2/18/2008 10:43:19 PM |
True woman do they exist! |

Casper, WY
age: 22
Do true men exsist?????
2/18/2008 10:45:02 PM |
True woman do they exist! |

Pleasanton, CA
age: 41
True woman do they exist!
Only for true men 
2/18/2008 10:48:01 PM |
True woman do they exist! |

Bloomington, IL
age: 42 online now!
Every man wants a woman who has it together. Thayts why i will be single forever because there are no old school guys left. All men want their women to be finacial independant. i grew up in families filled with old fashioned values and liots of unconditional love. Men did the provision and women worked hard to create happiness for them to come home to. I just want to live in happiness I could care less about money I care about happiness and love and I know that is a rarity...I have met a few who get that but overall most are too wrapped up in the dollar toconcernt hemselves about much more. Sorry but thats what the ways of this crazy world are revealing as of lately
2/18/2008 10:48:06 PM |
True woman do they exist! |

Greenville, MI
age: 22
That is untrue, guys dont win....Guys that are true, get walked on over and over, I will tell you that right now. Honestly, A guy that sees someone he wants and goes for it...boy. He will give what he can, how can that not be good enough?!?! How can someone want so much out of someone that cant give that much back? And, how can that define a true relationship? How can someone, weather a girl or guy, ask for so much and have given nothing in return? I never date anyone that I cant give my heart and soul too to begin with. If you arent open and honest then what is there? How can you be fake and insecure and say, "Yeah, I love you too" but not mean it? How can chicks want nothing but money? What the hell happened to true love? Love where there isnt the boundries of money or popularity? What the f*ck?
Just my two cents, Im new here and may only be 23 but I have been through quit a bit, not saying I've been through it all, but I've been through enough to realize who is who. Its pathetic to make yourself look all good to begin with b/c in the long run the person will only come to find out who you REALLY are. Is that what you are looking for?
2/18/2008 10:50:56 PM |
True woman do they exist! |

Bloomington, IL
age: 42 online now!
There are some TRUE guys out here i talk to a few and I treasure those friendships but over all....when it comes down to who will win at a head game it is a man...you guys are smoooooooth. Women and they stupid games they play are horrible...you know this is not good for me to get into ...i love a lot of people at this site and I have very very strong opinions about heqd games and rama bullshit and such...i love you all.
2/18/2008 10:51:26 PM |
True woman do they exist! |

Casper, WY
age: 22
it should be fair for both sides...both contribute to makin each other happy....not pointing out failures and flaws...or who is more finacially stable..
2/18/2008 10:52:15 PM |
True woman do they exist! |

Bloomington, IL
age: 42 online now!
There's a question...what is good enough anyway?
2/18/2008 10:53:29 PM |
True woman do they exist! |

Bloomington, IL
age: 42 online now!
finacial should not even be in the equation when you care about someone or IF YOUR LOOKING FOR A SOULMATE....jeeesh if your looking to be inlove finacial should not even be an thought on the brain.
2/18/2008 10:54:52 PM |
True woman do they exist! |

Casper, WY
age: 22
I guess what is good enough should be seen in each others eyes to know whats good and if its not good and it wont work....well then figure it out
2/18/2008 10:55:03 PM |
True woman do they exist! |

Bloomington, IL
age: 42 online now!
True men...Some are a little truer than others but over all yes Chivalry is not dead at all...men of honor do indeed exist.
2/18/2008 10:57:26 PM |
True woman do they exist! |

Bloomington, IL
age: 42 online now!
I always believed in accepting a man for exactly who he is and do not try to change him. I do notice how some men never want to be motivated on their own...only some, we all know the type....for that matter i kicked a roomate out, first time for me, only 3 weeks a go ...i dont think she will ever grow up..so it is not a gender thing but i do believe in accepting people as they are.
2/19/2008 12:37:29 AM |
True woman do they exist! |

Greenville, MI
age: 22
Well, Im going to say this.....It is a matter of what the person wants to believe. I just got off the phone with my ex who "wanted me to move in with them so bad it was killing her" just to have her three days later say she is preg. with her ex's kid. Boy, did that piss me off. But, let me tell you this, its a lesson, you will only succeed in finding your true love when its time for that. Dont over compensate for someone you are not truly happy with. Dont pretend its a good thing when it isnt. I think I may have learned that but I can guarentee I will do the same f*ckign thing again. Just my nature. Im bad at chicks, I will fall for anything that gives me a chance. Im a guy, I give chances and I fall hard. Why?!?! Should I be the d*ck that is getting the chicks that I want? Should I not be so nice and start being a real MAN?