events actually happen to you.
If true, you are open to this kind of phenomina. Well, your job helps
Either way, I enjoyed the tales.......
2/6/2008 5:44:33 AM |
My True Life Ghost Stories! |

age: 43
Hello Nwio,
I believe in the paranormal and have a few of my own stories to tell you. I thankyou for your posts, they are very very interesting ....
If you have some spare time on your night-shifts, you should try to read about or look into, the personal history of your hospitals origins. You may uncover a few of your "nightly guests" have been residents there...a long time ago now.
Kind regards to you,
wisegirl33 - Sent on the 6Feb08 at 1143pm Aest 
2/6/2008 2:20:18 PM |
My True Life Ghost Stories! |

Cherokee, IA
age: 52
Oh! Let me assure you these are True Life events that have occurred to me. I have more to share as well. My home town of Cherokee, Ia. is quite a haunted location in it's own right. But the locals seldom talk of such events. Despite that many have experienced hauntings of their own.
As far as the hauntings in the Hospital I work at, I am quite confident that the Spirits haunting it have indeed been past residents there. Perhaps that is why they feel comfortable showing themselves to me. Because I do openly acknowledge their existance.
I'll tell you about one instance of that type later tonight. Right now I've got dinner plans with a friend, so I need to get ready for that. Till later...
2/6/2008 7:45:48 PM |
My True Life Ghost Stories! |

Cherokee, IA
age: 52
Acknowledging Demons!
Several years ago on the Adult Females'Locked Ward we had one particularly schizophrenic female, who for 3 days straight remained awake growling and sputtering in a deep gutteral language which could only be described as demonic in nature.
She was in full bed restraints with her ankles restrained to bed, her wrists were strapped to her waist, and her waist was strapped to the bed. She continually spewed vulgarities at the Staff as she sat upright straining against her restraints.
She actively interacted with things/beings that none of the Staff could see or sense. She growled, sputtered, spit, and snarled at a blank wall in her bed room. No matter what drugs we gave her, or in what quanities we couldn't sedate her. 24 hrs a day for 3 days straight she carried on this way.
The night I worked the Unit I was out in the hallway about 20 ft from the Patient, and I whispered to an LPN I was working with saying in a hushed voice, "When they are like this, I truly believe they are Demon possessed."
Immediately the Pt. turned and snarled at me saying in a loud clear angry voice, "And you, need to lose some weight, FAT BOY!". The Pt. then turned back to the blank wall and continued her tirade argueing with things/beings we couldn't see.
15 mins later she was sound asleep.
It was then that I came to the conclusion that she was in fact, Demon Possessed.
It's my belief that she would have continued her bizarre behavior had I not acknowledged the existance of the Demon that possessed her. That's all the Demon wanted was to be acknowledged. After it was acknowledged, it allowed her to sleep.
Other coworkers deny my assertations, saying "Some times this Pt. would have lucid moments during such tirades."
You can believe what you want. But you won't convince of anything other than what I experienced that night in this regaurd.
2/6/2008 7:49:09 PM |
My True Life Ghost Stories! |

Omaha, NE
age: 53
wow...that just made me shiver...demon stuff scares the crap out of me!!
2/7/2008 12:06:30 PM |
My True Life Ghost Stories! |

Cherokee, IA
age: 52
A haunting Near Jackson, Neb.
By NWIowa
A coworker of mine, who works on the PM shift, where as I work on the Grave Yard shift told me an interesting ghost story of his own. Eventually we went together with 2 of his sisters to investigate his story from his childhood.
Junior grew up on a remote farmstead near Jackson, Neb., some 20-30 yrs ago. He said the farm place was quite haunted, and that was part of the mystique which intrigued his Mother's desire to live there.
As Junior, his Mother and family inspected, and toured the farm Junior noticed that there were alot of large bones stacked on shelves in the garage. When asked about the bones, the son of the owner ( who was approx. 16 yrs old ) said that they had been drug there by their dog. The son claimed to not know where the dog found the bones. But they were definitely human bones.
After taking possession of the farmstead, the family discovered head stones laying flat on the ground beneath some large bushes on the property. It is then that they realized that the owner's son had been involved in Grave Robbery, but from where they didn't know.
Visiting relatives to this farmstead soon learned of the hauntings taking place there, as their bed linens would be pulled off them at night while they slept, and TVs, VCRs, and even the room lights would turn on & off by themselves. This prompted some of the relatives to never stay over night in the large 2 story farmhouse again.
When Junior was about 16 yrs old, one evening his girlfriend was over to the house for a visit. Junior took her for a stroll up a small hill that rose at the back of their yard. The hill plateaued at about the height of the house as you could look straight at the roof when standing on the hill.
Junior and his girlfriend took advantage of the relative seclusion of their where abouts and laid on the ground under the stars and began making out. Junior was just about ready to seal the deal, when they heard little children laughing at them in the darkness. There were no little children at the farm that night, and none of the neighbors had enough little children to account for the multitude of laughing voices they heard radiating from the darkness.
As the number of voices increased they soon realized that they were surrounded by the laughing voices of several children.
This freaked both Junior and his girlfriend out!
Junior tore off running for the house in fright of what he was hearing, and experiencing. He quickly confided in his Mother as to what they were hearing.
His Mom promptly slapped him, for having left his girlfriend all alone out on the hill, as he ran to the house.
Soon the the frightened girl raced into the house in hysterics, and from that night on, refused to ever set foot on the farmstead again!
Approx. 4 yrs ago Junior and I, and 2 of his sisters revisited the farmstead. The current Tenant was an alcoholic carpenter. Who proclaimed that he didn't believe in such things as Ghosts. Yet he invited us in to investigate Junior's claims that the house was haunted.
( Now I stand 6' 8" tall and weigh in excess of 400 lbs., and Junior is 6' 2" weighs nearly 300 lbs.. If 2 men such as we, had come to my house with such outlandish ideas. I can guarantee you, they would be the last people to set foot into my home. ) But this was not the case for the drunken carpenter. Which makes me believe that he wasn't as big a non-believer as he was touting. He invited us in to investigate his house. We took pictures inside and out, and checked electro-magnetic fields for any fluctuations or spikes of energy, which might indicate that an active haunting was occurring. Our conclusions proved nothing was actively haunting the house.
We asked for permission to visit a small cemetery that laid on the far edge of a cornfield that bordered the yard of the farmstead. Upon our arrival we encountered a bramble of branches that hung low over the footpaths through the small cemetery, that was roughly 50 ft X 50 ft. in size. Most of the graves were those of children, who died from a plague near the end of the 1800's.
When we returned to Junior's suburban we noticed that his vehicle was covered in dusty little hand prints from children. Which there was none with us.
We have always intended to go back and spend the night in the cemetery, but we have never made it, to this date.
My theory is that all the children that died from the plague were buried in this remote cemetery, which had no roads leading to it. As it lay at the top of hill, across a cornfield, in a thicket of brambled branches and weeds which secludes it from discovery. No one wanted the plagued graves to be rediscovered for fear of respreading the plague.
Back in those old days it was common place, here in the Midwest for rural sick houses to be established to quarantine ailing infectious people. Many of whom went to the sick houses in hopes of recuperating and returning home, only to die secluded from their families. I believe that the Ghostly Voices that Junior and his girlfriend heard, were the voices of all the children that were buried in that lonely cemetery.
All of whom do not realize that they are dead. These children frolic in the hilltop, laughing at young lovers enthralled in intimate moments in their lives.
At least that's what I tend to believe.
2/7/2008 10:23:28 PM |
My True Life Ghost Stories! |

Lady Lake, FL
age: 71 online now!
Your stories leave me speechless......Don't stop.
2/8/2008 10:35:12 AM |
My True Life Ghost Stories! |

Cherokee, IA
age: 52
"With The Wink Of an Eye!"
By NWIowa
I received notification that my brother Bill ( 58 yrs old ) had passed away, (Sunday)10/16/05. At the time I was with my 91 yr old Mother at her home.
She was fretting over the fact that Bill had passed away in Atlanta, Georgia while doing volunteer work for FEMA, after Hurricane Katrina had wreaked it's damage to the Gulf Coastal States.
Bill was always a very devoted Family oriented soul. So to have him pass away, all alone so far away from his family, was very heart wrenching for us.
As I was offering comfort to my Mother, assuring her that Bill was not alone at the time of his death, I told her God doesn't work that way. I said, "We are never truely alone when we die." Besides I assured her that Dad and all our other relatives that have passed on before Bill, were certainly there to greet him!
As I was saying this to her I was looking at Bill's picture on the bookshelf, and I swear! He winked at me!
This was his way of validating what I had just told Mom, was true!
Bill further made his presence known to us at his Wake.
The evening of his Wake, but before the Wake actually began; my brother Gerry was sitting a couple of rows ahead of me in the viewing room. aburptly Gerry turned around and said to me, "What do you want?".
I said, "What do you mean, "What do you I want? I didn't say anything to you."
Gerry said he had heard his name called out to him. But I hadn't heard it. Gerry looked to his left, and then to his right trying to figure out who had called out his name. But everyone around him was engaged in their own little worlds grieving Bill's death.
A few minutes later I got up and walked out into the front lobby and engaged some of Bill's coworkers in a conversation. In the middle of the discussion I heard my name called out to me, from behind me. I turned around to see who was calling to me, but there was no one there. I then turned around and asked Bill's coworkers if any of them had called out my name for no apparent reason in the middle of our conversation. They all denied that they had. And they all rolled their eyes like I was some kind of nut case.
I explained to them what had just happened to Gerry just minutes earlier, and what had happened to me in their presence. I told them I thought Bill was trying to contact us from the after life. Bill knew that both Gerry and I had heard him because we had both tried to figure out where the mysterious voice had come from.
After the wake was over and I was driving Gerry and his 20's something yr old son back to the motel, I asked Gerry's son if his Dad had told him what had happened to him before the wake started. Gerry hadn't told his son what happened. But as we described to him what had occurred to us Gerry's son said that 3-4 times during the wake he had heard his name called out to him, but that he couldn't identify anyone who might be calling to him.
Upon further communications with other relatives we learned that my brother-in-law Don had also experienced the same thing during the wake.
3 days after the funeral I was back home in Cherokee with my Mother in her kitchen. She was preparing to leave to go down town, when she abruptly turned around and asked me what I wanted.
I said, "What do you mean, ( What do I want? ) I didn't say anything to you." she said she had heard her name called out to her. I was right there with her, but I hadn't heard her name being called out to her.
I said to her, "How does it feel knowing that Bill is calling out to you?" Mom poo-pooed the idea, claiming it must have been someone else in the house calling out to her.
Each time someone heard their name being called out to them only they heard the voice. No one around them heard their name being called out. I was with both Gerry and Mom when they heard their names being callled out yet I heard nothing.
I truly believe that when Bill called out to us, he directly his voice at only the person he intended to hear his voice.
Bill has on occassion made his presence know to certain family members since those days.
It must be frustrating for him to try and contact us, especially since he too Poo-pooed such thoughts when he was alive. He used to give me a lot of grief about my Ghost Hunting activities when he was alive. Whenever I feel his presence I verbally acknowlege his presence. I want him to know I am aware of his presence. I also encourage all other family members to be open to his presence, when they sense his being there.
Bill even once made his presence known to his Grandson. One night when the 4 yr old was sleeping in bed, he screamed and ran out of his bedroom. He told his Mom and Dad that he awoke to see the figure of a Man leaning down to give him a hug. But in the darkness he didn't recognize who it was. I believe it was his Granpa Bill, he so loved that Boy!
[Edited 2/8/2008 10:41:05 AM]
2/10/2008 5:08:35 AM |
My True Life Ghost Stories! |

Cherokee, IA
age: 52
"Marva Is Awake!"
By NWIowa
Several years ago, on a Unit at the Hospital where I work the Grave Yard Shift, I had just completed my rounds checking on the Patients in my care. All the patients were in bed asleep. All had their room doors shut, and all was quiet on the Unit.
My coworker was in the Nurses' Station doing everything she could to avoid having to come out on the Unit to do any direct Patient care.
This was perturbing to me. Especially when I heard a female voice say to me, "Marva is awake!"
I was P.O.'d that my coworker would tell me this, and not offer to help take care of this Patient's needs. So I decided to wait a bit to see if she would come out of the Nurses' Station to help me. But she never did!
I proceeded down to Marva's room, I opened Marva's door, and sure enough Marva was awake. She was confused about where she was, and kept insisting that she was on a freight train.
I informed her that she was in the Hospital, and on the 3rd floor. I got her tucked back into bed, turned off her light, shut her door and went to the Nurses' Station.
I told my coworker that I had gotten Marva tucked back into bed.
My coworker said, "Oh? Was she awake?"
I said, "Didn't you just tell me 10 mins. ago that she was awake?"
My coworker denied that she had.
So who told me? All the other Patients were asleep in their rooms with their doors closed. ( Hmmm? Marva's door was closed too! )
So who could've known she was up, and awake in her room?
Seems like only a Ghost could've informed me of that fact!